QC Inaugurates an Educational Project in the

QC Inaugurates an Educational Project in the Comoros


As part of its continuous efforts to spread good and virtue, QC has inaugurated the opening of a primary school for the people of Nioumachoua in Moheli, the Comoros.

QC’s office in the Comoros handed the keys of the school to the families. The school consists of 3 classrooms, a management room, bathrooms, and a playground. It has an area of 252 m2 and suits the geographical structure of the city.

Fighting Literacy

The field of education is considered one of the most major fields QC focuses on in the Comoros. Its main purposes are to enhance the living standards of the students, to fight literacy among children and to improve the educational system. QC wants to teach a generation that will have a part in improving the conditions of the country.

The families gladly embraced QC’s project and the new school. They thanked QC for its continuous efforts and hoped it would prosper in the field of serving the poor and needy.

Mr. Dahalan, the Comoros’ ambassador in Libya and the People of Nioumachoua Representative, thanked QC for its great efforts which it exerts to improve the social and economic status of the country. “This project will definitely contribute to the development of our country. QC, we cannot thank you enough! We also hope such work would continue. Our country has poverty, literacy and unemployment, all of which are diseases that must be treated,” said he. 


For his part, the headmaster of the school thanked QC for its distinguished projects and explained how this school will help reduce the problem of crowdedness which city students suffer from due to the absence of enough schools.

“To all the families here, this is our school now; which means it is our responsibility to take care of it, improve it, and maintain it,” added he.

Mr. Adabi Ibrahim, QC’s Office Representative in the Comoros, said that this project represents one of QC’s most highlighted interests: education. “Education is the first step towards development. We, at QC, understand that and work according to such belief. Through this school, we are giving the children the chance to have a say in their future. We hope they will work hard and develop their country. QC will never spare any efforts to help the needy of the Comoros.” 


Fruitful Projects

It is worth mentioning that QC has recently announced the inauguration of 430 income-generating projects. The projects included supporting poor families through interest-free loans allocated to implement small economic projects at a cost of 1,268,00 QR.  In addition, QC has supported and developed the infrastructure of the institutions of the Comoros. QC has established a building for official meetings in Moheli, and maintained the road connecting Wanani city with Nioumachoua (17 Km) in order to achieve social communication and encourage tourism.

QC has also contributed to improving the food status of the poor communities through inaugurating an agricultural project as part of the agricultural cooperative in Azew.

The project provides seeds of banana trees, vegetables, and pineapples; and modern agricultural machines, and pesticides to improve the sector of agriculture in the country.

The agricultural cooperative QC supported was in Azew in the north of Ngazidja Island. Its members include some young farmers and graduates from agricultural institutes. QC’s support was through cultivating and planting a 10-hectare field, planting fruit trees (1,000 banana trees, 6,000 sugarcanes, and 500 pineapple trees), different vegetables and potato.

The equipment was delivered to the cooperative during a ceremony held by QC in the Comoros. Several senior figures attended such as His Excellency Mr. Jaber Nasser Al Na’imi, Chargé d'affaires of Qatar Embassy in Moroni; the Commissioner of the Ministry of Agriculture in the Comoros, some local officials from the North of Ngazidja Island and Mr. Mahfouz Zmirlin, QC’s Office Director there.


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QC Supports Agricultural Coope

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