Qatar Charity

Social Welfare

In the world's poorest countries, around 1 in 4 children are engaged in child labor.


Vulnerable groups such as children, women and elderly face a higher risk of falling into and remaining in poverty.

For widows living in underdeveloped and developing countries, the lack of economic opportunities and prospects for livelihood often force children out of school and into labor, thus perpetuting the cycle of poverty.

Regular financial support helps lift these families out of poverty and help children and their communities access life-changing basics like education, clean water and healthcare. Since inception,

Qatar charity has made child sponsorship its flagship program to fight poverty at its source and to give children and their families a safe and enabling environment where they can thrive and prosper.

Qatar Charity's approach

to the global social welfare challenges

Our objectives

• Building resilience in vulnerable communities
• Protecting the dignity of underprivileged groups
• Increasing access to equal opportunities of income, health and education
• Providing access to social care and protection
• Eliminating violence and abuse driven by poverty
• Reducing inequality trough inclusive empowerment of vulnerable people.

Areas of Intervention

• Child sponsorship

• Providing small loans.

• Supporting small-scaled income generating projects

• Cash assistance and livelihood

• Providing food, medical, and psychological support

• Seasonal aid (Ramadan, Eid...)

• Providing financial aid to debtors

Social Welfare projects

(2014 - 2018)

203,000,000 $

Expenditure (in USD)



children, women, people with disabilities, elderly and vulnerable communities



through 30 field offices and implementing partners


in 2022

2.1 Million

had access to safe drinking water and sanitation services

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