6 Million Syrian Displaced and Refugees benefit

6 Million Syrian Displaced and Refugees benefit from Qatar Charitable Projects

10/26/2015 |

  • Al Kuwari: The Aids have included all the basic and necessary elements of shelter, food, drugs, and education.
  • Out of the shelter projects, 760,776 hardest-hit people have benefited, out of food, 2,991,000 million population has benefited, out of health, 1,936,386 million people have benefited, and out of education, 394,905 people have benefited.
  • Out of the biggest shelter projects, Al Rayyan City and Al Doha Charitable City at the Turkish-Syrian borders, each of which includes 1000 housing units.

6,083,517 million hardest-hit people out of Syrian displaced and refugees have benefited from Qatar Charitable Relief Projects, where its total costs amounted to 322 million rials during the period from April 2011 through the last September of (2015).

As a result of the critical circumstances the population lives there, 67 % out of these aids has been addressed to the internal Syrian community in a cost that amounted to about 213,063,000 million rials, while the rest percentage has been addressed to the refugees in the neighboring countries, especially Lebanon in a percentage of 18% which amounts to 58,272,000 million rials, Jordan in a percentage of 8% which means an amount about 26,889,000 million rials, Turkey in a percentage of 5,5% which amounts to about 19,000,000 million rials, and the percentage of 1,5% which amounts to 4,500,000 million rials has been distributed between Iraq and other countries that have Syrian refugees living in.

Since the start of the crisis, the Qatar Charitable projects implemented for the interest of the Syrian people have included the following programs: shelter in an amount of 120,214,000 million rials, food in an amount of 102,561,000 million rials, health which amounted to a total cost off 68,214,000 million rials, and education in an amount of 30,755,000 million rials.

The size of Qatar Charitable projects for the interest of the Syrian people has made it possible that Qatar Charitable get the first record worldwide at the level of Non-Governmental Humanitarian Organizations in relieving the Syrian people, according to the Financial Tracking System (FTS) of the International Relief Aids related to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs “ OCHA” 2014.

Alleviation and Consolation

Mr. Yusuf Ben Ahmad Al Kuwari, the Chief Executive Officer of Qatar Charitable said that these projects are implemented in the context of Qatar Charitable continuous endeavor to alleviate the Syrian brothers’suffering, and to help them overcome the suffering caused by the ongoing crisis in Syria since more than four years, adding that these aids have included all the basic and necessary elements from shelter, food, drugs, and education.

Mr. Kuwari, has indicated that Qatar Charitable has targeted all hardest-hit Syrian people, yet, the displaced group living inside Syria is one of the first targets and most important, therefore, Qatar Charitable is focusing on helping it, and is doing its utmost effort to approach it, where Mr. Al Kuwari has made it sure that the crisis is going on, the tragedy becomes aggravated, and Winter is about to come with the suffering getting more cruel.

Al Kuwari has also added that Qatar Charitable would leave no stone unturned to approach the Syrian brothers, and console them in every financial and spiritual way possible, in order to alleviate their suffering and closely communicate with them, paying attention to the fact that supporting the Syrian people is continuous until it overcomes its suffering, making it clear that whoever sees the reality of the Syrian brothers, displaced and refugees, would never postpone and wait before giving them a hand of help.


Qatar Charitable has focused on food as the basic life substrate, where the food materials caravans have been sent to inside Syria, in addition to distributing the basic catering materials’ parcels, distributing flour, operating a number of stoves and kitchens, and funding projects for implanting potatoes and wheat, therein, the total costs of food projects amount to 102,561,000 million rials, out of which, 2,991,000 hardest-hit people have benefited from the Syrian crisis, most of which are displaced inside Syria, in addition to some refugees at the Turkish borders.

Out of these food projects, is the “Mobile Stove” inside Syria for which its construction and operation costs have exceeded 3,000,000 million rials during 6 months, and it produces 60,000 thousands loaves daily.


Qatar Charitable has been able within the shelter program, to establish villages and housing cities made beforehand, with their premises for the interest of displaced, in addition to establishing the housing units, and distributing clothes, blankets, fire-places and fire fuel.

The number of housing units established until now, or about to be completed has amounted to 2500 units, out of the biggest projects in this program are Al Rayyan City and the Charitable Doha City at the Turkish-Syrian borders, each of which includes 1000 housing units, these are exceptional with being friend to the environment, and they have all needed supplies of mosques, school classes, sewage system, health points and playgrounds for the children, where the shelter projects costs amounted to 120,214,000 million rials for the interest of 760,776 million people.


At the health projects program, Qatar Charitable have concentrated mainly on establishing and operating hospitals, injured and patients treatment fund, in addition to providing the medical supplies, and ambulance cars, where Al Amal Hospital has been established and operated for the Syrian refugees in the South of Turkey, the Medical Fund for the Syrian Refugees in Lebanon, Artificial Limbs, the Qatari Treatment Fund for the Syrian Injured in Jordan, as well as establishing a Children Psychiatric Center , and funding its activities.

The total costs of health projects implemented by Qatar Charitable for the Syrian people have amounted to 68,214,000 million rials, out of which 1,936,386 million people have benefited from, among refugees and displaced.


The aids provided by Qatar Charitable to the Syrian people in education program have included education, as the refugee and displaced need for it acts as their need to food, health, and shelter while education acts as a protection for the coming generations from ignorance and loss, it also provides them with an opportunity to change their reality and their families’ reality to the best.

In this context, schools have been established, refurbished , and operated, educational curricula have been printed out, where more than 1,704,000 million books have been printed at a cost that amounted to 8,4 million rials, classes have also been opened for eradication of Illiteracy , and Quran education seminars, and other useful  and purposeful projects, where the education projects costs amounted to 30,755,000 million rials, out of which 394,905 million people have benefited among refugees and displaced.


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