QC Honors the Winners of 'The Young Writer' Competition


Launched last February for Mother Language International Day, 'The Young Writer' is a competition which targeted female students of both primary and preparatory school levels in Al Wakra and Mesaieed. It aimed at discovering the girls' abilities to creatively write thus improve their skills.

"The Young Writer" Competition, organized by QC Community Development Center in Al Wakra, concluded its events. The winners were honored in the final ceremony which was held at the Municipality of Al Wakra Building. Many Qatari intellectuals and journalists, ambassadors from QC's Social Network, students and parents attended.



The first prize winners for primary and preparatory school levels were announced as follows: Jawaher Hamad Al Mana'i received the first prize for primary school level for her story 'Toys Talk'. Immediately followed by the second winner Reem Amin Al Yaf'i for her story 'Rapture after Distress'; and Addana Hussein Al Hashimi won the third place for her 'Girl & Hijab'. As for the results of the preparatory school level, Merriam Yehia received the first prize for her 'Jasmine and the Unfair King'; Hamas Mohammed Mahran received the second place for her 'Sally and the Big Forest'; and Nour Mustafa Khattab for her 'My Hijab is My Happiness'.

The winners of the first three prizes received financial awards of 2,000 QR, 1,500 QR, and 1,000 respectively.


Thanking Partners and Cooperators

In his speech, Mr. Ali Al Gharib, Director of Programs and Centers Administration at QC, announced As-Sharq Newspaper and QC Magazine commitment to publish the winning contributions. "QC will continue to support the winners through offering them creative writing courses and workshops. Our main purpose is to improve their skills so that they publish their own works in the future. We thank Ibda' Cultural Center, Al Wakra Municipality, the participating schools, the trainers of the competition's workshops (Julnar Fahim and Hassan As-Sa'i) and QC's Social Network's ambassadors Ahmed Abdullah and Asmaa Al Hammadi, journalists".


Ibda' Center

Eissa Abdullah, Director of Ibda' Cultural Center, said, "We are pleased to work hand in hand with QC to organize this competition which aims at discovering, supporting and improving talents. Idba' Center always makes sure to adopt talents and it is going to offer free writing workshops to the winning contributors. We are also willing to adopt the contributions, print and publish them after their review procedures". Mr. Abdullah mentioned how that was not the first time the center cooperates with QC.


The Jury

Mr. Jassim Fakhru, a Jury Member, said that such competitions teach the students to expand their horizons and thinking through improving their writing skills. "I enjoyed reading the stories. The girls mixed fantasy and myths with life. It shows creativity and innovation," he added.

Mr. Mohamed Al Jifeiri, Qatari Author, stressed on how all contributors were winners; "Your best prize is gaining experience. Experience can only be gained through learning and trying, even if it is followed by failing. Writing leaves an everlasting mark. It is what distinguishes a person from another and monumentalizes them," said he.

On the sideline of the ceremony, Ms. Julnar Fahim, a Journalist and Children Books Writer, mentioned how the organizers of the competition had already held training courses at the girls' schools of primary and preparatory levels. "These workshops intrigued the students' imagination and language; they helped improve their writing skills and encourage them to read. This experience was distinguished and special because of the girls' intelligence and wit. It is our job as parents, teachers and interested groups to support such talents," she added.

Ms. Amal Abdul Malik, Qatari Author, commended organizing such competitions and expressed her joy for the outcomes of the competition. "I encourage QC to continue sponsoring similar contests. I also hope we could organize such competition for the male students and that it would be all over the country. I am sure there are so many talents waiting to be discovered."


Promising Writers Dreams

The winners expressed their deep happiness for receiving the first three prizes. Addana Al Hashimi, one of the winners, said that she was thrilled to win and that she knew she was going to. "I aspire to become a writer and I hope my writings will be published in the newspapers one day."

Reem Al Yaf'i described her feelings as 'mixed feelings of joy and happiness'. "It is my first time to participate in a writing contest. I definitely want to do this again," she said.

As for Nour Mustafa, "I was hoping to win," she said, "I worked really hard. Now I wish to have my first book published and that I become a very famous writer in the future."

Hamas Muhran expressed her happiness for winning and that she wished luck for all the others who participated but did not win. "Keep writing. It is not over yet," she encouraged them.

At the end of the ceremony, the organizing committee honored the jury and the presenters of the contest. It also honored all the participating schools and students.



