1,200 families of Lombok benefit from QC’s second relief


Qatar Charity (QC) has completed the distribution of the second relief package to the victims of the earthquake that hit the Indonesian island of Lombok. The relief aid benefited some 1,200 families, each of whom received food items and a set of clothes.

The distribution of the aid was made in the village of Sugian and surrounding area located in the eastern part of Lombok Island. The aid included basic food items for about one month and 15 pieces of clothes to cover the needs of all members of the family

The earthquake victims thanked the people of Qatar for their urgent assistance and their contribution through Qatar Charity to alleviate their suffering and to stand by them in their plight.

Mr. Lalu Mostijadi, the president of the village of Sugian, extended his thanks and gratitude to benefactors in Qatar donating to Qatar Charity for supporting the people of his village despite the long distance and for the efforts made by QC’s relief team to reach his devastated village.

He added that Sugian was a large village, but after the earthquake, there are only two houses, which are partially destroyed, while the rest of the houses have completely been damaged and destroyed.

Qatar Charity has implemented the first phase of the relief for the island in mid-August. The relief aid included food and meat for more than a week for 1,800 affected families with 10,000 people. The charity also provided water purification equipment in two camps, which work on the treatment of 2,000 liters of water per day

In the first stage, QC’s Humanitarian Relief team included 20 volunteers, both male and female. The team provided psychosocial support to the displaced in addition to the distribution of humanitarian assistance.

The earthquakes that hit the northern and eastern parts of the island of Lombok killed 400 people and destroyed 70,000 buildings including houses, hospitals, schools and places of worship and displaced 300,000 people.


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QC Implements ‘Providing Drink

Through its office in the Strip and in cooperation with Ghaith for Relief and Development, QC has recently started implementing ‘Providing Drinking Water’ project to the poor. More than 3,000 poor families are expected to benefit from it. It will take around 8 months for the project to be implemented at a cost of 262,000 QR.

Kidney Diseases

The Municipalities in the Strip provide the citizens with salty water only, which could cause many different diseases such as kidney diseases. Therefore, QC decided to implement this project in order to provide the poor families with good drinking water.

Eng. Mohammed Abu Halloub, QC’s Office Director in the Strip, said that this project is being implemented because QC wants to alleviate the sufferings of those who cannot afford to get good drinking water, and to prevent the diseases spread because of water pollution. He also emphasized the fact that water projects are on the top QC’s priorities’ list since the siege and the attacks on the Strip have destroyed all of the water networks, which were not even sufficient.

QC, as he also mentioned, will not spare an effort until it has helped the needy families and offered a good living opportunities for the needy; whether through relief or development projects.

Water Crisis

The Strip’s aquifer is both polluted and empty which made the Strip suffer from a dire water crisis. As a result, the Gazan families who are financially stable buy filtered water, while the poor families still use the brackish water provided by the municipalities.

To help face this crisis, QC is implementing a project to filter rainwater and to inject it into the aquifer in around 30 public schools.

The UN had already warned from the worsening situation of water in the Strip. According to the UN’s report, if the current conditions remain the same, the situation in 2016 will be catastrophic. The Strip is in great need for desalination plants a hundred times more than roads.

Reconstruction of Gaza

After all the destruction and wreckage the last aggression on the Strip caused, QC spared no effort to help rebuild the Strip.

More than 2,000 people were martyred during the aggression, 11,200 were injured, and thousands of families, whose houses were demolished, were displaced. Furthermore, many infrastructure facilities such as roads, hospitals, schools, and factories were destroyed.

The last brutal attack on the Gaza Strip caused the loss of so many people, houses, and facilities. 2,139 were martyred: 579 of them were children, 264 of them were women, and 102 were elders. 11,200 people were injured: 25% of them became handicapped. 1,000 children became permanently disabled. 2,088 women, 3,374 children and 410 old people were injured. 1,200 families lost their breadwinners. 90 families were entirely eliminated and 49 massacres were executed.

