With the support of philanthropists in Qatar, Qatar Charity distributed food baskets to over 6,200 of its sponsored beneficiaries, including orphans, students, poor families, and others. The beneficiaries and their families received a food basket containing basic staple goods sufficient for three months. The total number of people benefiting from this assistance exceeded 37,000.
The distribution took place in three major cities: Ouagadougou, the capital city in the Kadiogo Province; Bobo-Dioulasso in the Houet Province; and Wahigoya in the Yatenga Province. The total cost of the project was approximately 2.8 million Qatari riyals. The distribution process was attended by several government officials who praised the project and its role in supporting vulnerable groups, considering Qatar Charity a key partner in local efforts related to humanitarian interventions, development, and social protection.
A Key Partner
Mr. Sanyoun Soumi, representative of the Minister of Humanitarian and Social Affairs, stated: "We appreciate Qatar Charity's significant efforts in providing food baskets to orphans and their families. We consider it a key partner of the Government of Burkina Faso in the fields of development, humanitarian aid, and support for vulnerable groups. It has also played a pivotal role in assisting with the resettlement of displaced persons over the years."
Ms. Khadija Zongo, Director of International Humanitarian Organizations, expressed that distributing food baskets to orphans amid the exceptional circumstances in Burkina Faso and the soaring food prices was a commendable effort deserving of recognition. She thanked the people of Qatar for their continuous support to Burkina Faso during these challenging times, noting that Qatar Charity is one of the leading humanitarian organizations in her country.
On this occasion, Dr. Mohamed Ali Ahmed Adam, Director of Qatar Charity in Burkina Faso, stated: "In addition to its role in sponsoring thousands of orphans, Qatar Charity continues its relief efforts to support governmental efforts to overcome the humanitarian crisis. It also provides assistance in sustainable development areas such as water, sanitation, education, and income-generating projects."
A Blessing of Giving
This initiative was met with great appreciation from the sponsored beneficiaries and their families. In this regard, Hanaw Jassou, a student at the University of Ouagadougou, said: "The food baskets arrived at the perfect time when we are unable to purchase food due to the high prices." Meanwhile, Abdul Rahman Sano, a university student, considered it a blessing that brought goodness to the beneficiaries.
Mrs. Safiya Al-Bou, a mother of an orphan and a displaced person, praised the ongoing support provided by Qatar Charity to orphans and their families during occasions and seasons such as Ramadan assistance, Eid clothing, and school bags. She prayed for the sponsors and donors, asking Allah to reward them abundantly.