Qatar Charity’s Ramadan Campaign for 1438H

Qatar Charity’s Ramadan Campaign for 1438H


Executive Director of Local Development assured, “More than 2 million people will benefit from our ramadan projects in 1438H, at a cost of about QR 31 million.”


Qatar Charity (QC) has launched its campaign for this year’s Ramadan season entitled “Give and Shine Through”.  The estimated total cost for projects to be implemented inside and outside Qatar, during the Holy Month of Ramadan 1438H, is  QR 31 million, and the number of beneficiaries is expected to reach over 2 million people.

QC held a press conference at Al Jazeera Cafe in the cultural district of Katara to announce launching the campaign. It was run by Mr. Ahmed Al Ali, Director of the Media Department at QC, who started by giving thanks to the social networks and the media for supporting QC’s projects and campaigns. Also, the Executive Director of Local Development at QC and the Chairman of the Ramadan Projects Committee, Ali Atiq al-Abdullah, and a number of directors of various departments in QC have participated in the press conference.

The campaign includes three main projects: Iftar meals, Eid clothing and Zakat al-Fitr, as well as a range of public and religious projects in Qatar, and media programs broadcast through the media and social networks.

The estimated cost of projects outside Qatar is about QR 15 million and is expected to benefit more than 1.1 million people. similarly, the estimated budget for Ramadan projects in Qatar is about QR 16 million, benefiting more than 900,000 people.


Ali Atiq al-Abdullah, on behalf of QC, congratulated the people of Qatar and the Arab and Islamic nations, praying for having a good and rewarding Ramadan and reminding them not to forget their brethren with need. He also stimulated them to help people in this month with their generosity and giving, based on the words of the Almighty, “And if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people.”

Giving a hand

He urged benefactors and donors to lend their brothers a helping hand by donating to Qatar relief and development projects inside and outside Qatar, such as relief to the Syrian people, orphans and Needy Families Sponsorship, educational and health projects and income-generating projects so as to support the beneficiaries.

Internal projects

QC's projects in Qatar include a wide variety of Ramadan Iftar projects, and watering, and they extend to popular and cultural programs and challenging projects that allow for competition among the youth volunteer teams in cooperation and partnership with a number of related parties. Some of which are being implemented for the first time, while others have been developed. The most important of these projects are:

Fast Breaking Dinners

The number of fasting meals held or supported by QC is 23 group tables. They are distributed throughout the country for the sake of single workers, wayfarers, and low-income individuals. QC has fully taken the responsibility for completely offering 20 tables, and helping to provide 3 other tables. It is expected that 170,670 people will benefit from these dining tables, at a cost of about QR 5.5 million.

The targeted areas of iftar include Al Khor, Smeisma, Khareteyat, Gharafa, Rayan, Shahaneya, Wakrah, Bin Mahmoud, Freij Abdul Azeez, Najma, Mansoura, Bit Omran, Matar, Seleya, Jmeileya, Um Salal Muhammed, Al Ruwais, and Al Kaaban.

There are some projects that go under the Iftar project. The most important of which are:

From Home to Home

A project that enables Qatari families to prepare Iftar meals for families with limited income to reach their homes. They will be about 9000 meals throughout the holy month.

Farms Workers Iftar

The farms workers gatherings are targeted in six regions of the country and breakfast meals will be served for 600 workers per day, bringing the total number of beneficiaries to 18,000.

Doha Industrial Area’s workers Iftar

The project focuses on the workers' gatherings in the industrial area, through dedicated cars to daily distribute breakfast meals. The project is expected to benefit 12,000 workers during Ramadan.

Ramadan Food Baskets

The project provides supply requirements of Ramadan for limited-income families through coupons distributed by QC or the referees. Supplies are received from the shopping malls at the beginning of Ramadan, targeting 1500 families.

Mobile Iftar

Targeting 15,000 fasting people, it provides light Iftar meals prepared by Qatari families who are in easy circumstances. The meals are distributed to motorists who hear sunset call to prayer before arriving at their homes.

