Future writers - Qatar Charity

Future writers

A project to discover talents in writing short stories, directed to students from different educational levels in addition to the university stage and those with special needs, boys and girls, where the focus of the stories is the human and values aspect.

To view the terms and stages of the program, Download PDF



Internal competition for schools


An internal short story writing competition to select the finalists.


First stage

Primary Boys Girls : 29/1/2024

Preparatory Boys Girls : 30/1/2024

Secondary Boys Girls : 31/1/2024

It is implemented in the Ministry of Education and Higher Education.


Training forum


It is implemented in the Ministry of Education and Higher Education.


Submitting the final draft


An electronic copy via email + 2 hard copies sent to Qatar Charity’s headquarters in Lusail.


Send an email to confront the arbitration


Email to qualified schools.


Confrontation with arbitration

Preparatory + Secondary Boys Girls : 16/4/2024

Primary Boys Girls : 17/4/2024

It is implemented in one of the schools of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education.


  1. Discovering young talents in the field of story writing.
  2. Preserving the Arabic language in an enriching manner.
  3. Disseminating the meaningful human content of stories and enriching the Arab library.
  4. Supporting young talents in the field of story writing.

Conditions of participation

  1. The writing must be in classical Arabic.
  2. The text must not be translated or quoted from any source.
  3. The text must not be written by other people.
  4. It must not have been previously published or participated in any other competition.
  5. The number of words for the preparatory, secondary and university levels is 1500 And 400 words for the primary stage.
  6. Commitment to attending training workshops within the Future Writers Forum, in addition to confronting the arbitration.
  7. Approval to print the story and allocate its proceeds to humanitarian projects.
  8. Signing a no-objection form to print stories for humanitarian projects.
  9. He must not have won in a previous edition of the same academic stage.

Submission criteria

  1. The Topic
    • The topic is compatible with the authentic customs of society, such as providing relief to the needy, honoring the guest, etc.
    • Showing and enhancing the value aspect through the story, such as the value of honesty, trustworthiness, etc.
    • Interest in addressing issues that concern the State Plan 2030 and development aspects in Qatar Charity, which is education, health, shelter, relief, and cultural, economic, and social development. And environmental.
    • Clarity of the topic and purpose of the story.
    • The endings should be happy and positive.
    • The story’s topics must not contain negativity, call for racism, deal with political affairs, or contradict scientific or religious truth.
  2. Story construction
    • An unconventional, creative idea.
    • Having clear personalities.
    • Taking into account the temporal and spatial dimensions.
    • Events are sequential, interconnected and escalating.
    • The presence of a complex and unexpected results for the reader.
  3. The Title
    • The title and content of the story fit.
    • Attractive title.
  4. Style
    • Aesthetic style and presentation of ideas.
    • Persuasion.
  5. The Language
    • Use beautiful language in terms of words, structures and sentences.
    • The integrity of the text from spelling and grammatical errors and taking into account the signs Numbering.

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