42 partnership agreements between Qatar Charity

42 partnership agreements between Qatar Charity and the United Nations NGOs


Given its interest in networking and joining partnerships with others in the implementation of its projects worldwide, Qatar Charity has cooperated with United Nations agencies and organizations through 42 memorandums of understanding, partnership and cooperation agreements in the period 2000- 2017.

Memos and cooperation agreements have been signed with each of the following NGOs:  The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the World Food Program (WFP), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) , the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency(UNRWA).

These agreements covered various humanitarian and developmental areas such as relief, resettlement of displaced persons, livelihoods, water, sanitation, logistics, food, resource mobilization, agriculture and food security, expert exchange, health and social welfare. Several countries have benefited from these projects and cooperation, namely Palestine, Somalia, Pakistan, Iraq, Sudan, Yemen and Niger.

As for UNHCR, two general agreements were signed in 2000, a relief agreement in 2002 for Pakistan, water and sanitation agreement in 2004 and 2005, relief agreement for Yemen in 2009, relief agreement for Myanmar 2012, resettlement agreement for Somali IDPs in 2013, relief agreement for Yemen and Malaysia In 2015 and a relief agreement for Iraq in 2017.

Agreements with the World Food Program included logistics agreement (a general agreement) from 2008 to 20014, provision of food for Sudan in 2007, provision of food for Palestine in the Gaza Strip in 2009, provision of food for Pakistan (two agreements) and mobilization of resources at global level (a general agreement in 2015).

Cooperation with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) focused on Sudan relief in 2007 and a global cooperation agreement signed in 2016.

With regard to cooperation with FAO, it started in 2009 in the field of agriculture in Palestine and Somalia, then in agriculture in Pakistan 2010 and in the field of food security in Niger in the period 2013-2017.

Qatar Charity cooperated with the UNICEF In the area of ​​social welfare in Somalia in 2009. This cooperation covered the field of water and sanitation in Pakistan (two agreements) and continued in 2010 and 2016 and a general agreement was also signed in 2013.

Qatar Charity and the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) signed a global cooperation agreement on the exchange of experts in 2009, and the UNDP signed the Sudan Livelihoods Agreement in 2017.

Qatar Charity's cooperation with United Nations organizations included the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), where two agreements have been signed in the field of health in 2013 for the Gaza Strip, and an agreement in the field of relief recently in 2017 for Palestine.

Qatar Charity operates in 48 countries across the world and has 26 field and regional offices abroad.





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QC Implements ‘Providing Drink

Through its office in the Strip and in cooperation with Ghaith for Relief and Development, QC has recently started implementing ‘Providing Drinking Water’ project to the poor. More than 3,000 poor families are expected to benefit from it. It will take around 8 months for the project to be implemented at a cost of 262,000 QR. Kidney Diseases The Municipalities in the Strip provide the citizens with salty water only, which could cause many different diseases such as kidney diseases. Therefore, QC decided to implement this project in order to provide the poor families with good drinking water. Eng. Mohammed Abu Halloub, QC’s Office Director in the Strip, said that this project is being implemented because QC wants to alleviate the sufferings of those who cannot afford to get good drinking water, and to prevent the diseases spread because of water pollution. He also emphasized the fact that water projects are on the top QC’s priorities’ list since the siege and the attacks on the Strip have destroyed all of the water networks, which were not even sufficient. QC, as he also mentioned, will not spare an effort until it has helped the needy families and offered a good living opportunities for the needy; whether through relief or development projects. Water Crisis The Strip’s aquifer is both polluted and empty which made the Strip suffer from a dire water crisis. As a result, the Gazan families who are financially stable buy filtered water, while the poor families still use the brackish water provided by the municipalities. To help face this crisis, QC is implementing a project to filter rainwater and to inject it into the aquifer in around 30 public schools. The UN had already warned from the worsening situation of water in the Strip. According to the UN’s report, if the current conditions remain the same, the situation in 2016 will be catastrophic. The Strip is in great need for desalination plants a hundred times more than roads. Reconstruction of Gaza After all the destruction and wreckage the last aggression on the Strip caused, QC spared no effort to help rebuild the Strip. More than 2,000 people were martyred during the aggression, 11,200 were injured, and thousands of families, whose houses were demolished, were displaced. Furthermore, many infrastructure facilities such as roads, hospitals, schools, and factories were destroyed. The last brutal attack on the Gaza Strip caused the loss of so many people, houses, and facilities. 2,139 were martyred: 579 of them were children, 264 of them were women, and 102 were elders. 11,200 people were injured: 25% of them became handicapped. 1,000 children became permanently disabled. 2,088 women, 3,374 children and 410 old people were injured. 1,200 families lost their breadwinners. 90 families were entirely eliminated and 49 massacres were executed. In addition, 466,000 citizens were displaced, 2,360 houses were completely destroyed, 13,644 houses were partly destroyed, 30,000 workers lost their jobs, and 134 factories were completely demolished. The destruction of Gaza cost a financial loss of 3,500,000,000 USD.   You can donate to support such projects through the link: Click here


