Qatar Charity provides relief aid to

Qatar Charity provides relief aid to poisoning-affected people in Kosovo

8/8/2021 | Media Center

Qatar Charity provides relief aid to poisoning-affected people in Kosovo

Qatar Charity (QC) provided urgent relief aid to those affected by poisoning in the western Kosovo town of Decan/Decani, benefiting more than 5,000 people.

The assistance consisted of medicines for emergency cases infected with poisoning and safe drinking water for families in the affected areas, in coordination with local authorities.

Authorities in Decan/Decani declared a state of emergency, and local and international humanitarian organizations were urged to intervene and provide urgent relief aid to the residents of the poisoning-stricken town.

 The mayor of Decan/Decani, Bashkim Ramosaj, thanked Qatar Charity for its immediate response and effective intervention in the crisis.

It is noteworthy that Qatar Charity is one of the most significant interveners in the crises in Kosovo, through full coordination with municipal authorities, assessment of field needs, selection of the best field intervention methods, and application of the internationally recognized standards.

In April, Qatar Charity signed three agreements to implement qualitative projects and provide social assistance in Kosovo. The projects include building a mosque for 1,000 worshipers, digging 38 wells, supporting poor families, and paying the electricity bills of 866 poor families for a whole year.

Qatar Charity's projects in Kosovo cover different segments and various fields, most notably the care and sponsorship of orphans, the handicapped, and families with limited income, as the number of those sponsored has reached nearly 3,447 persons. In the field of education and training, more than 5,000 people have benefited from the Qatar Training Center established and run by Qatar Charity.

The number of income-generating projects reached more than 500 projects, while the number of projects implemented in the field of water and sanitation reached more than 1000 projects.

A residential complex that includes 40 homes for the poor, a clinic, a community center, a school, shops and a mosque, was built at an estimated cost of 12 million Qatari riyals.