Qatar Charity organizes several activities and

Qatar Charity organizes several activities and meetings in Kyrgyzstan

6/15/2017 |

In the presence of the Minister of Health of Kyrgyzstan, QC has delivered three ambulances to three medical clinics of the Ministry of Health of Kyrgyzstan in various parts of the country, which will help 15,000 people to get to medical centers.

The ambulances were distributed to the medical centers in the area of Alabouk in Jalal-Abad province, Darout Korgon in Osh province, and Karl Marx village in Alam Aldin area because the population of these areas was suffering from lack of transportation for patients, and the difficulty of mobility, due to the rugged mountain roads, particularly when the snow is falling.


The summit of humanity

Minister of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic, Talantbek Batyraliev, praised the generosity of the people of Qatar, whose Humanitarian Development began in Kyrgyzstan. He praised QC's efforts to provide ambulances to people in areas that were in dire need, pointing out that this gesture is regarded as the peak of expressing humanity. The isolation of the southern regions, especially during snowfall, will be eliminated due to the importance of medical services and helping people get them.

Areas of support

For his part, Mr. Khaled Wakil, Director of the Qatar Charity Office in Kyrgyzstan stated, "QC has handed over three ambulances to medical centers in different areas of southern Kyrgyzstan, after its office there identified the most needy of such vehicles.” He also confirmed that QC's vision for development and humanity is based on an equilateral triangle: supporting the health, educational and relief sectors. In the future, it will implement projects in these sectors, in cooperation with the concerned ministries and government agencies in Kyrgyzstan.


Various meetings

After the handover of the ambulances to the Ministry of Health, QC held a series of meetings with several Kyrgyz ministers from different sectors to determine the priorities and areas of humanitarian and development intervention that QC intends to implement in this Asian Republic. It began with a meeting with the Minister of Health and Director of International Relations, so as to coordinate the coming activities and the needs QC intends to provide in the health field.

There was another meeting with the Minister of Labor and Social Development, Isakunova Taalaigul, in which she expressed her satisfaction that QC has built houses for poor families. Furthermore, she asked for having a look at the design method, the number of rooms, facilities and the total area of each house and expressed her desire to attend the handover of the keys to the beneficiary families when celebrating the completion of the projects currently under way.

Another a meeting with the Minister of Education, Kudayberdieva Gulmira, who congratulated QC for opening its office in Kyrgyzstan. She also praised QC’s interest in the educational aspect and its follow-up on the educational affairs of the 2000 orphans sponsored by QC. “We look forward to QC’s projects concerning the education sector,” she said.

They also met Kyrgyz Minister of Justice, Akhmetov Uran, who reviewed QC's activities, praising its commitment to the local laws and coordinating with government agencies and other local organizations in carrying out their humanitarian activities.

Call for cooperation

It is noteworthy that the "Kyrgyz Red Crescent", in conjunction with the Federation of the Red Cross and the International Red Crescent, invited QC to attend the celebration of the 90th anniversary of founding the Kyrgyz Red Crescent. Earlier, a meeting was held with Director General of the National Red Crescent, Rustam Aleyev, at the Kyrgyz Red Crescent to exchange views and coordination on aspects of cooperation, especially their request to contribute to the relief items for the time being in as well as the recurrent suffering of Kyrgyzstan each year in spring and at the time of melting of snow that causes disasters near the mountains because of the sliding soil and floods, which often affect the southern regions, especially farmers and herders.

QC Office in Kyrgyzstan is currently preparing a Fasting Breakfast Project, which is expected to benefit 1200 poor families distributed in several provinces of Kyrgyzstan.