6 Million Syrian Displaced and Refugees benefit from Qatar Charitable Projects


  • Al Kuwari: The Aids have included all the basic and necessary elements of shelter, food, drugs, and education.
  • Out of the shelter projects, 760,776 hardest-hit people have benefited, out of food, 2,991,000 million population has benefited, out of health, 1,936,386 million people have benefited, and out of education, 394,905 people have benefited.
  • Out of the biggest shelter projects, Al Rayyan City and Al Doha Charitable City at the Turkish-Syrian borders, each of which includes 1000 housing units.

6,083,517 million hardest-hit people out of Syrian displaced and refugees have benefited from Qatar Charitable Relief Projects, where its total costs amounted to 322 million rials during the period from April 2011 through the last September of (2015).

As a result of the critical circumstances the population lives there, 67 % out of these aids has been addressed to the internal Syrian community in a cost that amounted to about 213,063,000 million rials, while the rest percentage has been addressed to the refugees in the neighboring countries, especially Lebanon in a percentage of 18% which amounts to 58,272,000 million rials, Jordan in a percentage of 8% which means an amount about 26,889,000 million rials, Turkey in a percentage of 5,5% which amounts to about 19,000,000 million rials, and the percentage of 1,5% which amounts to 4,500,000 million rials has been distributed between Iraq and other countries that have Syrian refugees living in.

Since the start of the crisis, the Qatar Charitable projects implemented for the interest of the Syrian people have included the following programs: shelter in an amount of 120,214,000 million rials, food in an amount of 102,561,000 million rials, health which amounted to a total cost off 68,214,000 million rials, and education in an amount of 30,755,000 million rials.

The size of Qatar Charitable projects for the interest of the Syrian people has made it possible that Qatar Charitable get the first record worldwide at the level of Non-Governmental Humanitarian Organizations in relieving the Syrian people, according to the Financial Tracking System (FTS) of the International Relief Aids related to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs “ OCHA” 2014.

Alleviation and Consolation

Mr. Yusuf Ben Ahmad Al Kuwari, the Chief Executive Officer of Qatar Charitable said that these projects are implemented in the context of Qatar Charitable continuous endeavor to alleviate the Syrian brothers’suffering, and to help them overcome the suffering caused by the ongoing crisis in Syria since more than four years, adding that these aids have included all the basic and necessary elements from shelter, food, drugs, and education.

Mr. Kuwari, has indicated that Qatar Charitable has targeted all hardest-hit Syrian people, yet, the displaced group living inside Syria is one of the first targets and most important, therefore, Qatar Charitable is focusing on helping it, and is doing its utmost effort to approach it, where Mr. Al Kuwari has made it sure that the crisis is going on, the tragedy becomes aggravated, and Winter is about to come with the suffering getting more cruel.

Al Kuwari has also added that Qatar Charitable would leave no stone unturned to approach the Syrian brothers, and console them in every financial and spiritual way possible, in order to alleviate their suffering and closely communicate with them, paying attention to the fact that supporting the Syrian people is continuous until it overcomes its suffering, making it clear that whoever sees the reality of the Syrian brothers, displaced and refugees, would never postpone and wait before giving them a hand of help.


Qatar Charitable has focused on food as the basic life substrate, where the food materials caravans have been sent to inside Syria, in addition to distributing the basic catering materials’ parcels, distributing flour, operating a number of stoves and kitchens, and funding projects for implanting potatoes and wheat, therein, the total costs of food projects amount to 102,561,000 million rials, out of which, 2,991,000 hardest-hit people have benefited from the Syrian crisis, most of which are displaced inside Syria, in addition to some refugees at the Turkish borders.

Out of these food projects, is the “Mobile Stove” inside Syria for which its construction and operation costs have exceeded 3,000,000 million rials during 6 months, and it produces 60,000 thousands loaves daily.


Qatar Charitable has been able within the shelter program, to establish villages and housing cities made beforehand, with their premises for the interest of displaced, in addition to establishing the housing units, and distributing clothes, blankets, fire-places and fire fuel.

The number of housing units established until now, or about to be completed has amounted to 2500 units, out of the biggest projects in this program are Al Rayyan City and the Charitable Doha City at the Turkish-Syrian borders, each of which includes 1000 housing units, these are exceptional with being friend to the environment, and they have all needed supplies of mosques, school classes, sewage system, health points and playgrounds for the children, where the shelter projects costs amounted to 120,214,000 million rials for the interest of 760,776 million people.


