About Zakaty

Qatar Charity is one of the largest charitable non-governmental leading charities in GCC. it was established in 1992 for the development and sustainability of the needy communities across the globe regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, or religion. We work to strengthen the social values that cherish philanthropy and celebrate love that lasts a life time. We run thousands of projects, and invite you to be part of these milestone achievements.

Our Vision

We aspire to a world where everyone is treated equally in terms of access to proper education, healthcare, resources, and secured housing. We believe in a safe world for children where they can unlock their full potential and lead independent lives.

Our Message

Our mission is to achieve a real life impact worldwide, and promote awareness about philanthropy and charitable work. We strive to encourage and invest in substantial development that lift people from hunger, poverty, illiteracy, and deadly diseases.

Our Value

Neutrality: In Qatar Charity, we believe in neutrality of actions.
Transparency: We aspire to work for the best of those who need us.
Independence: We strive for the independence of our goals.

Work Fields

As Qatar Charity's sister website, we are proud to share and cherish our Islamic values that promote philanthropy, charity and social solidarity. Zakaty promotes the rights of those who live in a dire need to lead dignified, independent and happy lives. We operate in every possible way to stand for needy people and their rights to receive an adequate education, proper healthcare , safe housing and better opportunities in life.

Health Care

One of Qatar Charity's main priorities is to provide quality health care to sick people around the globe. In collaboration with the UNICEF, we fight to ensure that all those in need are getting regular health checkups and supplying hospitals with the right sets of equipment and medicines they need. Our mission is to improve the health of people in the world by partnering with local organizations, empowering communities, and strengthening health systems.


Qatar Charity made a pledge to provide education to all those who need it. Our educational projects offer a wide range of opportunities to those most vulnerable, aiming at improving their personal and professional lives.

Social Welfare

Qatar Charity reaches out to all those less privileged and attends their needs. Our agents work to bring them back to their communities as active members and ensure to provide them with all the tools to fulfil their full potentials. We proudly sponsor over 120,000 orphans around the world in upwards of 36 countries. Over the years, we have successfully completed more than 54,075 projects throughout 84 countries around the planet.

Water and wells

We believe that clean water is the first step to get out from poverty and sickness. There is more than enough fresh water in the world for domestic use, agriculture and industry. however, the poor are largely excluded from this globally recognized “human right.” New built and maintained wells will bring life back to barren lands and devastated cities. If you want to invest in saving life, a clean drinking water is the way to go.

Housing and infrastructure

Qatar Charity projects focus on rebuilding the infrastructure of damaged cities, and build homes for those affected by natural disasters, and wars. We liaise with local governments around the world to provide housing and shelters to those in need.

Improved income

In order to lift those less privileged from poverty, Qatar Charity undertakes the responsibility of improving incomes and opportunities for the poor. Our organization works tirelessly to improve their monthly earnings, promote awareness, and increase activism for basic income.

Mosques and culture

Mosques are shrines of knowledge, social reformation, and worship. Due to the fast growth of Islam, there is a shortage of mosques in remote areas and non-Islamic countries; therefore, Qatar Charity undertakes the responsibility to spread the word of Islam and build more mosques wherever Muslims live.

Relief Campaigns

The aftermath of wars, epidemics, and natural disasters is truly horrifying. it puts millions of lives at a great risk. Join Qatar Charity now and help us reach out to people immediately where needed, when needed and whatever the emergency is.


Zakat is the given-related pillar of Islam. It is a major teaching that raises awareness about the importance of helping those most vulnerable. Zakat is the manifestation of ultimate selfishness, generosity, and social reformation. it is a cleansing process of the heart from greed and misery.

Ramadan Projects

Qatar Charity saves no efforts to make every Ramadan a different one. We send our convoys of mercy to poor Muslims around the world in Ramadan to engulf them with love, hope, and support. We ensure that our projects cover up the daily life of our Muslim brothers in need.