SoQya, Providing Water to Prayers

The project daily distributes water to the prayers during Taraweeh and voluntary night prayer in 43 mosques. It targets more than 8064 worshipers, bringing the number of targeted throughout the holy month to 242.000 people.

Public and Cultural projects

Youth entrepreneurship competition "Entrepreneurship"

The idea is to encourage youth to compete in order to organize entrepreneurship activities to serve the community, and support Ramadan projects and external humanitarian projects, in cooperation with one of university student clubs and community development centers in QC, and then choose the best initiatives and honor who launch them.

Al- Baraha Programme for Communities

A public program that includes Iftar meals and a number of entertainment and awareness events for fostering values. It revolves around the children of communities living in Qatar and is expected to benefit 10,000 people in more than one community.

A Dialogue with Influential Figures in Ramadan

A weekly meeting in Katara throughout Ramadan, hosting a personality of intellectuals and writers, to discuss a cause of concern to the community with them, and seek to provide them solutions.


An activity held helping the community members to getused to adhere to the Prophetic Sunnah and good behaviors such as: visit the sick people, attend the funerals and feed the poor.


A targeted activity for non-Muslim foreign people to familiarize them with the customs and traditions of Qatari society by organizing a day of cooperation with Muslims and engaging them in voluntary activities such as Iftar meals and visiting the gatherings.

Orphans' Gifts (Eideyas)

A celebration in which Eideya (an amount of money which is given in Eid) are distributed to orphans before Eid al-Fitr. In this regard, QC urges the public to donate money in order to put a smile on the faces of this group.

Projects outside Qatar

QC carries out its Ramadan projects in 37 countries around the world. These projects are divided into three main projects: Ramadan, Eid, and Zakat Al Fitr, with a value of about QR 15 million. More than 1.1 million people are expected to benefit from it, with a focus on countries which suffer from crises and disasters.


The Iftar project is the largest of Ramadan projects, with a value of QR 10,031,451. It is expected that 952,889 people will benefit from the project, of which around QR 1.5 million will be allocated to the displaced and Syrian refugees. Besides, the allocations of Yemen, Somalia, Palestine, and Iraq are increased in these projects.

The target countries include: Bangladesh, Benin, Chad, Comoros, Côte d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Jordan, Kenya, Pakistan, Senegal, Sudan, Sudan,  Burkina Faso, Mali, Nigeria, Iraq, Togo, United Kingdom, Lebanon, Morocco, Philippines, Bosnia, Kyrgyzstan, Tunisia, Kosovo, Albania and Turkey.

In addition, food has been allocated to affected people in Syria and Somalia (flour, bread, food baskets) worth more than QR 3.2 million, and is expected to benefit about 100,000 people.

Eid clothing

Benefiting 3786 orphans in 21 countries, Eid clothing project aims at gladdening the orphans sponsored by QC through offering them clothes before Eid al-Fitr, at an estimated cost of QR 378,600.

Zakat al-Fitr

QC is implementing this project, targeting 82,830 people in 33 countries across the world at an estimated cost of QR 1,242,457 in order to spread the joy among Muslims on the day of Eid al-Fitr, and to avail the needy.

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QC Supports Agricultural Coope

