Qatar charity delivers new aid to Yemen’s

Qatar charity delivers new aid to Yemen’s flood-affected people


Doha – Qatar, August 20, 2024


Continuing its relief efforts for Yemen’s flash flood victims, Qatar Charity (QC) has distributed a new batch of food and shelter aid to 8,050 needy and flood-affected persons in the Marib and Hodeidah governorates.

This aid is part of Qatar Charity's ‘Aid for Flood Victims’ campaign.

The aid, distributed in collaboration with the Humanitarian Development Program, included 1,150 food packages with essential supplies and 1,150 shelter kits containing blankets, mattresses, mats, cooking utensils, and solar-powered lamps.

Qatar Charity, through the campaign, aims to garner support for additional relief efforts due to the extensive damage in affected areas. Future aid will focus on providing food packages, shelter materials, hygiene materials, and clean water to the affected.

In a subsequent phase, Qatar Charity will strive to implement recovery projects, which will include supplying medicines and medical equipment to damaged health facilities to combat epidemics following the floods. These projects will also focus on water and sanitation efforts, such as cleaning and protecting affected water sources and providing solar-powered pumping systems. Additionally, the organization will work on repairing damaged homes, creating income opportunities for the affected through economic empowerment projects, and rehabilitating damaged health facilities.

It is worth mentioning that Yemen is currently experiencing a devastating humanitarian crisis due to widespread floods. These floods have exacerbated an already dire situation, with millions of people affected by ongoing conflict, displacement, and poverty.

The floods caused damage to over 34,000 households, displaced thousands of people, and destroyed wells, homes, and infrastructure, including roads, water supply systems, crops, and health facilities.

Qatar Charity urges people in Qatar to continue their support for the ‘Aid for Flood Victims’ campaign to provide them with food, shelter, healthcare, hygiene supplies, and clean drinking water.

Donations can be made through the Qatar Charity website ( and its app. 

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