UNICEF and Qatar Charity Announce new partnership

UNICEF and Qatar Charity Announce new partnership on World Refugee Day


UNICEF and Qatar Charity Announce new partnership on World Refugee Day

US$2 million contribution will support UNICEF's work for refugee children in Turkey

As the COVID-19 crisis continues to unfold, children in refugee settlements are at a particularly higher risk of exploitation or abuse. On World Refugee Day, UNICEF welcomes a new contribution of $2 million from Qatar Charity to provide education and child protection services for Syrian and other refugee children in Turkey.

"Qatar Charity has a long history of addressing the needs of children in fragile and displacement contexts. On this World Refugee Day, we are joining hands with UNICEF to support refugee children in Turkey." said Mr. Faisal Rashid Al Fehaida, Assistant CEO for International Operations and Partnerships Sector at Qatar Charity. "As the world remains busy with the COVID-19 response, refugee children must not be forgotten. They need our support now more than ever."

"Refugee children, particularly those out of school or at risk of dropping out, face risks such as child labour or early marriage," said Eltayeb Edam, UNICEF Representative to Gulf Area. "Thanks to Qatar Charity's timely financial contribution during the time of COVID-19, UNICEF will be able to expand essential services for refugee children in Turkey."

Turkey is home to the largest number of refugees, migrants and asylum seekers, standing at over 4 million. Nearly 3.6 million are Syrian, including over 1.6 million children. More than 680,000 refugee children have enrolled in schools.

UNICEF and partners are already helping thousands of children to go to school and learn. This contribution will strengthen UNICEF's support for some of the most vulnerable refugee children

Despite significant achievements and the commitment of the Government of Turkey, hosting the highest number of refugees in the world is putting enormous strain on the country's basic services and infrastructure, particularly when it comes to education and child protection.


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Qatar Charity is a member of t

As a kind of showing appreciation for QC’s tremendous efforts concerning health care in Yemen, QC’s office there has obtained the membership of the “Core Group”, the health consultant group, which is one of the committees of The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF). It’s worth mentioning that QC has been selected among 50 local and international health organizations competing to be a member of such significant international group. The UN group is regarded the central nucleus which leads the structuring of health, according to the strategies and policies of the bloc, and the members of this group decide the priorities of the overall interventions into the health sector in Yemen. National confidence Director of QC Office in Yemen, Nasr Qaed Alzaeem, said, “QC has been able, in a short period of time, to get the confidence of major figures in the humanitarian work field, especially health care.” There were various objective criteria that made QC eligible to be chosen for Core Group membership, among other 10 organizations in Yemen, such as: the magnitude of activities, capacities and capabilities; and the considerable efforts exerted to help Yemeni people regarding the health sector. Pointing out that Qatar Charity is a key partner in six coordinating groups of the United Nations, he added, “This is a remarkable achievement for Qatar Charity Office in Yemen and it reinforces its essential role as an international efficient partner in implementing and supporting health activities and  interventions in Yemen." Al Zaeem also mentioned that this achievement is an obvious proof of national confidence in QC as a competent partner fulfilling the humanitarian missions professionally, particularly in disastrous conditions. Also, it highlights the humanitarian leading role of QC Office in Yemen and its effective activities with the health bloc. In addition, it comes as promotion of QC’s relations with UN organizations and the national and international organizations as well, and this will actually have an important influence on the office’s performance regarding working on offering the Yemeni people humanitarian relief.     Major interventions Qatar Charity is a key partner in six coordinating groups which are food security, health, food, shelter, water and environmental sanitation, and education. Also, it plays a great role in helping the Yemeni people in many fields, especially Health Care. Qatar Charity has intervened more than once and in more than one area to provide medical supplies to hospitals, to restore some of them, and sponsor Dar Al Shafaqa “Sympathy Home” which is responsible for cancer patients. The last activity Qatar Charity has done in the health sector in Yemen was launching an urgent health campaign providing 6 medical centers in Al Hudaydah Governorate to offer at least 120,000 thousand people medical, curative and preventive services. That has contributed to improving the health condition of the affected areas in Al Hudaydah, especially in the coastline directorates such as: Bajil, Bayt al-Faqīh, Al Garrahi, Hays, Al Khawkhah, and Al Marawi'ah, where QC has supplied essential medicines and medical appliances to hospitals, according to the reliable system approved by the Ministry of Public Health and Population. Besides, it has provided therapeutic aid to those difficult cases whose treatment is not available for the medical centers, in addition to providing medicines, medical supplies, and treatment for children and women are malnourished, and offering specialized medical services for emergency cases. Expressing Qatari people’s commitment to continuously support their brothers in Yemen, QC is going to work on carrying out more Health and Relief Projects in the afflicted governorates over 2017 confirming that such projects will be ongoing benefitting the Yemenis and offering health services particularly in places where displaced people gather.  


