QC’s celebrates Arab Orphans Day in and outside

QC’s celebrates Arab Orphans Day in and outside Qatar


Qatar Charity, through its Executive Management of Local Operations, organized a mass festival at Aspire Zone to celebrate the Arab Orphans Day, while an event was also held in the city of Garissa in Kenya to celebrated this day.

The charity aimed, through the festival, to raise awareness about the hardship faced by orphans around the world, and encourage donations for the orphans care.

The celebration was held as part of QC’s activities for its Sponsored Orphans for this year, as the charity implements a number of sports, health, education, entertainment activities with the aim of providing comprehensive care to orphans.

A large group of children, adults, social, sports, media figures and Inshad — religious singing bands —  participated in the event, which was also attended by locally sponsored orphans, ‘Future Leaders’.

At the event, the Poet Radi Al – Hajri recited two poems, talking about the life the Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) in his second poem titled "The Greatest Orphan”, while Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Harami delivered an educational speech on the orphan and his role in society.

The festival also included a group of entertaining, coloring, sports, cultural and religious activities in addition to performing arts, handcrafts, games, competitions, and gifts.

‘Future Leaders’ participated with a group of players representing the Qatar Players Association, in a football match held on the sidelines of the festival.

The Director of Projects and Centers at QC’s Executive Management of Local Operations, Fareed Khaleel Al-Siddieqy said the orphans care is one of our top priorities. A number of orphans sponsored by Qatar Charity have achieved academic and personal successes in many fields, he noted.

Celebration in Kenya

Also, in Kenya, an event was held to celebrate the Arab Orphans Day, in which a large number of Orphans Sponsored by Qatar Charity, their parents and supervisors participated.

A number of regional officials, representatives of the QC’s local partner organizations, many prominent local figures, and the civil society members also participated in the event.

On this occasion, the orphaned students presented their wonderful arts, recited poems, and delivered words expressing the suffering of orphans in life as well as they hoped for better life with the support of philanthropists.

The participants and attending guests praised the role of the Qatar Charity in helping the needy in general and orphans in particular and they expressed their gratitude to Qatar, QC and the sponsors for their efforts in the service of orphans in Kenya.

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QC Provides Job Opportunities

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Qatar Charity Holds Two Camps

540 orphans have benefited from the activities of the two camps The most important events of the camps included: lessons from the Holy Qur'an, cultural contests, sports, entertaining activities, and medical examinations For the benefit of hundreds of its sponsored orphans, Qatar Charity held two educational camps in Burkina Faso and the Comoros Islands.  Bobo-Dioulasso Camp Qatar Charity's ten day long camp in Bobo-Dioulasso was the first in Burkina Faso in 2015. It was organized under the slogan “Akhlaqi Ser Najahi” (My Morals are the Reason of My Success) for the benefit of 250 orphans. Promoting Values As part of Qatar Charity's activities to spread the spirit of communication and brotherhood among the orphans, this camp was held to educate the orphans according to modern and moderate Islamic teachings. It was also held to train them live a complementary Islamic life by promoting values, altruism, cooperation and forgiveness. Saved from Getting Lost The sponsored orphans and the supervising teachers commended Qatar Charity's role in Burkina Faso. They expressed their appreciation for Qatar Charity's help in wiping the tears of so many poor children after the death of their fathers. Qatar Charity has saved so many lives from getting lost, being hungry and going astray.  It has helped them to lead a dignified life and helped in educating them. The beneficiaries also thanked Qatar Charity and its philanthropists. Mr. Mohammed Al-Nawaiti, Qatar Charity’s Office Director in Burkina Faso, emphasized the relief this project made him feel and how it was part of Qatar Charity's projects and programs that are dedicated to the orphans of Burkina Faso and their education. The Camp’s Events Qatar Charity's Social Care Department was responsible for organizing this camp, which included different events such as lectures, lessons from the Holy Qur'an, activities, cultural contests, sports, and entertaining games. The camp revolved around everything fun and beneficial. Ngazidja (Grande Comore) Island            Qatar Charity also held a camp for the first time in Ngazidja through its office in the Comoros Islands for the orphans living there. The five day long camp had 200 orphans (10 – 12 years) benefiting; 175 of which were males, 25 were females. It also included different activities starting with medical examinations for all of the participants, tutorials in the basic subjects (according to the levels of the orphans), memorization of some of the chapters of the Holy Qur'an, cultural activities, sports activities and different contests. A Day of Entertainment Because Qatar Charity pays extra attention to the orphans, it also recently organized an entertaining and educational day for the benefit of 250 sponsored orphans before school started in Burkina Faso. Qatar Charity distributed school bags and kids clothes. Other Projects Qatar Charity has lately implemented 300 income-generating projects from which the poor and unemployed have benefited in Burkina Faso. The projects ranged from agriculture and animal husbandry to traditional handicrafts. Qatar Charity’s projects goals reinforce the implementation of small and medium-sized enterprises. They offer the target beneficiaries sustained job opportunities, which are expected to help provide a dignified life for the beneficiaries. These projects included passing the ownership of 100 dairy cattle calves, 150 sewing machines, 40 ploughs with carriages and 7 grain mills to at-risk families in Burkina Faso at a cost of 560,000 QR.  More than 2,000 people have benefited from such projects in the neediest cities, villages and slums in Burkina Faso Under the existing dire economic conditions, Qatar Charity's projects target youth and women’s associations, female breadwinners, widows and female divorcee breadwinners   You can donate to support such projects through the link:  Click here


