QC held an event to honor its outstanding Orphan

QC held an event to honor its outstanding Orphan Students and their mothers in Kenya

1/4/2018 |

 High achieving orphan students gathered with their families and teaching stuff to celebrate success and to received  awards at a special ceremony held by Qatar Charity in Kenya. This tradition has been always a prominent aspect of Qatar Charity’s sponsorship strategy to encourage brilliant orphans for their academic achievements.

Acknowledging their efforts raising these orphans, Qatar Charity also awarded the mothers for their continuous support to their kids despite their bad economic situations.
Celebrating orphans’ success, Qatar Charity has awarded 100 orphans along with their mothers for the academic year 2016-2017

On this occasion, Mr. Mohamed Hussein, Qatar Charity’s Regional director in Kenya, addressed the students and encouraged them to put more efforts to maintain this academic excellence. He also thanked and praised their mothers for the role they play supporting their children.  

At the honorary reception, bright orphan students and their mothers received awards and excellence certificates for the academic year 2016-2017.

Thanks to Orphans’ Sponsors:

During the ceremony, Roqyaa Ibrahim Ismail, one of the awarded students, said “No words are enough to express how I feel. I would like to thank our sponsors in Qatar and praise their unwavering faith in our cause. I would also like to thank Qatar Charity for its pivotal role in promoting education and Sponsoring Orphans’ advocacy”

In parallel ceremony, Qatar Charity awarded 50 mothers, celebrating their dedication and hard work raising their orphan children. Mrs. Hawa Harbi, on behalf of the attending mothers, delivered a speech saying “We deem the Qatari people as brothers and sisters who spare no efforts in advocating our cause and standing for our children” Mrs. Harbi also praised Qatar Charity’s dedication and support in promoting educational projects in the regions of Kenya. 

New Sponsorships in Somalia:

As part of its social care mission, Qatar Charity has recently sponsored 655  poor families, 165 Quran Teachers, 127 Persons with Special Needs. Therefore, the total number of Qatar Charity’s sponsorships in Somalia has reached 1500 individual.

Through sponsorships and contributions in Somalia, Qatar Charity works to fight the devastating drought that has engulfed the African countries over the past years.