QC Distributes 9,000 Food Parcels Inside Syria

QC Distributes 9,000 Food Parcels Inside Syria

10/26/2015 |


  • A huge part of this food project was mainly dedicated to the orphans’ families and widows.

9,000 Syrian families benefited from QC’s relief project under its campaign ‘Sanad Ahl Al Sham’ (Support the People of Levant) in a number of governorates inside Syria.

QC continues to show its support to the needy everywhere. This time, QC targeted the people inside Syria, mainly the displaced. Its main purpose was to provide them with food. The places that benefited from the project are: Aleppo and its countryside, Idlib and its countryside, Hama and its countryside, Homs, Damascus and the camps of the displaced.

Alleviate the Sufferings

As part of the relief project, QC distributed food baskets to the displaced families in Syria. Each basket had rice, sugar, oil, vermicelli, tea and other basic foodstuffs.

Aleppo and its countryside, Hama’s countryside, Idlib and its countryside, Lattakia’s countryside received 7,000 food parcels. As for Homs’ and Damascus’ countrysides, they received 2,000 parcels. A good share was given specially to the orphans’ families and widows. 

Through this project, QC aims at alleviating the sufferings of the Syrians inside Syria. Food is the most important component in life which is why QC focused on the orphans and widows; those who lost their breadwinners.

Good Living

Mr. Mohammed Al Sulaiti, the Campaign’s Supervisor, said, “QC is committed to offer its help to its brothers and sisters in Syria. It is an essential part of its message. We, at QC, are trying our best to alleviate their sufferings and to help them in every way possible to ensure them a good living. QC prioritized the projects inside Syria and dedicated 67% of its efforts to the conflict-affected Syrians. Of course, QC with the help of its partners will exert more efforts to meet the Syrians’ needs.”

Food Security

Next to the food project, QC implemented an agricultural project for the benefit of the people of Aleppo countryside, Idlib countryside and Al Sahil in Syria. QC invested 50 hectares to the cultivation of wheat and potato in cooperation with Beyaz Eller (White Hands Organization) at a cost of 900,000QR.

Through this project, 50 hectares of enhanced wheat and potato were cultivated. Plus, a contract was signed with the farmers: QC would rent the land from the farmer and sign a cultivation contract with him; or sign a contract with another farmer who has experience in the field; furthermore, QC would secure irrigation water by using rented wells from the same land.

This project was able to contribute in achieving self-sufficiency for the conflict-affected inside Syria. The project provided the basic foodstuffs at good prices and with good quantities specially that the crisis has been going for long. It provided job opportunities for a number of workers in the field of agriculture so as to satisfy their daily needs and their families’. The project also aimed at making use of the landscapes in a good and useful way.

Different fields

Ever since the Syrian crisis started and until today, QC has implemented different projects for the Syrian people. The projects included different fields: education, health, food and shelter. 67% of these aids were sent to Inside Syria at a cost of more than 213,000,000QR; the rest was distributed to the Syrian refugees in the neighboring countries.

The total amount of aids QC presented to the Syrian people since the crisis first started and until the end of last September is 322,000,000QR from which 6,083,517 benefited. 


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