Ramadan and Islam

Ramadan and Islam

5/30/2017 | Medad Alkhair

 By: Afaf Ali


Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar. Every day during this month, Muslims around the world spend the daylight hours in a complete fast. The word "Ramadan" comes from the Arabic root word for "parched thirst" and "sun-baked ground." It is expressive of the hunger and thirst felt by those who spend the month in fasting. Fasting is another unique moral and spiritual characteristic of Islam.

During the Blessed month of Ramadan, Muslims all over the world abstain from all food, drink, and other physical needs during the daylight hours. Ramadan is much more than just not eating and drinking; it is a time to purify the soul, refocus attention on God, and practice self-discipline and sacrifice. Through increased devotion, Muslims feel closer to their Creator and recognize that everything we have in this life is a blessing from Him.

Fasting is considered one of the five Pillars of Islam; five activities that shape a Muslim's life. Prayer occurs on a daily basis; pilgrimage is done once in a lifetime; charity and professing one's faith are both ongoing. It is an annual observance; every year, Muslims take an entire month out of their lives to observe this strict fast and rededicate themselves to worship and faith.

Muslims are called upon to use this month to re-evaluate their lives in light of Islamic guidance. We are to make peace with those who have wronged us, strengthen ties with family and friends, do away with bad habits essentially to clean up our lives, our thoughts, and our feelings. Through self-control, a Muslim practices good manners, good speech, and good habits.

Muslims feel the physical effects of the fast as a reminder of those who suffer throughout the year, those who are poor, homeless, refugees, and who cannot meet their basic needs. It reminds Muslims not to be wasteful and to feel empathy for those who face hunger on a daily basis.   We should feel gratitude for the bounties of Allah: clean water, sufficient healthy food, the comfort of a home, health of our family members. There are so many in the world who must survive without these basic needs, and Ramadan is a time for us to give thanks and reaffirm our commitment to helping those in need.

During Ramadan, every part of our bodies must be restrained. The tongue must be restrained from backbiting and gossip. The eyes must restrain themselves from looking at unlawful things. The hand must give in charity, and not touch or take anything that does not belong to it. The ears must refrain from listening to idle talk or obscene words. The feet must refrain from going to sinful places. In such a way, every part of the body observes the fast.

Therefore, fasting is not merely physical but is rather the total commitment of the person's body and soul to the spirit of the fast. Ramadan is a time to practice self-restraint; a time to cleanse the body and soul from impurities and re-focus one's self on the worship of God and charity to mankind.


Note: The article expresses the opinion of the author solely and does not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of Qatar Charity.