QC continues to fight unemployment through implementing and supporting income-generating projects, and contributing to the enhancement of food situation in the poor societies. In the Comoros, for example, QC’s office supported one of the agricultural cooperatives there. The Cooperative is taking place in Azew in the north of Ngazidja Island. Its members include some young farmers and graduates from agricultural institutes. QC’s support was through cultivating and planting a 10-hectare field, planting fruit trees (1,000 banana trees, 6,000 sugarcanes, and 500 pineapple trees), different vegetables and potato. The equipment was delivered to the cooperative during a ceremony held by QC in the Comoros. Several senior figures attended such as His Excellency Mr. Jaber Nasser Al Na’imi, Chargé d'affaires of Qatar Embassy in Moroni; the Commissioner of the Ministry of Agriculture in the Comoros, some local officials from the North of Ngazidja Island and Mr. Mahfouz Zmirlin, QC’s Office Director there.   In his speech, the Commissioner of the Ministry of Agriculture commended Qatar’s efforts in supporting the people of the Comoros and praised the Qatari charity organizations in general and QC in particular for its distinguished projects. QC has implemented projects to fight unemployment and poverty, to reinforce the youth in the field of agricultural cooperatives, and to enhance the food and economic statuses of the country. He also encouraged QC to implement more agricultural projects.   This project is beneficial in so many ways; it plays a role in enhancing the food situation of the people of the Comoros, it is part of the income-generating projects, it fights diseases caused by malnutrition, it helps the unemployed become more independent, it contributes to the development of the countryside and the local economy, it is expected to contribute to the increase of vegetables and fruits and to provide them in the local market thus increase the poor farmers’ income.   In the Comoros, agriculture is considered to be a conventional occupation. It depends on rainy seasons and is greatly connected to the difficult circumstances. It usually costs a lot which makes the youth give up on it as a profession and go look for a better job opportunity in another country.   In 2012, QC announced the inauguration of 430 income-generation projects through supporting poor families. QC did so through offering benevolent loans to help the people start small economic projects at a cost of 126,800 QR. Furthermore, QC supported and developed the infrastructure of the country’s institutions. At a cost of 876,849,3 QR, QC provided them with a building for official meetings in Moheli, and maintained the road connecting Wanani city with Nioumachoua (17 Km) so as to achieve social communication and encourage tourism. In the past few years, QC equipped and repaired some of the schools and hospitals on the Comoros at a cost of more than 2,000,000 QR. The projects include 26 primary schools in Moheli which comprises 81 classrooms at a cost of around 1,500,000 QR. In addition, the projects were implemented to maintain 4 medical clinics at a cost of more than 500,000 QR. It is worth mentioning that QC was the first humanitarian organization to open a field office in Moroni, the Capital of the Comoros, in 2010 in order to be able to supervise the humanitarian and developmental projects it is planning to implement in the coming years.    You can donate to support such projects through the link: Click here


QC Prepares for the Launch of

QC finished filming the third edition of its reality TV show 'One Heart' near the Turkey-Syria borders. Several famous people were in the show such as Dr. Salman Al Ouda and a group of media, dawa and sports stars from Qatar, the Gulf and the Arab World. The show will be displayed during the coming Ramadan 1437 AH. "One Heart" TV show aims at introducing the humanitarian issues to the public, and attracting support in a spiritual and exciting manner. It will include lots of adventures and surprises. It also presents solutions in a creative way.   Awen Initiative This year, the program focused on the sufferings of the Syrian refugees, considering their issue the greatest of all disasters around the world. The members visited the refugees' camps near the Turkey-Syria borders in multiple areas of Ghazi, Gaziantep, Antakya, Kilis and others. In cooperation and coordination with the regional partners of QC there, the teams paid multiple visits to QC's projects in Turkey which target this group of people. The program also sought to show Turkey's huge role, as a country and people, in taking care of and sheltering the Syrian refugees. Turkey offered them relief aids, medications and free education. It also established camps for them. Turkey is considered the country with the biggest number of Syrian refugees; i.e. an average of more than 3,000,000 refugees found across the different Turkish cities and territories. During the show, Dr. Al Ouda and the participants spoke about Awen Initiative for the Empowerment and Development of Syrian Refugees which was recently released by QC. They clarified the different aspects of this initiative; especially relating to improving charity work and moving it from relief aids stage to become sustainable development. It aims at improving the Syrians' capabilities and training them so as to work and become financially independent. This way, a healthy society would be built, clear of any social diseases which had broken many societies apart. The activities which showed the great efforts of the participating teams were related to displaying the success stories of the Syrian refugees in Turkey. Some of them became merchants, others became employees; some others worked in agriculture, raising cattle and other arts and crafts.   The Three Teams In addition to Sheikh Salman Ouda, the number of participants reached around 15 figures divided into 3 teams. The first is: 'Al Karama (White) Team' and consists of Uqeil Jinahi, a Journalist; Firas AlKhatib, International Football Player; Mohammed Abbas, Munshid; Mohammed Al Barak, Quran Reciter; and Siwar Al Thahab, Sports Commentator. The second team is 'Al Nakhwa (Green) Team': Sheikh Khaled Abu Mooza, a Journalist, Preacher and a Businessman; Yehya Hawa, a Munshid; Ali Al Ghatayen, a Poet; Nasser Al Weiber, a Poet; and Mohammed Sa'don Al Kuwairi, QC's Ambassador and a Journalist. The third team is 'Al Himma (Blue) Team': Nasser Al Khalifi, a Journalist; Ibrahim Al Naqib, a Munshid; Sabbah Al Kuwairi, a Journalist; Nayef Al Sharhan, a Munshid; and Adel Lami, an International Football Player.   The Earlier Seasons "One Heart 3" is distinguished with the variety of activities it presents. The 3 teams met with orphans, people with disabilities, widows, elderly and tens of other humanitarian cases. They were interested in educational, health, shelter, economic empowerment, social care and income-generating projects implemented specially for the refugees.  Through the show, invitations will be sent for participation and donations through QC's channels such as its hotline, text messages, websites and QC's bank account which will be later on announced (after receiving the necessary licenses). The second season of One Heart was filmed in Sudan; while the first was filmed in Socotra the year before that. 


