
Paying Zakah on accommodation for aged parents

What is the ruling on the zakaah in the following case: I own an apartment which I bought for my parents to live in, I paid it fully since a year and I invested a lot additionally (i.e. nice shower,bath for my parents). They do not have to pay anything, because my father has a very little retirement payment and is already old and my mom never worked. I always compute my zakaah of the money left after taxes (plus the gold jewels I own)not including this apartment or the car (by the way this car is not valuable). Now a friend told me I have to pay for the appartment, that would be more than I have in cash. Do I have to take a loan from the bank? I support my family additionally with money, I myself live good, but never spent holidays so far, so I don't think I spend too much on myself. But if I have to pay zakaah on this apartment, I don't know how to pay all the expenses. Please give me advice, after I heard from this from my friend I'm really confused and I want to follow the right path.Thanks in advance and may Allaah reward you all with good.

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the World; and blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions.
May Allah reward you good for your being kind to your parents and for your aspiration to do good. Know that Zakah is not obligatory on the house where you or your parents, or a needy person or any of your relatives live with your permission. As such the Zakah is not obligatory on the car which is for your own use. These things are not put aside for accumulating wealth instead they fulfill one's necessity. So, the Zakah is not mandatory on such things. The Prophet said: "There is no Zakah either on a horse or a slave belonging to a Muslim". [Reported by Imam Bukhari]
All the Muslim scholars are agreed that there is no Zakah to be paid on the residences prepared for living, clothes set to be worn, house furniture and the animals that are for personal use.
Allah knows best.

*Helped by fatwas of islamweb.net