At the health projects program, Qatar Charitable have concentrated mainly on establishing and operating hospitals, injured and patients treatment fund, in addition to providing the medical supplies, and ambulance cars, where Al Amal Hospital has been established and operated for the Syrian refugees in the South of Turkey, the Medical Fund for the Syrian Refugees in Lebanon, Artificial Limbs, the Qatari Treatment Fund for the Syrian Injured in Jordan, as well as establishing a Children Psychiatric Center , and funding its activities.

The total costs of health projects implemented by Qatar Charitable for the Syrian people have amounted to 68,214,000 million rials, out of which 1,936,386 million people have benefited from, among refugees and displaced.


The aids provided by Qatar Charitable to the Syrian people in education program have included education, as the refugee and displaced need for it acts as their need to food, health, and shelter while education acts as a protection for the coming generations from ignorance and loss, it also provides them with an opportunity to change their reality and their families’ reality to the best.

In this context, schools have been established, refurbished , and operated, educational curricula have been printed out, where more than 1,704,000 million books have been printed at a cost that amounted to 8,4 million rials, classes have also been opened for eradication of Illiteracy , and Quran education seminars, and other useful  and purposeful projects, where the education projects costs amounted to 30,755,000 million rials, out of which 394,905 million people have benefited among refugees and displaced.


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QC Prioritizes Education and O

QC's Office Director:

3 educational and training centers from which thousands of students benefit yearly in Albania. They offer services in the fields of teaching Arabic, languages, training courses, social service and managerial development.

The establishment of Islamic Fajr Center is in progress. It offers multiple services and is considered to be one of the best mosques in Durres, second biggest city in Albania.

In 2015, QC implemented more than 70 projects at a cost of more than 14,000,000 QR in Albania. The projects covered the fields of education, culture, social care, relief, public housing, water, and economic empowerment from which thousands benefited.

Mr. Shawqi Abu Seif, QC's Office Director in Albania, pointed that the projects QC implemented in Albania were distinguished and beneficial. As part of the sanitation and water projects, 22 artesian aquifers were drilled at a cost of 310,000 QR; as for the public housing, 2 projects were implemented at a cost of 270,000 QR; the social care, 8 projects were implemented at a cost of 6,000,000 QR; education and culture, 10 projects were implemented at a cost of 6,900,000 QR; and relief, 2 projects were implemented at a cost of 280,000 QR for the flood-affected in south Albania.


Social Care Projects

At a cost of 6,000,000 QR, 8 projects were implemented and different types of activities were held for the orphans. For example, weekly gatherings and cultural competitions were organized. While 108 orphans participated in Quran competitions, 110 orphans participated in the yearly camps. Furthermore, the social care projects also included holding sports activities, trips, and weekly gatherings for the orphans' mothers.


3 Educational Centers

10 projects in the fields of education and culture were implemented at a cost of 6,900,000 QR. In 2015, the number of beneficiaries reached 1,700 students who took courses at the Qatari Center for Languages. So far, 30,000 students have benefited from the services the center offers.

As for Arabic for Non-Natives center, 100 students benefited from it in 2015. This center is considered one of QC's greatest achievements. It is the only advanced center that teaches Arabic to non-natives through experts in Albania.

 In 2015, more than 200 students benefited from the services offered by Qatar Center for Administrative Training and Social Services. The key role of the center is to improve the teachers, institutes, public and private firms in the fields which would improve their performance. They would receive courses in communication, child and persons with disability care, and training for teachers. 5 students got 100% and 2 of the center's students are ranked first across Albania. The Albanian-Qatari school was opened in 2010\2011 from which 180 students benefit.


Islamic Center

In 2015 and at a cost of 6,000,000 QR, 10 projects were implemented. The establishment of Islamic Fajr Center is in progress. It offers multiple services and is considered to be one of the best mosques in Durres, second biggest city in Albania.

QC supports the Islamic sheikhs through sponsoring 55 imams from different mosques in Albania. Furthermore, in cooperation with Hayat Association, QC sponsored 40 Islamic preachers as part of 'Weekend Schools' project from which around 800 children benefit.