Pizza Hut and QC cooperate to

Arsel Al-Amal (Send Hope) Initiative Continues to Provide School Meals to the Deprived Students in the Middle East Pizza Hut in Qatar inaugurated “Send Hope” initiative supported by QC to provide school meals to the deprived students in the Middle East by supporting school nutrition projects of the UN’s World Food Programme. This initiative allows Pizza Hut’s costumers, in all of its branches, in Qatar to donate to ‘School Meals’ project the amount they want. The donation is added to the costumers’ bills. With each Qatari Riyal given, a child will receive a meal at school. These children will have a better future to aspire for.   Last May, QC and WFP signed an agreement in WFP’s headquarter in Rome, Italy, to fight hunger and malnutrition, and to bolster food security worldwide. This strategic cooperation will strengthen the private sector’s role in the battle against these life-threatening challenges which threaten the lives of millions of people whether in the times of peace or conflict. These challenges also hinder the developmental efforts exerted in many countries. Abdullah Al-Wardat, WFP’s representative and the Gulf’s Office Director, said, “We sincerely thank Pizza Hut for this great initiative which supports the Programme’s efforts to fight hunger and malnutrition by providing students with school meals in the Middle East. Our strategic cooperation with QC offers a chance to the Qatari private sector’s companies, which understand that fighting hunger and malnutrition is the primary element for their success and for the community’s stability. The companies also understand their moral duty towards the children and the country.”    In a press release, Sterling Cos’ representative, Pizza Hut franchiser in Qatar, said, “It’s our pleasure to cooperate with QC to implement “Send Hope” initiative. We hope it would help support WFP’s efforts to give meals to more than 2,600,000 needy students in the Middle East. I hope this would bring hope to their hearts; I hope it makes their lives better. Education is essential to build a bright future, especially to those with a limited income.” Mr. Jassim Al-Mansouri, QC’s Marketing Manager, expressed his gratitude to Pizza Hut for this initiative, and expressed his happiness with this cooperation to serve the school children.  He also showed his great trust in the companies of the private sector in Qatar and how sure he is that more companies will be involved in supporting such initiative. The private sector is known to be very generous and to have a sense of responsibility towards the needy communities around the world. Its efforts will stand as the practical application of the agreement which QC had signed with WFP. “Send Hope” is expected to be well received for its noble goals. This cooperation between QC and WFP represents an opportunity for the private sector in Qatar to be more involved in supporting the fight against hunger by supporting QC’s and WFP’s campaigns for collecting financial and in-kind contributions according to the procedures of Human Appeal International. Companies are aware of the fact that by fighting hunger, ending malnutrition and bolstering food security, they can achieve success. They are also aware of the moral duty behind such battle.  