In addition, 466,000 citizens were displaced, 2,360 houses were completely destroyed, 13,644 houses were partly destroyed, 30,000 workers lost their jobs, and 134 factories were completely demolished. The destruction of Gaza cost a financial loss of 3,500,000,000 USD.


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QC Implements Tens of Qualitat

  • Hundreds of goats were distributed to the people to help them start over.
  • Tens of hectares were restored for 250 families whose lands had been flooded.


As part of its early relief program to the victims of floods in the Middle Shebelle governorate in Somalia, QC implemented qualitative income-generating projects from which 400 families of the same governorate benefited.


The projects included rehabilitation of the affected families and improvement of their life quality, in addition to supporting agriculture and shepherding. The program also included funding income-generating projects. For example, 750 goats were distributed to 150 families. Each family received 5 goats. This project was to enable them to get their ordinary lives back after the floods. The project also aimed at supporting shepherding and providing these families with a source of income that matched their previous professions.

QC has also restored agricultural lands in a total area of 250 hectares for 250 families who had worked in farming before the floods damaged their lands.

QC seeks to rehabilitate the agricultural and shepherding societies and start agricultural and shepherding businesses by supplying the workers with seeds and pesticides as well as manual cultivation instruments needed for local production. QC also helps them in their farmland restoration, and irrigation canals’ reformation. The program also supplied them with some cattle.

Terrible Immigration

The regions adjacent to the two rivers of Shebelle and Juba witnessed heavy rains in last October and November which led to the flooding of the rivers and caused a disastrous immigration of the inhabitants of the rivers’ banks. Middle Shebelle was mostly affected as most irrigation canals and flood control systems were damaged along the Shebelle River by these floods. Reports show that about 10,000 of the local inhabitants left their flooded cities, villages, and farms.

The objective QC had of the early relief project was to reach the local affected community in the governorate as it helped rehabilitate them in their crafts and professions. QC’s goal was to enable them to increase their daily income and enhance their life quality through a number of strategic projects including shops, production machinery, animals, and farmland restoration. This should facilitate their future confrontation to yearly floods. This project also seeks to restore artesian aquifers, reform schools and damaged clinics to help 93,000 people living in the region.

Tens of Thousands Beneficiaries

It is worth mentioning that QC has recently implemented various projects in Somalia including education, health, building mosques, and funding income-generating projects. Tens of thousands of Somalis around Somalia benefited from these projects. Of its construction projects in Puntland, QC inaugurated the reformation of 2 health centers and 2 preliminary schools at a cost of about 292,000 QR.

QC inaugurated the opening of 9 mosques, and 8 centers for memorization of Qur’an in 3 provinces in the north of Somalia: 3 mosques in the coastal province, 3 others in Burco, 1 in Awdal, and 2 in Hiran and Banaadir. It also built 8 centers for Qur’an memorization in Hiran, Banaadir, and Hargeisa. Thousands of Somalis shall benefit from these mosques and centers.

QC office in Somalia has also organized events of distributing sewing machines to 65 productive families in Mogadishu and Hargeisa city in Somaliland in cooperation with Jedoon Association for Woman and Child Development in Hargeisa and HINNA association in Mogadishu.


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QC Implements Relief Projects

  • The aids are sufficient for the refugees and returnees for a month
  • Members of the Somali Parliament and Representatives of the Yemeni community contributed in the distribution

Through its office in Somalia and as part of its relief campaign “Yemen, We are With You”, QC implemented an urgent relief project which targeted 600 families of the Yemeni refugees in Somalia and some of the Somali returnees from Yemen who are living in Mogadishu, Hargeisa, and Bosaso.

The food baskets, distributed to the beneficiaries, were sufficient for a whole month. Each family received 25 kg of rice, 25 kg of flour, 15 kg of sugar, 3 liters of cooking oil, 2.5 kg of powder milk, and 2 kg of dates.

