Funded by the Qatar Fund for Development, Qatar

Funded by the Qatar Fund for Development, Qatar Charity launched a project to distribute 50,000 food baskets to those affected by the war in Sudan


With funding from Qatar Fund for Development, His Excellency the Ambassador of the State of Qatar to Sudan, Mohamed Ibrahim Al-Sada, the Acting Humanitarian Aid Commissioner, and the Qatar Charity team in Port Sudan launched a project to distribute (50) thousand food baskets to provide the necessary food supplies to those most affected by the war.

The Humanitarian Aid Commission described the project as lifesaving and enhancing food security for the displaced people and host families affected by the war.

Humanitarian aid

Qatari Ambassador Mohammed Ibrahim Al-Sada conveyed that the project to provide food baskets is an extension of Qatari assistance to the affected and displaced Sudanese people.

 He explained that the project implemented by Qatar Charity is funded by Qatar Fund for Development and will be implemented in several affected states for the benefit of the targeted and displaced people in conflict areas.

He revealed that the project is an extension of the air bridge that took place in a previous period and is an addition to what Qatar Fund for Development, Qatar Charity, and the State of Qatar are making through its existing foundation in coordination with the Sudanese government to provide food baskets and medicines.

Civil protection

Ahmed Othman, Acting Federal Humanitarian Aid Commissioner, and Supreme Emergency Committee member expressed his thanks to Qatar Fund for Development, Qatar Charity, and all Qatari institutions that carried out major humanitarian interventions in this critical period.

In Sudan, the food baskets project was considered one of the distinguished humanitarian projects within the continuous humanitarian efforts of the State of Qatar. Othman expected that the project would make a qualitative leap, as it is considered one of the priorities within food security, and would cover many displaced people, host families, and civilians who were exposed to the scourge of war, and constitute a kind of civil protection for them, pointing out that the selection of the states that needed life-saving food interventions was done carefully after surveys carried out.

Alleviate suffering.

The project to support affected families in Sudan with (50) thousand food baskets comes with Qatar Fund for Development’s continued support for Qatar efforts and humanitarian interventions worldwide.

The implementation of the project will continue for five months, targeting (9) states: Khartoum, Al-Jazira, North, River Nile, White Nile, Gedaref, Kassala, Sennar, and the Red Sea. Each food basket contains quantities of basic food supplies allocated to the displaced and those affected by the war.

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