
Personally distributing Zakah

If some one takes out Zakah of money and distribute it to the poor by himself without
giving to "Bait al maal" (Muslims treasury) is this Zakah valued infront of Allah. Please note that I am from a small village where I do not trust the management personnel.

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; and blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions.
It is lawful for the Zakah payer to dispatch it himself among its recipients. In fact this has been common practice among Muslims since the era of Caliph Othman Ibn Affan. When Othman saw that Muslims had much "individually known properties" (properties that are known only by their owner) and that it was difficult and sometimes embarrassing to inspect such properties, he gave them the right to dispatch their Zakah themselves. There is a consensus among the Muslim scholars that the owners of the "individually known properties" dispatch the Zakah of such properties themselves. The evidence for this is what Al-Saeeb Ibn Yazeed said that he heard Othman Ibn Affan saying while giving a sermon on the Prophets' Mimbar: "This is the month of your Zakah. Whoever amongst you has some debts he should pay them until his properties become exempt from all debts. Then he should pay Zakah". [Al Baihaqi]. Al Nawiwi reported that there is a consensus among Muslims over this issue. The "individually known properties are commercial goods, gold, silver, and currency".
As for the publicly known properties such as cattle, crops, fruits and minerals, there is no consensus among the scholars over distribution of its Zakah. Some believe that the Imam or his representatives should collect it and dispatch it over its recipients. But other scholars believe there is no difference between the two kinds of properties and that the rule is the same.
If there are no competent authorities that can dispatch Zakah according to Sharia, there is a consensus that the person should dispatch it himself as this is safer and more appropriate.
Allah knows best.

*Helped by fatwas of islamweb.net