Held in Doha and entitled “We Meet to Develop”, the annual assembly of QC’s field offices came out with a number of recommendations for the development of QC’s field humanitarian works.
During the closing session, after the recommendations were presented, Mr. Faisal Rashid al-Fahida, the Executive Director of Operations, distributed honorary certificates and shields to the participants from QC’s field offices for their efforts in observing and implementing the society’s projects around the world.
Investing Opportunities
This assembly is part of QC’s continuous efforts in developing its capabilities, investing all of the available opportunities, and involving its field offices in doing so.
Held from 13th to 17th of December, the assembly set a number of goals:
Development Strategy
In order to achieve these goals, the assembly came out with a number of recommendations, the main of which are: encouraging the field offices to work by the policies, regulations, procedures, and equipment approved by the central office; involving the field offices in setting, reviewing, and developing these regulations; reinforcing the coordination between the central office and the field offices according to the highest standards; supporting the field offices to seize the best cooperation opportunities with other humanitarian and related organizations; making extra efforts to develop the human resources according to a special training strategy; reviewing the 2016 annual plans in the light of what was discussed in the assembly and approving them before the beginning of the year; and holding the assembly annually under the title “QC’s Humanitarian and Development Forum” according to the vision reached in the assembly.
One Entity
Mr. Yousef bin Ahmed Al-Kuwari, QC’s CEO, emphasized that the central office is concerned with the association’s organizational development. He referred to the central office and the field offices as a single entity that should exert its maximum efforts to achieve the best efficiency and effectiveness. He also congratulated everyone on their contributions to the success of the assembly, wishing the participants from the field offices a safe homeward travel. At the end, he stressed on the necessity to make use of the recommendations which were presented during the assembly.
Mr. al-Fahida thanked the participants for their efforts in describing the reality of humanitarian field work. He pointed that the assembly clarified all the obstacles that hindered the humanitarian field work. He added that the assembly also discussed all the suitable solutions for these obstacles. He finally commended the role of the assembly in enhancing the humanitarian fieldwork.
A number of field offices’ directors praised the assembly and the importance of the discussed issues and recommendations in developing the fieldwork. For example; Mr. Karam Zainhom, QC’s office director in Indonesia, said that the assembly would certainly improve the skills of the workers in the field offices.
Mr. Mohammed Hussein, QC’s office director in Somalia, said that he had high hopes in the outcomes of the assembly and their impact on improving the fieldwork. He added that it allowed the participants to become familiar with the actual framework in QC, and gave the field offices a chance to learn from each other. “I hope such assemblies are held annually,” said he.
Rapid Intervention
Having 19 offices around the world, QC has the ability to rapidly intervene in case of catastrophes. This also enables it to observe its development and construction projects and supervise its sponsored orphans, students, needy families, and disabled people.
The assembly was attended by representatives of the field offices from: Sudan, Mali, Mauritania, Somalia, Bosnia, Albania, Kosovo, Pakistan, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Niger, Yemen, Tunisia, Comoros, Kenya, Chad, and Djibouti. It is worth mentioning that QC is planning to open new field offices in Morocco, Jordan, Turkey, Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, and Ghana.
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