It is worth mentioning that the competition included several events since its inauguration. One of the key events was the 'Young Author' workshop which was organized by QC for Community Development – Al Wakra Branch. The targeted group was the female students of primary and preparatory school levels in Al Wakra and Mesaieed. The girls were introduced to the competition and were given the guidelines about the participation regulations. The aim of the workshop was to train the students on reading skills, researching, simple-grammar writing, and making use of imagination.

A meeting with Hassan As-Sa'i, a Journalist, was organized so the girls would listen to advice from professional writers. He spoke about media and writing. He gave room for the students to ask about whatever they wish regarding writing and journalism.

QC for Community Development, Al Wakra Branch organized this competition as part of 'Shakhsiyati' (My Character). The main aim of the center was to encourage the young writers to write and release their imagination. It was also to discover talents in writing and imagining in order to adopt and improve the writers' skills; to support capable students; to encourage students to become more sociable; to reinforce their self-confidence and to develop their linguistic and mental skills. 

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Pizza Hut and QC cooperate to

Arsel Al-Amal (Send Hope) Initiative Continues to Provide School Meals to the Deprived Students in the Middle East

Pizza Hut in Qatar inaugurated “Send Hope” initiative supported by QC to provide school meals to the deprived students in the Middle East by supporting school nutrition projects of the UN’s World Food Programme.

This initiative allows Pizza Hut’s costumers, in all of its branches, in Qatar to donate to ‘School Meals’ project the amount they want. The donation is added to the costumers’ bills. With each Qatari Riyal given, a child will receive a meal at school. These children will have a better future to aspire for.  

Last May, QC and WFP signed an agreement in WFP’s headquarter in Rome, Italy, to fight hunger and malnutrition, and to bolster food security worldwide. This strategic cooperation will strengthen the private sector’s role in the battle against these life-threatening challenges which threaten the lives of millions of people whether in the times of peace or conflict. These challenges also hinder the developmental efforts exerted in many countries.

Abdullah Al-Wardat, WFP’s representative and the Gulf’s Office Director, said, “We sincerely thank Pizza Hut for this great initiative which supports the Programme’s efforts to fight hunger and malnutrition by providing students with school meals in the Middle East. Our strategic cooperation with QC offers a chance to the Qatari private sector’s companies, which understand that fighting hunger and malnutrition is the primary element for their success and for the community’s stability. The companies also understand their moral duty towards the children and the country.”   

In a press release, Sterling Cos’ representative, Pizza Hut franchiser in Qatar, said, “It’s our pleasure to cooperate with QC to implement “Send Hope” initiative. We hope it would help support WFP’s efforts to give meals to more than 2,600,000 needy students in the Middle East. I hope this would bring hope to their hearts; I hope it makes their lives better. Education is essential to build a bright future, especially to those with a limited income.”

Mr. Jassim Al-Mansouri, QC’s Marketing Manager, expressed his gratitude to Pizza Hut for this initiative, and expressed his happiness with this cooperation to serve the school children.  He also showed his great trust in the companies of the private sector in Qatar and how sure he is that more companies will be involved in supporting such initiative. The private sector is known to be very generous and to have a sense of responsibility towards the needy communities around the world. Its efforts will stand as the practical application of the agreement which QC had signed with WFP. “Send Hope” is expected to be well received for its noble goals.

This cooperation between QC and WFP represents an opportunity for the private sector in Qatar to be more involved in supporting the fight against hunger by supporting QC’s and WFP’s campaigns for collecting financial and in-kind contributions according to the procedures of Human Appeal International. Companies are aware of the fact that by fighting hunger, ending malnutrition and bolstering food security, they can achieve success. They are also aware of the moral duty behind such battle.


QC Builds 30 Mosques and 3 Qur

The plan of QC's office in Bangladesh for the year 2015 includes  building 449 mosques and 22 centers for the memorization of the Quran at a cost of 25,928,395 QR from which 200,000 people are expected to benefit. Most of the work has been completed.

By the end of last October, QC had finished building 30 mosques and 3 centers for the memorization of the Quran. They were fully equipped and furnished. They had mattresses, carpets, speakers, fans, shelves for the Holy Quran and other religious books. It is expected that thousands of people will be benefiting from the project, especially those living in the villages and the countryside.

The mosques and centers are built according to excellent standards. They offer a comfortable atmosphere for students and the performers of prayer. They will be able to pray with complete serenity and devotion. They encourage learning and memorizing the Quran, and learning other Sharia sciences. The inhabitants will not have to fear the changing weather; neither the cold nor the heat.