QC Implements ‘Kiswit Eid’ (Ei

QC focused on the countries suffering from exceptional circumstance such as Palestine, Syria and Yemen El Kuwairi, “‘Kiswit Eid’ project aims at making the orphans happy, especially that it’s Eid”. In 33 different countries, 1,750 orphans enjoyed the Eid and became more hopeful for a better future thanks to Rofaqa initiative, one of QC’s initiatives. This project is one of so many others which QC works hard to implement so as to bring joy and happiness to the hearts of its sponsored children in Eid Al Adha. Love & Care Countries which suffer from exceptional circumstances were focused on such as Palestine, Syria and Yemen. These countries’ orphans need all the love and care one can possibly offer. They suffer every single day that any ray of hope could be very useful to them. However, QC did not forget about the orphans elsewhere. It’s project was implemented in India, Jordan, Philippine, Bangladesh, Lebanon, Iraq, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Indonesia, the Comoros, Kyrgyzstan, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Mauritania, Kenya, Morocco, Chat, Mali, Benin, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Ghana, Togo, Niger, Bosnia, Albania, Kosovo, Sudan and Tunisia.   ‘Eid Clothing’ campaign covered the orphans’ different needs. It included getting them shoes, and presents (based on their age and gender): shirts and pants for the boys, and dresses and shoes for the girls. More than 550 orphans benefited from the project. Values of Mercy Mr. Youssif Bin Ahmed Al Kuwairi, QC’s CEO, said, “We, at QC, made sure to prioritize the orphans, and pay extra attention to them. QC does its best to provide them with the necessary care they need. Plus, we all know that the reward our religion promises to those who sponsor orphans is great.” He, then, added, “‘Eid Clothing’ initiative is only a means to compensate for their loss. Yes, it is not like parental love and care; however, QC works hard to make the orphans feel like they’re a part of something, a family. We know how important it is to stand by these orphans’ side; which is why supporting them is a priority.” Through its ‘Rofaqa’ initiative, QC inaugurated ‘Eid Clothing’ campaign for the benefit of its sponsored orphans. The number of sponsored orphans from 31st of December 2013 until today reached 39,057 orphans from 35 different countries the world over.  Similar Projects At the same time QC implemented ‘Eid Clothing’ project, it implemented ‘Your Sacrifice, their Eid’ campaign. Through this campaign, QC was able to provide 28,100 sacrifices (of bulls and sheep) in 54 countries in Asia, Africa, and Europe at a cost of 13,560,000) QR. As for the Hajj season, QC implemented many projects which included ‘Substitute Hajj’, ‘Feeding Pilgrims’ and ‘Grouping Pilgrims’. Thanks to QC, 1,500 pilgrims performed substitute hajj at a cost of 5,700,000 QR. It also grouped 16 pilgrims at a cost of 152,000 QR and provided 25,000 meals for the pilgrims. Comprehensive Care: QC sponsors around 80,000 orphans from 35 countries. It offers them comprehensive care which includes education, health, shelter and other basics. ‘Rofaqa’ Initiative is a unique humanitarian initiative which is interested in helping orphans worldwide. It aims at reaching a complementary level of care for children and orphans. It wishes to offer a new vision based on comprehensive care to include social, educational, health and psychological aspects. ‘Rofaqa’ initiative, which was inaugurated in December 2013, was able to sponsor 39,057 orphans so far.   You can donate to support such projects through the link:  Click here


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