Economic Empowerment Projects

Fighting poverty: 25 projects were implemented at a cost of 250,000,000 QR through improving income programs, (Hand in Hand) program. QC also supports some of the families of orphans through implementing small projects to help them cover their needs. 30 projects were implemented such as establishing a small shop, apiaries; selling clothes, cows. Such projects are very successful and so many of them are already expanding.

The Albanian for the Albanian: This project collects clothes from individuals and shops then redistributes them to the orphans and poor families. More than 10,000 people benefited from 30 tons of clothes and shoes.

Old People's home: QC helped furnish the old people's home of men in Fush – Krujë. The furnishing included bringing 100 chairs, 25 tables, a refrigerator, a TV, and a library. The ceremony through which the furniture was delivered was attended by the region's officials and 100 elderly who benefited from this project.


Seasonal Projects

Seasonal projects are considered very important in Albania. For example, the families of poor people and orphans benefited from 'Breaking Fast' project which concentrated on distributing food baskets to them. In addition, hot meals (for 7,696 beneficiaries), and Udheyya meat (for 900 families of poor people and orphans) were distributed. As for the 'Kiswa' (clothing) of Eid Al Fitr, 70 orphans benefited and of Eid Al Adha, 50 orphans benefited. Finally, 8 people benefited from the pilgrimage project which was mainly for those incapable of performing Hajj.


Relief Projects

At a cost of 280,000 QR, 2 relief projects were implemented to aid the flood-affected in south Albania. The project was implemented in 2 stages: the first stage included distributing 8.5 tons of clothes, shoes, and mattresses; the second stage included distributing 1,000 blankets for 500 families and cleaning tools, and paying school allowances on behalf o


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QC Rehabilitates 7 Artesian Aq

  • 24,500 people and tens of thousands of cattle benefit from the project every day in Middle Shebelle which was affected by floods.
  • The project helped offer the services of public facilities such as education, health and water in affected territories.


As part of the recovery projects QC is implementing in Somalia, QC's office there finished working on rehabilitating 7 artesian aquifers in Middle Shebelle whose people had suffered from shortages in drinking water. More than 24,500 people and tens of thousands of cattle are expected benefit from the project every day.

Mr. Mohammed Hussein Omar, QC's Office Director in Somalia said, "This rehabilitation project is to resume offered services such as education, health and water. It is mainly to meet the people's need for drinking water. The floods damaged the aquifers causing a dire shortage in drinking water. As a result, many people left their areas. It used to take them hours to reach drinking water."

Based on the conducted field studies, as he mentioned, QC's office rehabilitated the aquifers by increasing their depth and fixing their network pipes. The office equipped the wells with electric engines and pumps. It also built and rehabilitated the tanks and basins for animals to drink from; and generators rooms and storehouses for the wells' equipment.

"In 2013 and 2014, Somalia witnessed many natural disasters. QC implemented this project in order to support the affected families and help them overcome such a humanitarian disaster," said he.



QC's office in Somalia thanked the Qatari philanthropists and people residing in Qatar for their great efforts. They reflect the true face of the generous Qatari society. "We offer our help to Somalia in the different fields of shelter, food and medication and others because of our religious and moral bond that connects us to the needy people around the world," added he.  


Early Recovery

The Early Recovery project in Middle Shebelle is in the process of implementing important projects for the affected families, especially the farmers and shepherds. QC aims at improving their livelihoods and their style of living. In Somalia, QC had already reformed 250 hectares of lands; and provided manual plowing tools, seeds and pesticides for the farmers. In addition, QC distributed sheep and dairy cows to 250 affected families in the governorate; it rehabilitated 3 primary schools and 4 health centers.  

Through Early Recovery, QC aims at reaching the affected local community. It will help train the Somalis to work and have better daily incomes. The total budget for the recovery projects reached around 3,650,000 QR. More than 93,000 people from Middle Shebelle are expected to benefit from them.

In addition, QC financed income-generating projects in Middle Shebelle. 750 sheep were distributed to 150 families. Each family received 5 sheep. Such project was to help the families have their old lives back, especially after the floods they suffered from. Also, it would reinforce grazing as a profession for shepherds so they would become financially independent.  


Urgent Aids

Because of the drought that hit Somalialand, QC quickly responded to aid its people. The project included distributing food supplies and offering medical services. More than 71,000 people benefited from the project. For the past two decades, Somalia has been witnessing so many crises and natural disasters; in so many times was considered the worst internationally. The number of displaced people in Somalia reached around 1,100,000 people living in the big cities such as Somalialand, Puntland and the south of Somalia.  