In comparison to the mosques and centers the people of the countryside build, QC's mosques and centers are so much better. Because of their bad financial status, the inhabitants use bamboo sticks, wood, clay, and Zink  for building. Their financial resources are very little.

Built last October, these mosques and centers are considered to be part of the plan QC had set for the first 10 months of 2015 for Bangladesh. The plan included building 449 mosques and 22 centers for the memorization of the Quran at a cost of 25,928,395 QR from which 200,000 people are expected to benefit.

Dr. Mohammed Amin Hafith, QC's Office Director in Bangladesh, said that many of the projects were already entirely implemented, while the rest will be so during the coming two months of this year and the beginning of the next one.

"I thank the philanthropists and good doers from Qatar for their generous donations which contributed to the implementation of these projects. QC's projects have left a great impact on the lives of the people of Bangladesh. The projects seek to compensate for the shortages the people suffer from specially in the countryside," said he.

Furthermore, QC has recently implemented a number of projects in Bangladesh which provided public services, health, education, water, mosques and memorization centers. It is expected that 172,000 people will benefit from these projects which were implemented at a cost of around 4,600,000 QR. The supervisors anticipate that by the end of 2015, the work progress will have continued. The services these projects offer are going to be available. The people will be able to start memorizing the Quran, they will have clean drinking water and water for home use, and they will benefit from social care services. Plus, the orphans will have a place to live in, they will have food, will be educated, dressed, treated and trained.

It is worth mentioning that QC has recently built 72 mosques in different places in Bangladesh at a cost of around 4,000,000 QR from which 10,000 people benefited. Plus, next to each mosque, QC dug an Artesian well.

In addition, QC has organized a wedding ceremony for a group of couples in the hall of Al Banat (Girls) Center. 22 orphans benefited from this project; and it was out of their desire to 'complete the other half of their religion' (as marriage is considered to be so in Islam). After the ceremony was over, the beneficiaries received supplies for their houses.

QC's Office in Bangladesh

QC started its charity work in Bangladesh when it officially opened its office there in 1995. The quality and number of projects increased rapidly. They included developmental activities and fields such as education, health, water, sanitation, relief, skills improvement, social care, and others.


You can donate to support such projects through the link:  Click here

QC Sponsors 8,500 Orphans in B

QC's sponsorship enabled the orphans to continue their higher education and to excel. One of the orphans won a universal competition for the Holy Quran.

The total number of orphans QC sponsored in Bosnia and Herzegovina is 2,500, most of which are orphans. QC also sponsors families, students, and Quran teachers. For the past 10 years, QC has spent more than 178,000,000 QR on sponsorship projects.

As part of its social care initiatives for the vulnerable groups, sponsoring orphans comes as a contribution to protecting childhood and saving it from going astray. It also helps save the dignity of needy families especially in times of disasters and wars.

Comprehensive Sponsorship

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, orphans receive the biggest share of sponsorship. The number of sponsored orphans is 2,150 children across the different villages and towns of Bosnia. Last year, the total financial sponsorship allocated for the orphans reached around 5,000,000 QR.

Since 1994, QC has sponsored 8,500 orphans. Some of them graduated from college and are working either as employees or craftsmen.

QC's sponsorship programs are distinguished with offering comprehensive care in the different fields of education, health and entertainment. In addition, they offer financial sponsorships on a monthly basis. The programs include holding events for the orphans which include multiple activities such as undertaking medical tests, getting tutors, going on trips, camping, taking part in competitions, receiving educational and training courses and attending workshops.

During 2015, QC held for its sponsored orphans several entertaining activities through which it distributed some awards to encourage them. A delegation from QC also distributed winter clothes to the orphans before the end of 2015.

Fruitful Efforts

Because of the sponsorships QC offers, a lot of orphans received education whether academic or occupational. It was considered a gate to ensure a dignified life for them and those they are going to take care of when they are older. Many of the students excelled in some fields. To mention a few,  one of the sponsored orphans from Bosnia was awarded first in a universal competition which was held in Jeddah in 2015. One of the orphans who passed the sponsorship age is now an Imam and a preacher, and currently works at the orphans' division at QC's office in Bosnia.

QC thanked Qatar's philanthropists for sponsoring the orphans hoping such work would be a path to Jannah (Heaven), and that they and their children would be blessed for their good work.

