Qatar Charity

Food Security

25.9% of the total population suffers from severe and moderate food insecurity.


Sustainable and resilient food systems are the main foundation for healthier societies.

Food security is achieved when all individuals in a particular group have access to quality, sustainable food in sufficient quantity to meet their basic needs. Unfortunately, global food security is bending under never-ending demographical, socio-economic , natural and geopolitical pressures such as the world population growth, scarcity of water and land resources and climate change.

As a consequence, the number of people affected by hunger continues to rise since 2014 while food security amongst most vulnerable population groups is expected to erode further due to the socio-economic and health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Qatar Charity works with partners and communities to address the immediate concerns of food insecurity and to build lasting solutions to provide vulnerable populations with the physical and economic access to adequate, nutritious, safe, and culturally appropriate foods.

Qatar Charity's approach

to the global food challenges

Our objectives

• Supporting sustainable access to food productions systems.
• Promoting food security best practices.
• Reducing food waste.

Areas of Intervention

• Revolving Loan Funds.

• Reclamation and rehabilitation of agricultural lands.

• Supporting livestock growth.

• Domestic poultry farming projects.

• Fishery development.

• Beeking projects for honey production.

• Rehabilitation of farms.

• Equipping local farmers with seeds, fertilizers and equipment.

• Food assistance distribution.

• Income generating activities of small-scale food production.


48,000,000 $

Expenditure (in USD)



children, women, people with disabilities, elderly and vulnerable communities



through 30 field offices and implementing partners


in 2022

2.1 Million

had access to safe drinking water and sanitation services

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