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QC Opens a School for Women in

In Mauritania, QC established and equipped a school for women from which hundreds of female students benefited.

The school was established in Trarza Region, in bi’r al Kheir Village near Boutilimit to the south of Mauritania. The school has 6 classrooms, administrative buildings where there are 5 equipped offices, and health facilities. The school’s staff consists of a principal, an assistant, 8 regular teachers, and 2 assisting teachers. 100 female students from different levels study there.


Caring for Education

Mr. Idris As-Sahil, QC’s Office Director in Mauritania, said, “QC implemented this project because it prioritizes the educational sector in all distant regions where educational institutions are not found. Schools for women need so much support, especially that this school teaches the Holy Quran, Quranic and Sharia sciences and linguistics”.

He also said that those in charge of the school aspired to adding other subjects such as mathematics, computer science and languages. “This way, students will be able to study religious and secular sciences which help learners find good jobs. The total cost of establishing the school reached 400,000 QR. We are proud to see hundreds of girls benefiting from the project,” said he.  


Need for Support

Ms. Om Kolthom bint Abah, School’s Principal, said that the school had 100 regular students, some of which had memorized the Holy Quran. “The school teaches the sciences of Tajwid, Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence, Fiqh, Language and others. The school’s board seeks to organize training courses in Computer Science, hire mathematics and English language teachers so as to offer comprehensive education,” she commented. The village’s schools do not offer formal education except for a primary school that has two classrooms only. 


“Here at school, we organize cultural contests and lectures from which most of the villagers benefit. However, the school still needs more improvement, especially the teacher’s salaries, equipment and books. We appreciate QC and the Qatari philanthropists for the valuable aids they offer to the needy people around the world. We thank them for helping us,” she concluded.



The school’s students and teachers commended the performance of the school and thanked QC and the Qatari philanthropists for their efforts to spread science and help the needy around the world.

Somaya bint Mohammed, a student who memorized around half of the Quran, said, “I am very happy at school. I learned a lot about the sciences of Tajwid and Quran. The school offers us comfortable classes and facilities that helped us attend school regularly. The teachers follow distinguished methodologies that help students understand and memorize.

In addition, Fatima bin Mohammed Mawlood, Teacher of Quran Memorization and Tajwid at school, said that they teach several levels and classes. “Some girls memorize one, two or more pages every day; some memorize less because of their age. They learn Quranic sciences, too.

On a two-day visit, a delegation from QC handed the keys of more than 100 houses to the Mauritanian families benefiting from ‘Social Housing’ Project. The delegation included His Excellency Sheikh Hamad bin Nasser bin Jassim Al thani and Mr. Yousef bin Ahmed al Kuwairi, QC’s CEO.

The keys were handed to the beneficiaries in Nouakchott and Rakiz, 200 km from the Capital. The delegation was accompanied by the Ambassador of Qatar in Mauritania Mr. Abdul Rahman bin Ali Al Kibisi and Mr. Idris As-Sahil, QC’s Office Director in Mauritania. A lot of figures and benefiting families received the delegation when they arrived. 

In 2015, QC spent 25,000,000 QR on the projects it implemented in Mauritania. More than 153,000 people from different regions benefited from the projects, groups with low income in particular.

The projects covered different fields such as health, education, income-generating projects, sanitation, relief, water, sponsorship (of orphans, disabled persons, preachers and imams) and others.


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QC Launches Distance Memorizat

  • Ali Al Gharib: QC seeks to continue its work in serving the Holy Quran and making it the essence of communal work.
  • 'My Distance Teacher' project aims at targeting the Qatari community and encouraging them to do good deeds.
  • The project aims at empowering the people of the Gaza Strip economically through providing them with job opportunities.  
  • 'My Distance Teacher' project is added to the other two projects: 'My Teacher of Quran Circles' and 'My Home Teacher'.
  • 'My Distance Teacher' program depends on teaching the sciences of the Quran in a new, interesting way.


For 20 years, QC has been exerting so many efforts in teaching and helping Muslims memorize the Holy Quran. The Local Development Management at QC inaugurated a new project that teaches Quran from a distance. It offers a new service 'My Distance Teacher' through which the students receive education and are helped with the memorization of the Quran from a distance through Skype. The inauguration ceremony took place at Oryx Rotana Hotel.