Prominent Figures

Many prominent figures took part in the distribution of the aids to the people, including some members of the Somali parliament, and the representatives of the Yemeni community in Somalia. They all commended QC’s role in helping the Yemeni and Somali peoples.

This is one of so many other projects in which QC continues to fulfill its role in aiding and helping others. In addition, QC always makes sure that its beneficiaries are the neediest. The Yemeni people are suffering from a dire crisis which forced the families to emigrate and ask for asylum. This, of course, left the families without any living necessities. 

Although Somalia is suffering from hard conditions and security issues, it became one of the countries which received the Yemeni refugees. Therefore, it is now the responsibility of those who work in charity and humanitarian fields to strengthen their efforts so that Somalia does not suffer from a critical condition, too. 

130,000 Beneficiaries

130,000 beneficiaries benefited from QC’s continuous campaign ‘Yemen, We Are with You’ since the recent Yemen crisis started and until the end of last May (2015).

The food aid included 17,300 food baskets, 80 tons of flour, and 180 tons of different types of food which were distributed to the different governorates. Furthermore, 3 kitchens were prepared and equipped with foodstuff to provide daily fresh meals for 1,000 persons. Regarding healthcare, the hospitals of Aden, Ma’rib, and Taiz were supplied with some equipment, 100 first-aid bags, and a large amount of medications, and medical disposables.

In addition, 8 water tanks were distributed in Aden with the capacity of 1,000 liters.  QC also distributed hundreds of mattresses and blankets to the displaced families there. Another project was funded to clean Aden Municipality in cooperation with its workers. 

Call for Help

It is worth mentioning that when the Yemeni crisis started, QC appealed for help to provide 1,260,000 conflict-affected people with food, and medications.

After its appeal and as a first step, QC launched its campaign ‘Yemen, We Are with You’ to collect 36,500,000 QR (10,000,000 USD) to urgently deliver these humanitarian aids to the most affected categories.

QC also supervised the distribution of aids which Qatar sent to the people of Yemen. The aids were delivered through an air bridge from Doha to Djibouti–Ambouli International Airport following the instructions of his highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, God bless him. The aids were delivered over two days; there were 4 airplanes which carried 240 tons of different materials.

The aids were received by a delegation of QC which included Mr. Ibrahim Ali Abdullah, QC's Relief Department Director, and Mohammed Wa'i, QC's Office Director in Yemen.

QC’s field team was able to aid many conflict-affected families since the crisis first started in Aden and other Yemeni cities. They provided the families with food, drugs, and medical disposables. They sent the medical supplies to the hospitals so that they would treat the injured. The team also provided the families with food baskets and other basic and necessary items.


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Pizza Hut and QC cooperate to

Arsel Al-Amal (Send Hope) Initiative Continues to Provide School Meals to the Deprived Students in the Middle East

Pizza Hut in Qatar inaugurated “Send Hope” initiative supported by QC to provide school meals to the deprived students in the Middle East by supporting school nutrition projects of the UN’s World Food Programme.

This initiative allows Pizza Hut’s costumers, in all of its branches, in Qatar to donate to ‘School Meals’ project the amount they want. The donation is added to the costumers’ bills. With each Qatari Riyal given, a child will receive a meal at school. These children will have a better future to aspire for.  

Last May, QC and WFP signed an agreement in WFP’s headquarter in Rome, Italy, to fight hunger and malnutrition, and to bolster food security worldwide. This strategic cooperation will strengthen the private sector’s role in the battle against these life-threatening challenges which threaten the lives of millions of people whether in the times of peace or conflict. These challenges also hinder the developmental efforts exerted in many countries.

Abdullah Al-Wardat, WFP’s representative and the Gulf’s Office Director, said, “We sincerely thank Pizza Hut for this great initiative which supports the Programme’s efforts to fight hunger and malnutrition by providing students with school meals in the Middle East. Our strategic cooperation with QC offers a chance to the Qatari private sector’s companies, which understand that fighting hunger and malnutrition is the primary element for their success and for the community’s stability. The companies also understand their moral duty towards the children and the country.”   