42 اتفاقية شراكة بين قطر الخي

في إطار حرصها على الشراكة والتشبيك في تنفيذ  المشاريع التي تنفذها قطر الخيرية عبر العالم ، تعاونت قطر الخيرية مع الوكالات والمنظمات التابعة للأمم المتحدة من خلال 42 مذكرة تفاهم واتفاقية شراكة وتعاون منذ عام 2000 وحتى العام الحالي 2017 . وقد تم توقيع المذكرات واتفاقيات التعاون مع كل من المنظمات والوكالات التالية:  المفوضية السامية للاجئين UNHCR ، وبرنامج الغذاء العالمي WFP، ومنظمة الدولية للهجرة IOM، ومنظمة التغذية والزراعة FAO ، وصندوق الأمم للطفولة UNICEF ، ومكتب تنسيق الشؤون الإنسانية للأمم المتحدة " أوتشا " OCHA، وبرنامج الأمم المتحدة الإنمائي UNDP ، ووكالة غوث وتشغيل اللاجئين  UNRWA. وقد غطت هذه الاتفاقيات المجالات الإنسانية والتنموية المختلفة: كالإغاثة وإعادة توطين النازحين وسبل العيش والمياه والإصحاح والتعاون اللوجستي والغذاء وحشد الموارد والزراعة والأمن الغذائي، وتبادل الخبراء والصحة والرعاية الاجتماعية. واستفادت عدة دولة من هذه المشاريع التي نفذت في إطار هذا التعاون مثل فلسطين والصومال وباكستان والعراق والسودان واليمن والنيجر . وفيما يخص المفوضية السامية للاجئين UNHCR فقد تم عقد اتفاقيتين عامتين معها عام 2000، واتفاقيات لإغاثة باكستان عام 2002 ، والمياه والإصحاح في عامي 2004 و2005 ، وإغاثة اليمن في 2009 ، وإغاثة ميانمار 2012 ، وإعادة توطين النازحين الصوماليين في عام 2013 ، وتنفيذ إغاثات في اليمن وماليزيا في عام 2015 ، وإغاثة العراق في 2017 . وشملت الاتفاقيات مع برنامج الغذاء العالمي WFP ما يلي: التعاون اللوجستي( اتفاقية عامة ) من 2008 وحتى 20014 ، ، وتوفير الغذاء للسودان عام 2007 ، وتوفير الغذاء لفلسطين "قطاع غزة" عام 2009 ، وتوفير الغذاء لباكستان ( اتفاقيتان ) 2010 ، وحشد الموارد على المستوى العالمي( اتفاقية عامة 2015 ). وتركّز التعاون مع منظمة الدولية للهجرة IOM على إغاثة السودان عام 2007 ، وتم توقيع اتفاقية تعاون عالمي عام 2016 . وفيما يخص التعاون مع منظمة التغذية والزراعة FAO فقد بدأ عام 2009 في مجال الزراعة في كل من فلسطين والصومال ، ثم في مجال الزراعة في باكستان 2010 ، ثم في مجال الأمن الغذائي في النيجر منذ 2013 وحتى العام الحالي 2017 . وتعاونت قطر الخيرية مع صندوق الأمم للطفولة UNICEF في مجال الرعاية الاجتماعية في الصومال عام 2009 ، وتواصل هذا التعاون في مجال المياه والإصحاح في باكستان ( اتفاقيتان ) في عامي 2010 و2016 ، وتم توقيع اتفاقية عامة عام 2013 . ووقعت قطر الخيرية ومكتب تنسيق الشؤون الإنسانية للأمم المتحدة " أوتشا " OCHA، اتفاقية تعاون عالمي في مجال تبادل الخبراء في عام 2009 ، كما وقعت برنامج الأمم المتحدة الإنمائي UNDP في مجال سبل العيش بالسودان في العام الحالي 2017 . وشمل تعاون قطر الخيرية مع منظمات الأمم المتحدة "وكالة غوث وتشغيل اللاجئين  UNRWA" ، حيث تم توقيع اتفاقيتين معها في مجال الصحة عام 2013 على مستوى قطاع غزة ، واتفاقية في مجال الإغاثة خلال العام الحالي 2017 لصالح فلسطين. يذكر أن قطر الخيرية تعمل  في 48 دولة عبر العالم ولديها 26 مكتبا ميدانيا وإقليميا خارج قطر .        


