
Zakah on gold jewelry

I spend my Saddaq (Mahr) which was ( 3200) on buying some pieces of gold about (300g) and to be honest when I bought the gold jewelry about three and half years ago I intended to keep the gold and to buy a house or something like that in the future. I am living in Australia in the present, so do I have to pay Zakah for these gold pieces? I have not worn some of these pieces for three years if yes, how much should i pay for them? I have some pieces of gold which I received as a present or gift (Hadiyah) from my family. Shall these pieces be included when accounting the amount of Zakah? Finally, can I pay this Zakah to some relatives of mine not from my husband?

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; and blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions.
It is lawful for the woman to give her Zakah to her poor husband or any other poor relatives. The evidence for this is the Hadith reported by Al Bukhari that "Zainab the wife of Abdullah Ibn Massoud said to the Prophet: "O Prophet of Allah, you ordered to day that Sadaqa (Zakah) should be paid and I had some jewelry that I wanted to give as Sadaqa. Ibn Massoud claimed that he and his son deserved this Sadaqa more than the people to whom I gave the Sadaqa.
The Prophet said: "Ibn Massoud is right. Your husband and your son are the people who deserve most your Sadaqa".
For more details please refer to these question numbers.
82925 81703 81677 82489.
Allah knows best.

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