In a press release, Sterling Cos’ representative, Pizza Hut franchiser in Qatar, said, “It’s our pleasure to cooperate with QC to implement “Send Hope” initiative. We hope it would help support WFP’s efforts to give meals to more than 2,600,000 needy students in the Middle East. I hope this would bring hope to their hearts; I hope it makes their lives better. Education is essential to build a bright future, especially to those with a limited income.”

Mr. Jassim Al-Mansouri, QC’s Marketing Manager, expressed his gratitude to Pizza Hut for this initiative, and expressed his happiness with this cooperation to serve the school children.  He also showed his great trust in the companies of the private sector in Qatar and how sure he is that more companies will be involved in supporting such initiative. The private sector is known to be very generous and to have a sense of responsibility towards the needy communities around the world. Its efforts will stand as the practical application of the agreement which QC had signed with WFP. “Send Hope” is expected to be well received for its noble goals.

This cooperation between QC and WFP represents an opportunity for the private sector in Qatar to be more involved in supporting the fight against hunger by supporting QC’s and WFP’s campaigns for collecting financial and in-kind contributions according to the procedures of Human Appeal International. Companies are aware of the fact that by fighting hunger, ending malnutrition and bolstering food security, they can achieve success. They are also aware of the moral duty behind such battle.


QC Continues to Implement Dist

  • 8 hectares of potato were planted and 133 tons of potato were produced from which 320 families of farmers and laborers benefited
  • The farmers of Northern Aleppo harvested 133 tons of potato thanks to QC’s ongoing relief aids whose purpose is to compensate for the food shortage inside Syria.  

 ‘Planting Potato’ project was able to contribute in achieving self-sufficiency for the conflict-affected inside Syria. The project provided the basic foodstuffs at good prices and with good quantities specially that the crisis has been going for long. It provided job opportunities for a number of workers in the field of agriculture so as to satisfy their daily needs and their families’. The project also aimed at making use of the landscapes in a good and useful way.

The implementation of this project took 10 months at a cost of 570,000. 8 hectares of potato were planted and 133 tons were produced. It provided jobs for 320 people.

Renting the Land

Since Syria is in desperate need for foodstuffs, QC made it a priority that 34% of its projects were dedicated for this purpose. It is impossible for anyone to live without food, especially the internally displaced Syrians.

 ‘Potato Planting’ project, implemented by Beyaz Eller (White Hands), is part of the developmental and food projects which aim at compensating for the shortage in foodstuffs from which the people of Syria suffer. It is also implemented to encourage the farmers to go on with farming and to reform arable lands. Fortunately, many people who are originally from this area or have been displaced to it are experienced in the field of agriculture.

Through this project, 8 hectares of enhanced potato were planted. Plus, a contract was signed with the farmers: QC would rent the land from the farmer and sign a cultivation contract with him; or sign a contract with another farmer who has experience in the field; furthermore, QC would secure irrigation water by using rented wells from the same land.

The engineers supervising these projects are experienced and well-acquainted with the environment of the area. Therefore, it is expected that these projects will result in providing wheat and potato at great prices and with good quantities so as to bridge the food gap in Syria.

Redent Control

In order to prevent any plant diseases and to safely grow crops, QC sprayed nitrogen fertilizers and used weed killers. As a result, the corps turned out really good.

Through this project, 50 hectares of enhanced wheat and potato were planted and the procedures of the implementation of the project were the same as the previous one.

Potato is usually planted in the northern countryside in two main seasons: spring (the most important season) from the 10th of February until the 10th of March; taking into consideration the type and the weather during the time of cultivation; and autumn from the 20th of July until the 20th of August. In comparison with autumn, spring produces twice the amount of crops, which means twice the production.