42 partnership agreements betw

Given its interest in networking and joining partnerships with others in the implementation of its projects worldwide, Qatar Charity has cooperated with United Nations agencies and organizations through 42 memorandums of understanding, partnership and cooperation agreements in the period 2000- 2017. Memos and cooperation agreements have been signed with each of the following NGOs:  The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the World Food Program (WFP), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) , the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency(UNRWA). These agreements covered various humanitarian and developmental areas such as relief, resettlement of displaced persons, livelihoods, water, sanitation, logistics, food, resource mobilization, agriculture and food security, expert exchange, health and social welfare. Several countries have benefited from these projects and cooperation, namely Palestine, Somalia, Pakistan, Iraq, Sudan, Yemen and Niger. As for UNHCR, two general agreements were signed in 2000, a relief agreement in 2002 for Pakistan, water and sanitation agreement in 2004 and 2005, relief agreement for Yemen in 2009, relief agreement for Myanmar 2012, resettlement agreement for Somali IDPs in 2013, relief agreement for Yemen and Malaysia In 2015 and a relief agreement for Iraq in 2017. Agreements with the World Food Program included logistics agreement (a general agreement) from 2008 to 20014, provision of food for Sudan in 2007, provision of food for Palestine in the Gaza Strip in 2009, provision of food for Pakistan (two agreements) and mobilization of resources at global level (a general agreement in 2015). Cooperation with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) focused on Sudan relief in 2007 and a global cooperation agreement signed in 2016. With regard to cooperation with FAO, it started in 2009 in the field of agriculture in Palestine and Somalia, then in agriculture in Pakistan 2010 and in the field of food security in Niger in the period 2013-2017. Qatar Charity cooperated with the UNICEF In the area of ​​social welfare in Somalia in 2009. This cooperation covered the field of water and sanitation in Pakistan (two agreements) and continued in 2010 and 2016 and a general agreement was also signed in 2013. Qatar Charity and the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) signed a global cooperation agreement on the exchange of experts in 2009, and the UNDP signed the Sudan Livelihoods Agreement in 2017. Qatar Charity's cooperation with United Nations organizations included the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), where two agreements have been signed in the field of health in 2013 for the Gaza Strip, and an agreement in the field of relief recently in 2017 for Palestine. Qatar Charity operates in 48 countries across the world and has 26 field and regional offices abroad.        


70 partnership agreements betw

There are 70 partnership agreements between Qatar Charity (QC) and UN organizations with a total value of 28.2 million USD. QC’s concern to cooperate with the UN on the humanitarian level is reflected by those agreements and the number of programs and projects executed in some countries. 7 UN agencies Cooperation memoranda and agreements were signed with the following organizations and agencies: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), World Food Program (WFP), International Organization for Migration (IOM), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Office for the coordination of  Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), United Nations Development Program (UNDP), United Nations Relief and Work Agency  (URWA).   Fields of cooperation These agreements cover various humanitarian and developmental fields such as: The relief and the rehabilitation of migrants, providing the necessities of life, logistic cooperation, food and water supply, resource mobilization, agriculture, food security, exchange of experts, health and social care. Many countries benefited from these projects executed within the frame of that cooperation such as; Palestine, Somalia, Pakistan, Iraq, Sudan, Yemen and Niger. UNHCR The value of the cooperation between QC and UNHCR amounted to 5.49 million USD between 2000 and 2017, including water supply and sanitation agreements in Kosovo. As well as relief, water supply and sanitation agreements in Pakistan. In addition to the repatriation of Somali migrants and relief activities in Yemen, Myanmar, Malaysia and Iraq.   WFP The total value of QC’s agreements with WFP is amounted to 4.82 million USD between 2007 and 2015. It included fields of world logistic cooperation, food supply for Sudan, Gaza in Palestine and Pakistan as well as world resource mobilization. The cooperation with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) focuses on signing international cooperation agreement in 2016 and the relief of Lebanon in 2007 with a total value of 7.8 million USD. FAO and UNICEF The value of the QC’s cooperation with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is 7.8 million USD between 2009 and 2017. It included agricultural projects in Somalia and Pakistan and food security in Niger. The Total value of QC’s cooperation with UNICEF is 5.2 million USD between 2009 and 2016 in the field of social care in Somalia and Water and Sanitation in Pakistan.     Cooperation with OCHA In 2009, Qatar Charity and United Nations Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) signed a cooperation agreement on the exchange of experts. In 2017, QC also worked with the United Nations Development program (UNDP) on Economic Empowerment in Palestine and Sudan with a total value of 2.53 million USD. Cooperation with UNRWA In 2013, QC also cooperated with the United Nations Relief and Work Agency (UNRWA). They signed two agreements on sanitation in Gaza with a total value of 2 million USD. Its worth to mention that Qatar Charity woks in 48 countries all   over the world and has 26 field and regional offices outside Qatar.  


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