Several Easy and Secure Ways to Calculate and Pay Zakat


As people want to pay their zakat in the blessed month of Ramadan, Qatar Charity has brought many easy, smart, and secure ways to help them calculate and pay their Zakat. To know further about Zakat-related services provided by Qatar Charity, we conducted an interview with Mr. Ahmad Yousef Fakhroo, CEO’s assistant for the Resources Development and Media Sector at Qatar Charity.

What are the types of assets you calculate Zakat on them?

The assets, which are subject to Zakat, include gold, silver, and the like, which is cash.  Qatar Charity calculates Zakat on these assets, as well as on rental properties and vehicles, professions, real estates, goods, shares, bonds, and livestock (camels, cows, goats, and sheep). Does the calculation of zakat on companies and commercial establishments come under this service? Yes, the Zakat calculation service includes the calculation of Zakat on companies of all types. Qatar Charity offers this service to any company that wants to calculate Zakat on its commercial activity. The company can contact at 55035744 / 44290152

How can people contact to inquire about the calculation of Zakat on their assets?

They can contact the call center at 44667711. The call will be transferred to a zakat specialist, who will answer the questions. 

What are the facilities provided by Qatar Charity to pay and receive Zakat from benefactors and the public?

Qatar Charity helps philanthropists donate easily through Qatar Charity›s website and app.

The Digital Portal for Zakat includes Fatawa, a calculator, and many other useful tools.

Qatar Charity also provides a ‘Home Collector’ service for donors to help them pay their zakat at their locations. Besides, Zakat can be paid through collection points in markets, malls, hospitals, and other locations.

How does Zakaty website and app help calculate and pay zakat?

The ‘Zakaty’ app and the Digital Portal for Zakat are integrated tools that we put at the disposal of every philanthropist looking for the easiest and best way to calculate the Nisab of Zakat. The app has an easy-touse calculator for all types of assets subject to Zakat, in addition to the Zakat services for companies, the Zakat al-Fitr service, and a section for fatwas. Through the app, an expert can be requested to calculate zakat.

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