QC Secures the Medical and Humanitarian Needs of its Sponsored in Gaza


Mas’oud Mreish, “QC got me a UBS that could operate my artificial ventilator. I no longer had to spend all my time at the hospital.”

QC sponsors 7,270 people in Gaza, among which are orphans; poor; disabled; students; and Qur’an teachers.

QC’s office in Gaza implemented a project to secure its sponsored people their medical and humanitarian needs so as to enable them to have a dignified and respectful life and, to lighten their financial burdens.


Necessary Devices

The project included financial aids distributed to 18 cases sponsored by QC in the Gaza Strip. Their needs included medical devices such as eye glasses and audiphones and necessary devices for chronic diseases, payment for treatments, and others.

QC’s staff paid field visits to the patients to ensure that the process was documented and that the patients made the utmost use of the devices, apparatuses, and medications.


Success Story

Thanks to this project, 52 year old Mas’oud Khalil Mreish’s life has changed. He suffers from a chronic respiratory distress. He had to spend most of his time in the hospital because of his serious need for artificial ventilation. He does not have to do that anymore as QC bought him an alternative source of energy to operate his ventilator at home.

The UBS that QC provided Mreish with enabled him to operate his ventilator despite the recurrent power cuts which can last for over 12 hours daily. He can stay with his family now. He no longer needs to spend his time lying on a hospital bed.

Mreish expressed his gratitude for QC for helping him have a stable life with his family. He said that he no longer had to worry about himself and his family. He also stressed that QC made the best it could to help all of its sponsored.

He added, “I used to depend on an oxygen cylinder when the electricity cut off, but it would run out quickly and I couldn’t afford to refill it. That is why my children used to take me to the hospital. I would stay there for days. Hence, I thank QC for helping me and other sick and needy people.”


Alternative Treatments

Eng. Mohammed Abu Haloub, QC’s office Director in Gaza, emphasized that this project reinforced the solidarity and clemency, and provided the needs of the people QC sponsors. He pointed that the project also reduced the financial burden of the sick sponsored category who suffered from difficult economic conditions.

Mr. Abu Haloub elucidated that some of the beneficiaries faced difficulties finding their medications which were not available due to the siege on Gaza. This required more time to find alternative medications.

The beneficiaries expressed their content about receiving the medications and the medical services. They thanked QC for the efforts it exerts to help the poor families and reconstruct the Gaza Strip after the last Israeli aggression.


Fighting Epidemics

The number of QC’s sponsored in Gaza reached 7,270, among which are 5,901 orphans; 803 poor families; 492 disabled; a number of students; preachers; and Qur’an teachers.

In addition, QC has declared since the first few days of the aggression on Gaza to allocate 20,000,000 QR for the reconstruction of the destroyed houses and for other relief needs like food and medications..

QC recently expanded Al Shifa project’s Medical Center, Al-Daraj. The aim was to limit the spread of infectious diseases and epidemics, to provide basic medical services to the needy categories, and to raise health awareness.

At a cost of 500,000 QR, the project was funded by QC in the framework of its objectives to help the Palestinian brothers and ease their sufferance caused by the occupation.

The project included the construction of a second floor of 350 m2 and included providing all the construction requirements to serve the health sector in Gaza Strip in general and widen the benefiting category.


You can donate to support such projects through the link:Click here

Related News

QC Provides Job Opportunities

Because it always supports the neediest categories and because it always tries to fulfill its duty towards the orphans it sponsors, QC signed a strategic partnership with Hemaya Security Solutions Co. to hire more than 250 orphans of legal age in Sudan. This initiative is considered to be the first of its kind ever to be implemented by a charity organization.

Mr. Rashid Abdurrahman Al-Naimi, Qatar’s Ambassador in Sudan, Mr. Faisal Rashid Al-Fahida, QC’s EDO, and Mr. Falih Hamad Al-Hajri, Chief of Governmental Relations Department at Hemaya, supervised the starting of the interviews.

More than 548 candidates applied for the job. 400 of which were interviewed by Hemaya’s delegate Mr. Falih Ahmed Al-Hajri. The interviews lasted for four consecutive days; then 319 were selected to work for Hemaya. 250 of them were from orphans and 59 of them were from the orphans’ families.


