Qatar Charity


Globally, about 258 million children and youth of school age are out of school.


Quality education is one of the key principles underpinning the 2030 agenda. Sadly, nearly 300 million children around the world are deprived of this fundamental right.

The education challenge is becoming increasingly multifaceted, with many political and socio-economic factors contributing to its complexity: conflict is a major barrier with about 40% of out-of-school children living in conflict-affected countries; lack of education facilities, unqualified teachers, gender inequality, child labor and an unsafe learning environment all add to the misfortune of an entire generation, exposing hundreds of thousands of young girls and boys to all risks of abuse and harm. At Qatar Charity, we make education a priority to break the ongoing cycle of poverty.

Our programs and projects provide empowering learning environments for children and young adults and increase their chance of a better future.

Qatar Charity's approach

to the global education challenges

Our objectives

• Ensuring that girls and boys complete equitable and quality education
• Reducing illiteracy rate in fragile communities
• Building local capacity in educational programs
• Promoting social cohesion
• Eliminating gender disparities in education and ensuring equal access to education
• Developing capacity-building frameworks for teachers and trainers

Areas of Intervention

• Building, furnishing, equipping, and maintaining primary and secondary schools.

• Delivering teacher training programmes.

• Establishing vocational training centers.

• Providing housing for students in remote areas.

• Providing livelihoods for families as incentives to keep children in schools and out of labor.

• Providing scholarships and sponsorships.

• Providing schools with water and sanitation services.

Education projects

(2014 - 2018)

46,000,000 $

Expenditure (in USD)



children, women, people with disabilities, elderly and vulnerable communities



through 30 field offices and implementing partners


in 2022

2.1 Million

had access to safe drinking water and sanitation services

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