Qatar Charity extends thanks t

Al-Kuwari, "We extend our thanks to the campaign projects' Qatari supporters and sponsors contributing to charities and good deeds." Qatar Charity extended its thanks and appreciation to the national institutions and companies that supported the Ramadan campaign 1437 AH "Your Giving Saves Lives." QC pointed out that the campaign supported the needy families, alleviated the population's intense suffering, and helped millions of people inside and outside the country in Ramadan. "Believing in the importance of partnership and cooperation in realizing the development and humanitarian objectives and giving the opportunity for more charitable work, QC spares no effort to enhance its cooperation with various partners nationally, regionally and globally, as this is aligned to the State of Qatar's vision", said Mr. Yousef bin Ahmed Al-Kuwari, the CEO of QC. Relief and Development He added that we should be faithful to our partners in Qatar and appreciate their efforts that deeply had a positive impact on the beneficiaries and pleased the displaced, refugees, needy, orphans and patients. He also prayed for Allah to double the reward of the benevolent people. Al-Kuwari encouraged the benevolent Qataris and residents to continue donation for QC's development and relief projects inside and outside Qatar. The CEO of QC asserted that Qatar Charity's role is not limited to financing the projects that are being implemented and bringing the charity resources cooperating with the public sector, the private sector and the third sector in the field of social responsibility, but it is extended to education and training. Government Agencies The partnerships relating to QC's Ramadan campaign 1437 AH "Your Giving Saves Lives" included the public sector, semi-governmental sector, the private and the non-profit sector. The partnerships' modalities, frameworks and outcomes included providing discounts and direct services to the beneficiaries and supporting the direct social impact projects. They also included giving the opportunity to the cooperating agencies' staff to provide the in-kind donations through the intensive campaigns conducted for the needy, providing halls and providing the infrastructure services from these agencies to QC for free. This would make it easier for these agencies to implement their programs and adopt the local moral, recreational, cultural, social and awareness-raising projects. Regarding the governmental and semi-governmental sector, QC built partnerships with many agencies to implement charity projects during the holy month of Ramadan and received in-kind, and cash donations. These agencies included: The Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs, Dawa Administration, Sheikh Abdullah Bin Zaid Al Mahmoud Center, the Ministry of Economy and Commerce, Qatargas, RasGas, Hamad Medical Corporation, the Public Works Authority " "Ashghal", Qatar Railways "Rail", Qatar Airways, Cultural District " Katara", Water and Energy Usage Rationalization Administration - Kahramaa, Qatar Tourism Authority, Hamad international Airport, Al-Wakrah Municipality, Umm Salal municipality, Ministry of transport and communications, the Ministry of Education, the Municipality of Doha, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of energy and Industry, Lekhwiya, the Ministry of Municipality and Environment, the Ministry of Interior, and the Qatar Financial Markets Authority. Commercial and Media Organizations QC has cooperated with a number of companies, commercial institutions, banks,  private centers and schools inside the state such as: Sheikh Abdullah AL-Ansari Complex