Qatar Charity intensifies its relief efforts in

Qatar Charity intensifies its relief efforts in Yemen

4/24/2017 |

In coordination with Sobol institute, QC has carried out a relief project for the famine-affected people in Yemen in order to continue its relief efforts in Yemen. It included the distribution of food baskets to 2500 families in Hajjah Governorate, which suffers from extreme poverty resulted from the crisis in Yemen. The aid will provide food for 18,000 people for a month.

Reducing Famine

Running the "Emergency Relief" project in Yemen, QC aims at contribute to relieving famine in the targeted area, whose population suffers from high poverty, rising food prices, fostering a spirit of social solidarity and securing food needs for beneficiaries.

"The situation in Yemen is difficult and needs great efforts, but there are some areas that are on the edge of famine, if they still have not fallen victim of it. Abs District, Hajjah Governorate, is one of those areas whose population benefited from the emergency relief project, where Qatar distributed 2,500 food baskets. Each basket, which is enough for each family for a full month, consisted of 25 kilos of flour, 10 kilos of sugar, 10 kilos of rice, oil food, and 1 carton of milk, and 1 carton of beans, in addition to dates," said Mohamed al-Kaabi, QC's Relief Department Director.

Future Plans

He explained that QC has coming plans to expand the scope of relief work to other affected areas, and will continue to support such projects, taking into account the humanitarian situation in Yemen, and giving it more attention.

Al-Kaabi expressed sincere thanks to Qatari and expatriate donors for their great humanitarian efforts aimed at brotherly Yemen, which depict the real image of the generous Qatari society. He said that helping the brothers in Yemen concerning  offering a shelter, food, medicine and other basic needs embodies Qatar’s institutions’ feeling of religious and moral duty towards all those in need in the world.

It is noteworthy that the number of beneficiaries of projects and sponsors of QC in Yemen in 2016 has been more than 840 thousand beneficiaries as a result of the ongoing support of the people of Qatar.

In light of the crisis and abnormal conditions, QC’s Office has succeeded in completing several relief and development projects and following up the various sponsorships, despite obstacles and difficulties in many governorates of the Republic of Yemen.

Areas of Intervention

The projects have been divided into seven main areas: relief and food, health, social and educational fields, income-generating projects, Quran memorization and mosques, Poor Homes and Water Projects. The number of beneficiaries was 826,079 people, at a total cost of about 21 million QR.

Ways to donate

Yemen's campaign can be donated through Masraf Al Rayan Account No: IBAN/QA40MAFR000000000003111111001. It can also be done through the website, through the President's headquarters and branches within the State, or using collection outlets located in the malls.

You can donate by SMS,  send 92632 to donate 50 QR, 92642 to donate 100 QR, 92428 to donate 500 QR, and 92429 to donate 1,000 QR.