The Local Development Management at QC offers 3 main services related to teaching and helping Muslims memorize the Quran. Two of these services were already applied: 'Rise Project', which offers Quran memorization at QC's community development centers; and 'Ponder – My Home Teacher', through which beneficiaries memorize the Quran at home. The new service is now out.

QC's Community Development Centers inaugurated 'My Distance Teacher' service which is distinguished with multiple features. It bridges the gap of lacking teachers of the Holy Quran in Qatar, considers the groups who cannot attend the memorization circles, applies individual education (it provides one teacher for every person), and provides job opportunities for people from the Gaza Strip (the teachers are from there). Through supporting this project, the philanthropists help serve the Qatari society.

Mr. Ali Al Gharib, Director of Centers and Programs' Management at QC, said that QC always sought to continue its work in serving the Holy Quran and making it an essential component of community work in Qatar. "We know how great the reward is for teaching and helping Muslims memorize the Holy Quran. Through this campaign, we aspire to spread the Islamic values, provide a suitable educational environment for learning the concepts and values of the Quran, and facilitate learning and memorization of the sciences of the Holy Quran remotely using advanced technologies," said he.


Communal Development

This project mainly depends on presenting QC as a partner in developing the members of the society in harmony with Human Development article of Qatar National Vision 2030. QC will prepare qualified and professional staff members to work remotely as part of 'Taqat' program. It will offer a new service to all groups of the society (such as the elderly and women) and at suitable times and places.


Taqat Program

Through Taqat program, QC targets students from all educational levels, whether male or female students; people who want to learn the Quran and its sciences; women and housewives; and old people. 'My Teacher' project is part of this program; it offers a comprehensive electronic system run by a group of distinguished Quran teachers from the Gaza Strip, Palestine. These people are capable of offering special services in helping the memorizers memorize the Quran and learn the rules of Tajweed.


Thousands of Beneficiaries

In its first year, "My Teacher' project targeted more than 5,000 men and women. Each teacher would help 8 participants memorize verses from the Quran on a monthly basis for a year. The session would last one hour for 3 days a week.

"My Teacher" project is distinguished with the flexibility of its timing since it is assigned by the memorizer. The project gives 'Telawa' certificates from acknowledged centers. In addition, it provides each family with a teacher who gives them specialized courses such as memorization and revision of the Holy Quran, Telawa lessons, Qa'idah al-Nuraniah lessons for the children, Tajweed lessons, and reading and sanad courses. The goal is to teach the families the Holy Quran.


Empowerment and Solutions

This campaign aims at economically empowering the male and female teachers of the Holy Quran from the Gaza Strip. This way, these people, who suffer from the siege and poverty, can have a job to help them meet their needs. QC also seeks to offer a solution to the problem of lacking teachers of the Holy Quran. It aspires to facilitate the process of memorization through offering home lessons and using advanced technologies.


Supporting and Marketing

'My Teacher' project is considered to be the first charity product that gives the philanthropists the chance to donate inside Qatar through sponsoring a memorizer. The sponsorship is 300 QR a month; this project also offers the philanthropists the chance to sponsor a teacher; 2,400 QR a month. Each teacher helps 8 memorizers from Qatar. Meaning, the outcomes of this project greatly serve the Qatari society.

Donors can send their donations through Qatar National Bank at this IBAN: 000000000786746200001QA25QNBA; or through QC's website http://bit.ly/1N5K6ji. For more information, donors can use the hotline 0097450240471, or visit the project's website: http://learn.taqat.jobs/.

The project's website explains the program's features, and conditions for joining the service and way of registering; it also displays a group of success stories and certificates of previous participants. 


Successful Trial

Tens of participants took part in the trial version of the campaign which was applied for 3 months since the end of last year and until the beginning of this year. It was very successful and achieved the desired goals. The participants expressed their deep happiness and desire to continue in the program. They also mentioned how they want to introduce their friends and relatives to this program.


Continuous Efforts

This project is a part of 'My Quran' series of project, which was already implemented through 'Rise' project. It was held at Community Development Centers; at 8 different centers distributed geographically across the country.

These centers make use of recent and distinguished methods of teaching the Holy Quran according to the participants' age and study level. They hold different cultural, social and educational activities. The centers aim at preparing a generation capable of receiving education and passing it to others. They also aim at investing the generations' free time and creating an atmosphere of positive competition in the field of memorizing the Holy Quran.