for the Holy Quran, Al Meera Consumer Goods Co., Quality Group, Safari Group, Ansar Gallery, ALI BIN ALI WATCHES & JEWELLERY , Landmark, Villaggio Mall, Aqua Park Qatar, Turkish Airlines, the United Restaurants and Hospitality Group, HSBC Bank, the Grand Hyatt Hotel, Qatar Volunteers Group "ONE DOHA", Qatar Cancer Society, The Pearl-Qatar- the United Development Company (UDC), Tomorrow's Pioneers Center, Gulf Mall Complex, Moevenpick Hotel , "Ooredoo", Vodafone, Mwasalat , Qatar Islamic Bank-Zakat Committee, Barwa Bank Group, Al Rayan Bank, Sulaiman Al Haider Company, Doha Bank, Al-montazah Model Independent School, Ahl Alkaram, Almaraya Company,  Inchcape Shipping Services, Landmark Group, Barahat AlWakra, Unilever, Marks & Spencer Villagio and Landmark (branches), and the Youth Company (volunteers).) In the field of ​​media support, partnerships were built with Alsharq newspaper, Al-Raya newspaper, Al-Watan newspaper, Al-Rayyan Television Channel, Qatar TV, Al-Jazeera Media Network, Al Quran Al Kareem Radio, Qatar Foundation Radio and Sawt Al-Khaleej Radio Campaign Programs QC has launched its Ramadan campaign for this season under the slogan "Your Giving Saves Lives ". The total cost of the projects implemented during the holy month of Ramadan 1437 AH inside and outside Qatar exceeded QR 32.2 million, with more than 2,131,000 people expected to benefit from the campaign. The QC campaign aims to reach 180.000 fasting people with the provision of Iftar at 24 collective tables at a total cost of about QR 9 million. The Iftar tables has reached new groups such as factory workers, farms workers,  home to home Iftar, mobile Iftar, giving water to worshipers, Ramadan supplies and supporting Iftar tables for communities.    


Qatar Charity Implements 46 in

  To promoting its developmental and humanitarian role in the global areas of intervention, QC implemented 46 income-generating projects in Sudan in favor of more than 322 people during the last months of 2016. The projects included providing trucks, grain mills and taxis "Rakshah", distributing sewing machines to housewives and implementing poultry and livestock- breeding projects. QC hopes that these projects would bring revenues to enable people to live a decent life. More than 322 individuals benefited from these projects that amounted to a quarter of a million Qatari Riyals.  They were carried out in Khartoum State, Northern State and South Kordofan. Mr. Hussein Kermash, the Director of QC Office in Sudan said, "The income-generating projects are important as they alleviate the suffering of the poor and low-income people under the conditions of lack of employment. In addition, they encourage these groups to be self-reliant through providing a decent work with constant income." He assured that QC office in Sudan carried out a feasibility study to ensure the benefit of these projects. The feasibility study revealed that these projects are useful and income generating, and they will improve the living conditions of hundreds of individuals and families. Therefore, QC office in the Sudan have funded them immediately. Mr. Kermash extended his sincere thanks to the people of Qatar and the residents in Qatar for their ongoing support and donations in favor of the different projects implemented in the Sudan.  These projects increase the individuals' productivity and integrate them into the economic life, so that they become productive people who can support the country's economic growth and sustain their families as well.   You can donate to support such projects through the link: Click here


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