Qatar Charity

For the orphans

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LNO : 2024

Qatar charity

responds to global disasters and crises

Qatar Charity is often one of the first responders to international emergencies. With a 3-decade-long track record of emergency response and disaster relief in



our staff are at the forefront of international aid operations, providing shelter, urgent medical assistance, food supplies, livelihoods and comfort to affected populations and don’t withdraw until communities are well on their path to recovery.

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Sudan Appeal

Considering the tragic circumstances in Sudan, the situation is worsening day by day for 17 million people who are at risk of famine by the end of 2024. Sudan is currently experiencing the world's most severe displacement crisis, with over 11 million internally displaced persons and refugees, a number that includes those who have been displaced since mid-April 2023. Additionally, more than 2 million people have sought refuge in neighboring countries. Severe malnutrition threatens 4.6

... LNO : 2024

Gaza Appeal

All Eyes on Gaza

The impact of the recent conflict in Palestine on humanitarian conditions is devastating, resulting in loss of life, food and water insecurity, healthcare crises, trauma, and instability. Humanitarian efforts are crucial to mitigate these effects and provide relief and resilience to our Palestinian brothers and sisters.  Join us in this humanitarian endeavor to provide immediate relief, including food aid, clean water, shelter, and medical care, to address urgent needs and alleviate

... LNO : 2024

Together against hunger

Alleviate their suffering

Every minute, 11 lives are lost to starvation. Approximately 41 million individuals, predominantly women and children, face imminent starvation and malnutrition due to crises and natural disasters.   Join us in the fight against hunger! Your support enables us to supply vital, nutritious food, safeguarding the lives of those on the brink of starvation.   Together, let's provide sustenance. Donate now to help feed those in need!

... LNO : 2024

Together we provide treatment

Help to provide medical treatment

Contribute to providing treatment to those in need and be a source of ideas of creativity and compassion. Donate now to ease their pain and fill their hearts with joy.

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Dig a well

Quenches their thirst

Soqqyah is the best form of Sadaqah contribute to provide clean water in communities in need through water projects and drilling water wells.

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Your endless giving

Lights up mosques for worshipers

Contribute to building a mosques and leave a mark that lasts forever Inshallah.

... LNO : 2024

Empowering poor family

Economic empowerment is their chance to a dignified life and a better reality. Each donation is 500 Qatari riyals It gives one person the opportunity to live a decent life

... LNO : 2024

Your endless giving is

a warm house for a family in need

Contribute this Ramadan to restoring a home for a family in need.

When disaster strikes, a race against time begins to save lives and restore a sense of normality.

In developed countries where disaster preparedness levels are outstanding, natural disasters and man-made disruptions still manage to cause an enormous strain on governments and lead to mass casualty.


In 2019

In 2020

  • Countries 70

    through 30 field offices and implementing partners

  • Beneficiaries 14,000,000

    children, women, people with disabilities, elderly and vulnerable communities

  • Total spent 400 Million $

    spent on humanitarian and development projects

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