QC Rehabilitates Thousands of

Qatar Charity Office in Somalia rehabilitated many thousands of the floods and cyclones victims through its early recovery programs, contributing to the restoration of basic services and environment and social life, providing livelihoods and shelter, and reintegrating displaced populations.

The QC’s Somali Office greatly supported victims of floods that hit the Middle Shabelle region and as well as those affected by cyclones that swept across the Puntland region in order to rehabilitate them through its early recovery projects, which are considered as the bridge between the emergency relief and the sustainable development.

Education and health

Qatar Charity managed to rehabilitate 3 schools, equipped with study tools, materials and aids and reconstructed 4 health centers, supported with the required health equipment, which benefited 92,776 persons affected by floods hit the Middle Shabelle region in 2013 and 2014.

In the Field of Agriculture

Aiming to empower agricultural families to benefit from the river water permanently, Qatar Charity provided 10 irrigation generators to small-scale farmers in the Middle Shabelle region, rehabilitated 10 km of irrigation canals and supported 250 agricultural families, giving them agricultural seeds and manual tillage tools, which helped them reclaimed 250 hectares of the farmland.  

Economic Empowerment

Qatar Charity also distributed 150 dairy cattle to 150 agricultural pastoral families and 750 goats to 150 pastoral families, aiming to economically empower them to start a decent life again as well as it helped 58 families by providing them with income-generating projects, which include 20 shops, 20 vehicles to transport goods and water and 18 sesame mills.

QC office in Somalia rehabilitated 7 artesian wells, increased the depth of wells and repaired the associated facilities such as water supply pipes, generators and electric pumps in addition to the construction and rehabilitation of reservoirs and ponds for watering animals.

Important Outputs

Qatar Charity also implemented its Early Recovery Project in the Puntland region to benefit as many as 86,275 persons affected by the hurricane and the tropical storm in the beginning of 2014.

Qatar Charity provided 6000 livestock to 300 families and gave 25 fishing boats to 100 families, aiming to economically empower them through providing them with the sources of income.

Qatar Charity also supported 4 mobile health clinics operating for 5 months to help affected families with access to basic health services and to raise health awareness in rural communities in addition to rehabilitation of 2 clinics damaged by the cyclone in Puntland.

Furthermore,10 artesian wells have been rehabilitated to benefit pastoral and Bedouin families and two schools have been reconstruction by Qatar Charity.

It is worth to mention that cyclones and foods hit Somalia in 2013 and 2014 claimed hundreds of lives and destroyed a large number of homes, service centers, roads, schools and health centers, causing displacement of thousands of people.

Families, ranging from 4000 to 5000, have lost 60 to 70 percent of their livestock due to the cyclones that hit the Puntland region, while the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that about 300,000 livestock have been lost in the affected areas.

Over 200 graduate annually at

More than 1000 students, both male and female, graduated at Al-Kawthar Multi-Services Center School over the past five years in Indonesia. The school established by Qatar Charity in 2012, now has more than 600 students, more than 200 of whom graduate each year.

After the graduation, many graduates continue their higher education inside and outside the country as well as some of them starts their career.

Multi-Service Center

Al Kawthar Multi-Service Center consisting of a school with six-classrooms, a mosque, a laboratory hall, a library and a well provides various development services to benefit thousands of people, noting that school provides educations to hundreds of students from inside and outside the city of Banjar.

The center, built by Qatar Charity, actively contributes to the improvement of education level and the development of community in the city of Banjar located in the province of West Java, Indonesia. The center also plays a significant role in raising the social awareness among students and highlighting the Importance of Healthy Environment for People.

The director of QC's Project Management, Khalid al-Yafei, said the charity set up Al Kawthar School to provide education to as many students as possible in the country, with the aim to achieve the Universal Primary Education, which is one of the UN Millennium Development Goals.

Al-Yafei added that Qatar Charity is seeking to develop Al Kawthar Center and expand its services in the near future, pointing out the city of Banjar was suffering from poor educational services, which led to establishment of the school, helping increase the number of students from dozens to more than 600 students.

In 2017

It is noteworthy that Qatar Charity carried out 786 Development Projects during 2017, at a cost of 14 million and 200 thousand riyals, which benefited hundreds of thousands of people in Indonesia.
