Camp at Qatar University is Being Sponsored by

Camp at Qatar University is Being Sponsored by Qatar Charity

3/2/2017 |

A participation of 25 students from various faculties of Qatar University has recently been the final touch of "Tamkeen Club" camp’s activities, a camp sponsored by QC. The students formed four teams who defiantly competed looking forward to winning a value-based competition.

Time commitment, compliance and obedience; and benign competition have been the values around which the competition  revolved. The students have been exerting great efforts to challenge and to deservedly win the competition during the two-day camp.

Collaboration Agreement

"Our considerable interest toward universities’ students lies in supporting them and contributing to the development of their life skills, so QC sponsored "Tamkeen Club"  camp at Qatar University, provided and equipped a site where the camp took place in Al-Shahaniya city, Qatar.  The camp was such a precious platform to help the students develop their capabilities in the field of voluntary work, taking initiatives and time management.”, Ali Al Gareeb, QC’s Public Relations manager, stated. He, as well, mentioned that this activity was conducted as a part of the agreement signed between Qatar Charity(International Charity Organization) and Qatar University for the sake of supporting sporting and voluntary activities, and helping students who face serious financial problems.

Referring to the same issue, Mr. Faisal Al Haythami, the camp's supervisor, said that Qatar Charity contributed to the club's success by fulfilling the camps voluntary objectives that are represented in getting a rise in Qatar University students' values through taking up the challenge. He also pointed out that QC’s camp has actually been the right choice to undertake the activity resulting in reaching the peak of a howling success and achieving their goals. In addition, he showed his appreciation for the ongoing partnership between Qatar Charity and the students' clubs of Qatar University in many social areas and voluntary initiatives that take a remarkable role in community service and regional development based on Qatar’s vision for 2030.

Time Management

According to what Al Haythami said, “Time Commitment” came in the first rank among the most significant areas in the competition. Now that time commitment is closely linked to the fulfillment of the covenant which is one of the good morals in Islam, it’s an important value that is in need to shed the light on and promote

Compliance and Obedience

The second value which is worthy highly promoting through the competition,  and which also wasn’t less important than the first one is “Compliance and Obedience”. It included showing compliance and obedience for your parents within what pleases Allah, for your boss at work to facilitate everyone’s mission, and for teachers to encourage students to listen to them. Reinforcing this value in these fields help benefit the public interest.

Benign Competition

The third valuable area in the competition that Al Haythami talked about was “Benign competition” since it prevents students from cheating, deceiving others, and using twisted manners which contradict with the spirit of transparency. It likely encourages them to graciously accept the opponent’s winning and have a sense of sportsmanship calling for “My opponent’s triumph is mine”.