قطر الخيرية تدعم جهود الإغاثة

مواد إغاثية مقدمة للعراق تزن 86 طنا وبمبلغ يزيد عن 2 مليون ريال قدمت قطر الخيرية مواد إغاثية للنازحين العراقيين تزن 86 طنا، وبقيمة تتجاوز 2 مليون ريال، وذلك بالتعاون مع برنامج الأغذية العالمي التابع للأمم المتحدة. وقد عبّر السيد عبد الله الوردات مدير مكتب برنامج الأغذية العالمي التابع للأمم المتحدة بدول مجلس التعاون الخليجي عن عميق شكره وتقديره للمساهمة التي قدمتها لقطر الخيرية بتوفير المواد الإغاثية التي تبرعت بها لتصل إلى أكبر عدد من المتضررين من أزمة النزوح في العراق. وقد بلغ عدد هذه المواد الإغاثية 4000 مادة، وبزنة 86 طنا، شملت العديد من المواد مثل لوازم النظافة الشخصية وجركانات المياه من الحجم الصغير وخزانات مياه سعة 5000 لتر وعلي سبيل المثال 40 حاوية ماء  صالحة للشرب يتم توزيعها بشكل يومي الي 80000 شخص ، إضافة إلى المواد المتعلقة بإيواء النازحين مثل الخيام بالأحجام الكبيرة والمتوسطة، ومواقد الكيروسين وتجهيزات المطابخ ومولدات الكهرباء ومعدات الصرف الصحي، والحمامات المؤقتة. والجدير بالذكر بان قطر الخيرية لديها مخزون في برنامج الاغذية العالمي (WFP-UNHRD) - مستودعات الاستجابة السريعة التابع للأمم المتحدة في دبي - بهدف تسريع آليات الاستجابة للكوارث وتسهيل عميات الشحن والنقل وبالتالي الوصول في أسرع وقت الى المتضررين. وقد قام برنامج الغذاء العالمي بالتنسيق مع إدارة شبكة مستودع الأمم المتحدة للاستجابة الانسانية في دبي بالإشراف على نقل وتخزين هذه المواد الإغاثية ثم تلته عملية التوزيع وفقاً للمناطق ذات الأولوية. زرع الأمل وقد رحب المستفيدون بهذه المساعدات؛ معبرين عن سعادتهم بحصولهم عليها حيث مثلت في رأيهم بادرة أمل لهم بمستقبل أفضل؛ وعبَّر عن ذلك السيد سعيد يوسف ذو الخمسة والستين عاماً بعد حصوله على خيمتين لإيواء أسرته والتي كانت دون مأوى في إحدى مخيمات النازحين بالعراق.   فقد قال السيد يوسف بعد حصوله على الخيمتين: "الآن بدأت أشعر بوجود أمل في هذه الحياة بعد أن رأيت أسرتي تعيش في مكان أفضل". وقد استفاد من مواد الإغاثة عدد من اللاجئين والنازحين في مختلف المناطق العراقية وتحديداً في الرمادي والموصل وكركوك ودهوك وسنجار، حيث لا تزال الأوضاع الإنسانية فيها بالغة الصعوبة بسبب الأوضاع غير المستقرة ونقص التمويل. تعاون استراتيجي تجدر الإشارة إلى أن قطر الخيرية قد وقّعت قبل فترة اتفاقية تعاون استراتيجي مع برنامج الأغذية العالمي للأمم المتحدة  WFP في مجالات محاربة الجوع وسوء التغذية وتعزيز الأمن الغذائي عبر العالم، وقد تم توقيعها بالمقر الرئيس لبرنامج الأغذية العالمي في العاصمة الإيطالية روما في شهر مايو الماضي. ويهدف هذا التعاون الاستراتيجي بين الطرفين إلى تفعيل دور القطاع الخاص بصورة أكبر في دعم جهود محاربة الجوع ومكافحة سوء التغذية وتحقيق الأمن الغذائي عبر العالم باعتبارها أكثر التحديات التي تهدد حياة الملايين من البشر عبر العالم سواء في زمن السلم أو أثناء النزاعات، كما أنها تمثل تحديات حقيقية تعيق جهود التنمية في الكثير من الدول. كما يمثل هذا التعاون بين الجانبين فرصة للقطاع الخاص في دولة قطر للانخراط أكثر في دعم جهود محاربة الجوع من خلال دعم حملات خاصة لجمع التبرعات المالية والعينية التي ستنظمها قطر الخيرية وبرنامج الأغذية العالمي بشكل مشترك وذلك وفق الإجراءات المتبعة لدى هيئة تنظيم الأعمال الخيرية بدولة قطر.   يمكنكم المساهمة في دعم مشاريع قطر الخيرية الانسانية من خلال الرابط المرفق : اضغط هنا