QC's field office in Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia, was first established in 1994 so that QC would be able to check upon the people it sponsors and to supervise its other projects. QC spent more than 202,000,000 QR on the social care projects, especially sponsorships of orphans, families and students. QC also built houses, schools, clinics; and implemented water projects.Such work contributed to the reconstruction of Bosnia and return of the displaced and refugees who were affected by the war that hit their country in the 90s.

QC sponsors more than 92,000 orphans around the world through 'Rofaqa' initiative which was inaugurated in December 2013. It focuses on orphan children around the world and aims at offering comprehensive sponsorship for children and orphans; one that includes social, educational, health and psychological aspects.


You can donate to support such projects through the link: Click here


QC Launches Distance Memorizat

  • Ali Al Gharib: QC seeks to continue its work in serving the Holy Quran and making it the essence of communal work.
  • 'My Distance Teacher' project aims at targeting the Qatari community and encouraging them to do good deeds.
  • The project aims at empowering the people of the Gaza Strip economically through providing them with job opportunities.  
  • 'My Distance Teacher' project is added to the other two projects: 'My Teacher of Quran Circles' and 'My Home Teacher'.
  • 'My Distance Teacher' program depends on teaching the sciences of the Quran in a new, interesting way.


For 20 years, QC has been exerting so many efforts in teaching and helping Muslims memorize the Holy Quran. The Local Development Management at QC inaugurated a new project that teaches Quran from a distance. It offers a new service 'My Distance Teacher' through which the students receive education and are helped with the memorization of the Quran from a distance through Skype. The inauguration ceremony took place at Oryx Rotana Hotel.

The Local Development Management at QC offers 3 main services related to teaching and helping Muslims memorize the Quran. Two of these services were already applied: 'Rise Project', which offers Quran memorization at QC's community development centers; and 'Ponder – My Home Teacher', through which beneficiaries memorize the Quran at home. The new service is now out.

QC's Community Development Centers inaugurated 'My Distance Teacher' service which is distinguished with multiple features. It bridges the gap of lacking teachers of the Holy Quran in Qatar, considers the groups who cannot attend the memorization circles, applies individual education (it provides one teacher for every person), and provides job opportunities for people from the Gaza Strip (the teachers are from there). Through supporting this project, the philanthropists help serve the Qatari society.

Mr. Ali Al Gharib, Director of Centers and Programs' Management at QC, said that QC always sought to continue its work in serving the Holy Quran and making it an essential component of community work in Qatar. "We know how great the reward is for teaching and helping Muslims memorize the Holy Quran. Through this campaign, we aspire to spread the Islamic values, provide a suitable educational environment for learning the concepts and values of the Quran, and facilitate learning and memorization of the sciences of the Holy Quran remotely using advanced technologies," said he.


Communal Development

This project mainly depends on presenting QC as a partner in developing the members of the society in harmony with Human Development article of Qatar National Vision 2030. QC will prepare qualified and professional staff members to work remotely as part of 'Taqat' program. It will offer a new service to all groups of the society (such as the elderly and women) and at suitable times and places.


Taqat Program

Through Taqat program, QC targets students from all educational levels, whether male or female students; people who want to learn the Quran and its sciences; women and housewives; and old people. 'My Teacher' project is part of this program; it offers a comprehensive electronic system run by a group of distinguished Quran teachers from the Gaza Strip, Palestine. These people are capable of offering special services in helping the memorizers memorize the Quran and learn the rules of Tajweed.


Thousands of Beneficiaries

In its first year, "My Teacher' project targeted more than 5,000 men and women. Each teacher would help 8 participants memorize verses from the Quran on a monthly basis for a year. The session would last one hour for 3 days a week.

"My Teacher" project is distinguished with the flexibility of its timing since it is assigned by the memorizer. The project gives 'Telawa' certificates from acknowledged centers. In addition, it provides each family with a teacher who gives them specialized courses such as memorization and revision of the Holy Quran, Telawa lessons, Qa'idah al-Nuraniah lessons for the children, Tajweed lessons, and reading and sanad courses. The goal is to teach the families the Holy Quran.


Empowerment and Solutions

This campaign aims at economically empowering the male and female teachers of the Holy Quran from the Gaza Strip. This way, these people, who suffer from the siege and poverty, can have a job to help them meet their needs. QC also seeks to offer a solution to the problem of lacking teachers of the Holy Quran. It aspires to facilitate the process of memorization through offering home lessons and using advanced technologies.