Wheat Cultivation

It is worth mentioning that QC had already implemented an agricultural project for the benefit of the residents of the countryside of Aleppo, Idlib and Al Sahel in Syria. This project led to the investment in 50 hectares for the cultivation of wheat and potato. It was implemented in cooperation with Beyaz Eller at a cost of 900,000 QR.

4,200,000 displaced Syrians and refugees benefited from QC’s projects, which were implemented at a cost of 205,000,000 QR from April 2011 until January 2015.


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QC Provides a Big Indonesian C

  • 2,500,000 benefited from a huge water project; only 12% had access to drinking water before that.

Garut City in Indonesia suffered from dire shortage of drinking water; its people used to get only 12% of clean water. Now, however, thanks to QC things changed to the better.

QC and Mr. Rudy Gunawan, City Chief, signed an agreement in September 2014. As stated in the agreement, QC would provide 2,500,000 people living in Garut with clean water through digging 350 wells in one year. The project was implemented at a cost of 1,750,000 QR.

Goodbye Water Ponds

Mr. Gunawan said, “The water QC provided the city with entirely replaced the water ponds the people used to use for their wudu’ (ablution), their personal cleanliness and at schools. To be honest, when I signed this agreement last year, I did not expect the project to be this huge! I even told my colleagues that it would be great if they only dug 50 wells. We had met many institutions and I cannot begin to tell you the promises we’ve heard; however, QC did not make any promises. No, QC implemented. QC got the job done. I sincerely thank QC and the philanthropists who spent their money on this project so that our city would get clean water. It is a prevention project that will help protect us from diseases and will help the future of this city.”

The Fruit of Doing Good

Garut city has an area of 300 km2 and a population of 2,500,000 people. It basically depends on agriculture and is considered to be the neediest city for water in Indonesia.

The agreement, signed last year (2014) between QC and the Indonesian government, stated that by the end of September 2015 QC will have dug 350 wells.

The implementation of the project started immediately after the agreement was signed. QC, first, identified the neediest regions and villages for these wells; then started the implementation. Many schools, health centers and mosques benefited from this project.

The inauguration of this project was attended by many officials and senior figures. Each dug well had 5 water taps, and two toilets sometimes.

Mr. Karam Zeinhom, QC’s Office Director in Indonesia, said that such water projects were the fruit of QC’s good doing in Indonesia. “In fact, the services related to people’s lives and health conditions are always a priority,” said he.

QC, as Mr. Zeinhom clarified, does not spare an effort to help the needy in Indonesia; it is part of QC’s humanitarian message to the world. He also added that QC will not stop until it helps its brothers and sisters in Indonesia.

Thousands of Projects

It is worth mentioning that QC’s office has been working in Indonesia for 10 years. The total of the money spent in the past years reached 30,000,000$ (100,000,000 QR). QC had also signed an agreement with the Ministry of Religions and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs a while ago to renew the work in the humanitarian field for 3 years at a budget of 10,000,000$.

QC recently opened a big educational center after it had built and equipped it at a cost of 2,196,000QR. It was inaugurated in the presence of some officials, senior figures, a representative of the Qatari ambassador in Indonesia, a delegation from QC and the donors.  Mr. Rashidbin Fatis Al Mari, Deputy of QC’s CEO of Global Development, His Excellency Mr. Mohammed Al Badir, Representative of the Qatari Ambassador in Indonesia, and Mohammed Abdul Jaleel Abdul Ghani, Representative of Al Abdul Jaleel family, the donating philanthropists.

QC continues to implement income-generating projects for the benefit of the poor regions in Indonesia. These projects included handing the ownership of sewing machines, distributing dairy cows, and motorcycles to carry goods.

These projects are part of QC’s efforts in developing the targeted communities in Indonesia. It is a kind of support to the universal efforts to achieve the developmental goals for this millennium. In addition, QC seeks to contribute to the achievement of self-sufficiency projects that can get the poor families fixed-income to guarantee their dignity. 


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