The Annual Assembly of QC’s Fi

Held in Doha and entitled “We Meet to Develop”, the annual assembly of QC’s field offices came out with a number of recommendations for the development of QC’s field humanitarian works. During the closing session, after the recommendations were presented, Mr. Faisal Rashid al-Fahida, the Executive Director of Operations, distributed honorary certificates and shields to the participants from QC’s field offices for their efforts in observing and implementing the society’s projects around the world. Investing Opportunities This assembly is part of QC’s continuous efforts in developing its capabilities, investing all of the available opportunities, and involving its field offices in doing so.    Held from 13th to 17th of December, the assembly set a number of goals: Reinforcing the communications and information exchange among the field offices and between the central office and the field offices. Presenting QC’s main frameworks and ensuring they are accurately implemented, and continuously developed. Discussing and approving the field offices’ annual plans for the year 2016. Development Strategy In order to achieve these goals, the assembly came out with a number of recommendations, the main of which are: encouraging the field offices to work by the policies, regulations, procedures, and equipment approved by the central office; involving the field offices in setting, reviewing, and developing these regulations; reinforcing the coordination between the central office and the field offices according to the highest standards; supporting the field offices to seize the best cooperation opportunities with other humanitarian and related organizations; making extra efforts to develop the human resources according to a special training strategy; reviewing the 2016 annual plans in the light of what was discussed in the assembly and approving them before the beginning of the year; and holding the assembly annually under the title “QC’s Humanitarian and Development Forum” according to the vision reached in the assembly. One Entity Mr. Yousef bin Ahmed Al-Kuwari, QC’s CEO,   emphasized that the central office is concerned with the association’s organizational development. He referred to the central office and the field offices as a single entity that should exert its maximum efforts to achieve the best efficiency and effectiveness. He also congratulated everyone on their contributions to the success of the assembly, wishing the participants from the field offices a safe homeward travel. At the end, he stressed on the necessity to make use of the recommendations which were presented during the assembly. Mr. al-Fahida thanked the participants for their efforts in describing the reality of humanitarian field work. He pointed that the assembly clarified all the obstacles that hindered the humanitarian field work. He added that the assembly also discussed all the suitable solutions for these obstacles. He finally commended the role of the assembly in enhancing the humanitarian fieldwork. A number of field offices’ directors praised the assembly and the importance of the discussed issues and recommendations in developing the fieldwork. For example; Mr. Karam Zainhom, QC’s office director in Indonesia, said that the assembly would certainly improve the skills of the workers in the field offices.  Mr. Mohammed Hussein, QC’s office director in Somalia, said that he had high hopes in the outcomes of the assembly and their impact on improving the fieldwork. He added that it allowed the participants to become familiar with the actual framework in QC, and gave the field offices a chance to learn from each other. “I hope such assemblies are held annually,” said he. Rapid Intervention Having 19 offices around the world, QC has the ability to rapidly intervene in case of catastrophes. This also enables it to observe its development and construction projects and supervise its sponsored orphans, students, needy families, and disabled people. The assembly was attended by representatives of the field offices from: Sudan, Mali, Mauritania, Somalia, Bosnia, Albania, Kosovo, Pakistan, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Niger, Yemen, Tunisia, Comoros, Kenya, Chad, and Djibouti. It is worth mentioning that QC is planning to open new field offices in Morocco, Jordan, Turkey, Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, and Ghana.    You can donate to support such projects through the link: Click here


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