Supporting and Marketing

'My Teacher' project is considered to be the first charity product that gives the philanthropists the chance to donate inside Qatar through sponsoring a memorizer. The sponsorship is 300 QR a month; this project also offers the philanthropists the chance to sponsor a teacher; 2,400 QR a month. Each teacher helps 8 memorizers from Qatar. Meaning, the outcomes of this project greatly serve the Qatari society.

Donors can send their donations through Qatar National Bank at this IBAN: 000000000786746200001QA25QNBA; or through QC's website http://bit.ly/1N5K6ji. For more information, donors can use the hotline 0097450240471, or visit the project's website: http://learn.taqat.jobs/.

The project's website explains the program's features, and conditions for joining the service and way of registering; it also displays a group of success stories and certificates of previous participants. 


Successful Trial

Tens of participants took part in the trial version of the campaign which was applied for 3 months since the end of last year and until the beginning of this year. It was very successful and achieved the desired goals. The participants expressed their deep happiness and desire to continue in the program. They also mentioned how they want to introduce their friends and relatives to this program.


Continuous Efforts

This project is a part of 'My Quran' series of project, which was already implemented through 'Rise' project. It was held at Community Development Centers; at 8 different centers distributed geographically across the country.

These centers make use of recent and distinguished methods of teaching the Holy Quran according to the participants' age and study level. They hold different cultural, social and educational activities. The centers aim at preparing a generation capable of receiving education and passing it to others. They also aim at investing the generations' free time and creating an atmosphere of positive competition in the field of memorizing the Holy Quran.



Qatar Charity Provides School


A Program for the top-orphaned students was developed, where 250 orphans got excellent grades, and 480 orphans got very good grades.


At the beginning of the school year, and under the auspices of HE the Albanian Minister of Labor, Blend Clausa, and the Chargé d'affaires of Qatar, Awad Habbabi, Qatar Charity in Tirana distributed school kits to 1,000 sponsored orphans with a value of QR 600.

Each orphan received a school bag contained all the necessary books and stationery. The clothing included two trousers, two shirts, two jackets, sportswear and shoes.

The Distribution Ceremony

The Qatari philanthropists and orphans' sponsors provided these aids as part of the comprehensive care provided by "The orphans' sponsorship project", which is implemented by QC through "Rofqa'a" initiative. As part of this project, orphaned children receive a monthly financial sponsorship, social, health, and recreational care. In addition, special programs are conducted for the top students.

At the distribution ceremony, the Albanian Minister of Labour, Blend Clausa extended his sincere thanks to the State of Qatar for its humanitarian role all over the world, and praised QC and the efforts exerted by its office in Tirana. HE Mr. Clausa commended the outstanding services provided and the projects implemented by QC to meet the Albanian community's needs as part of the fraternal relations between the Albanians and Qataris. The minister examined the school kits provided by Qatar Charity and expressed his satisfaction with their quality and variety.

For his part, HE the Qatari, Charge d'affaires, in Albania, Awad Habbabi expressed his gratification about QC's  humanitarian efforts in Albania, especially the outstanding cooperation between QC and the Qatari Embassy in Albania on one hand, and between QC and the Albanian government ministries and relevant agencies on the other hand to serve the community development goals related to the Albanian people.

Al Amal Program

The Orphan Sponsorship Program is one of the oldest projects, which is implemented by QC in Albania in the early nineties of the last century. QC conducts a number of weekly and periodical programs in the educational field for the 2100 sponsored orphans.

These programs include the orphans' weekly Forum that is held on Saturday and Sunday. This forum includes teaching the Quran, public morality, the illustrious biography of the Prophet and Hadith. It also provides a brief computer lesson and carries out various activities such as the month's moral. In addition, it makes various videos that address topics related to the children at this age and organizes contests and camps for the top-orphaned students in summer.

In the social field, the orphans takes advantage of QC's seasonal projects such as the food basket in Ramadan, Qurbani meat and zakat al-Fitr in addition to clothes and school bag project, which is implemented at the start of each academic year. The sponsored orphans participated in a training course in football for a month under the auspices of a professional coach. Many trips were organized to sporting and recreational venues.

250 top –orphaned students have benefited from Al-Amal one-year Program in the educational and behavioral. This program focused on the university eligible courses, foreign languages, computer and Islamic education.

The dedicated attention paid by QC's Tirana Office to the educational and learning aspect relating to the sponsored orphans had been positively reflected on the results of the end of the academic year. More than 250 orphans got the excellent grade, 480 orphans got the grade, while 660 orphans got the good grade.  Further, 80 orphans finished their high school and joined the university.


You can donate to support such projects through the link: Click here

