Partnerships And

Alone we can do so little…

Working in unstable operating environments is becoming increasingly complex and calls for a more coordinated and integrated approach. When navigating the ever-changing humanitarian landscape where resources are limited, efforts are duplicated, and organizations are operating in isolation from each other, building partnerships and working in collaboration is key to ensuring the international humanitarian community is able to respond effectively to disasters and humanitarian crisis.

And Networks

UNRWA: Qatar Charity's CEO, Mr Yousef AlKuwari in a strategic dialogue with the UNRWA Commissioner-General, Mr. Philippe Lazzarini, 2020

Alone we can do so little…

Working in unstable operating environments is becoming increasingly complex and calls for a more coordinated and integrated approach. When navigating the ever-changing humanitarian landscape where resources are limited, efforts are duplicated, and organizations are operating in isolation from each other, building partnerships and working in collaboration is key to ensuring the international humanitarian community is able to respond effectively to disasters and humanitarian crisis.
  • IOM
  • Start Network
  • CHS
  • DGC

Community partnerships:
The pathway to localization

Whilst we are proud of our long-standing partnerships with governments, UN agencies and large organizations, at Qatar Charity, we seek to uphold strategic and sustainable partnerships with grass-root organizations and communities. We believe that local communities are the true custodians of their future and should be given the means to cope with adversity and to build resilience. Although affected communities are the most qualified to respond to crises in a timely, effective and culturally appropriate manner, they often lack the expertise and knowledge in disaster preparedness and response. Read more about how we enhance the capacity of local communities to lead in times of crisis.


The Economic and Social Council of the United Nations ECOSOC

In 1994, we were granted a Consultative Status at the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, making us one of the very first MENA-based NGOs to be invited to contribute to the United Nations’ civil society discussions.
Our Consultative Status at the ECOSOC allows us to have a role in formal UN deliberations, participate in events organized by the President of the General Assembly and submit written and oral statements prior to sessions.

Past UN events The United Nations ECOSOC


The International Organization of Migration

Migration issues are both a major catalyst and an undeniable result of crises and disasters. As a result, we have started mobilizing considerable resources to protect people affected by migration issues. In 2002, we were the first organization in the MENA region to gain membership as a Consulting Member at the International Organization for Migration. Our prestigious affiliation allows us to collaborate with the IOM on a broad variety of migration issues globally: Counter-trafficking, emergency, post-conflict assistance, and assisted voluntary returns.

The International Organization of Migration


The Start Network

In 2016, Qatar Charity joined the Start Network, a UK based network comprised of 42 INGOs and addressing the challenges and shortcomings of the current humanitarian funding system. The Start Network’s fund is collectively owned and managed by the members, and supported by the governments of the United Kingdom, Ireland, the Netherlands and Germany. Qatar Charity has benefited from the pool fund for relief projects in Somalia and Pakistan.

The Start Network

In October 2019, Qatar Charity hosted the Annual Assembly of the Start Network, welcoming 80 representatives from 42 global leading NGOs such as Save the Children, Oxfam, Plan International, Islamic Relief, Caritas and others. The two-day meeting is an annual gathering that sets the strategic direction of the Network and informs the members of its evolution. (

Start network Annual Assembly


The Department of Global Communication DGC

The association with the Department of Global Communication constitutes a commitment to disseminate information and raise public awareness about the purposes and activities of the United Nations and issues of global concern. As a member, Qatar Charity focuses a portion of its publications and information activities on the work of the United Nations and helps expand its outreach

The Department of Global Communication DGC


The Core Humanitarian Standards Alliance

Over the last few years, we have worked hard to maintain a high degree of accountability to our beneficiaries and began exploring new approaches to exceed our existing benchmarks and truly center our response around our beneficiaries’ needs and dignity. In 2019, we joined the Core Humanitarian Standards Alliance, a Geneva-based network of more than 150 leading organizations working together to strengthen accountability and put people affected by crisis at the heart of humanitarian and development response. The CHS Alliance memberships has given us the tools to assess our existing mechanisms and scale them up to meet the most rigorous accountability standards. Our beneficiaries now have a say in the assistance that they receive, they are provided with feedback and complaints platforms and their input is taken into consideration in all aspects of our response whether in the programming, the implementation or the evaluation process.

Read more about how we are involving our beneficiaries in our daily operations. The Core Humanitarian Standards Alliance

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