Mr. Rashid Abdurrahman Al-Naimi, Qatar’s ambassador in Sudan, praised the cooperation between the Qatari institutions to achieve humanitarian and charitable goals. He said it shows Qatar’s bright side.

Furthermore, Mr. Faisal Rashid Al-Fahida, QC’s EDO, commended the outcome of the partnership between Hemaya Co and QC. Such initiative will result in the enhancement of the conditions of many families.

Mr. Falih Hamad Al-Hajri, Chief of Governmental Relations Department at Hemaya, emphasized on the company’s willingness to expand its partnership and increase the work with QC under the understanding of the responsibilities of the Qatari institutions to make a positive change in people’s lives and to empower them economically. 

All of the interviewees expressed their appreciation and gratitude for Qatar and QC for such a good initiative hoping more orphans and poor families would benefit from it.

The EDO said that according to QC’s procedures and regulations, the sponsorship time ends when the orphan becomes of a legal age; 18 and above. However, QC never stops helping them until they are financially independent.

Sponsorship Services

QC offers two kinds of services to the sponsored children. First, it offers individual services such as regularly giving money to the sponsored during the time of sponsorship, and directly supervising the student’s education, health, social behavior and psychology. In addition, it offers in-kind contributions every now and then which help the child such as giving him\her a school bag or Eidya.  

Second, it offers a group services which include all the activities QC does for a group of sponsored children at the same time. These services and activities can be cultural, artistic, educational, sport, or entertaining.

Sponsorships differ and depend on the conditions of the orphan. There is the sponsorship of a child living with his family, a child living with a foster family, and a child living in an orphanage. Sponsoring children while living with their families comes first because QC believes in the importance of growing up around one’s family. Family is a healthy environment which supports the child educationally, psychologically, emotionally and socially. Sponsoring children by sending them to foster families comes second. Finally, if the first and second choices are not available, QC sends children to an acknowledged orphanage.

85,000 Orphans

QC is currently sponsoring more than 3,489 orphans in 8 Sudanese states. It provides them with financial and educational support, and offers them cultural and entertaining activities. As part of last year’s campaign “Rofaqa’” (Companions), QC sponsored more than 750 orphans in Sudan. Finally, QC sponsors around 85,000 orphans around the world in more than 40 countries.





QC Implements ‘Providing Drink

Through its office in the Strip and in cooperation with Ghaith for Relief and Development, QC has recently started implementing ‘Providing Drinking Water’ project to the poor. More than 3,000 poor families are expected to benefit from it. It will take around 8 months for the project to be implemented at a cost of 262,000 QR.

Kidney Diseases

The Municipalities in the Strip provide the citizens with salty water only, which could cause many different diseases such as kidney diseases. Therefore, QC decided to implement this project in order to provide the poor families with good drinking water.

Eng. Mohammed Abu Halloub, QC’s Office Director in the Strip, said that this project is being implemented because QC wants to alleviate the sufferings of those who cannot afford to get good drinking water, and to prevent the diseases spread because of water pollution. He also emphasized the fact that water projects are on the top QC’s priorities’ list since the siege and the attacks on the Strip have destroyed all of the water networks, which were not even sufficient.

QC, as he also mentioned, will not spare an effort until it has helped the needy families and offered a good living opportunities for the needy; whether through relief or development projects.

Water Crisis

The Strip’s aquifer is both polluted and empty which made the Strip suffer from a dire water crisis. As a result, the Gazan families who are financially stable buy filtered water, while the poor families still use the brackish water provided by the municipalities.

To help face this crisis, QC is implementing a project to filter rainwater and to inject it into the aquifer in around 30 public schools.

The UN had already warned from the worsening situation of water in the Strip. According to the UN’s report, if the current conditions remain the same, the situation in 2016 will be catastrophic. The Strip is in great need for desalination plants a hundred times more than roads.

Reconstruction of Gaza

After all the destruction and wreckage the last aggression on the Strip caused, QC spared no effort to help rebuild the Strip.

More than 2,000 people were martyred during the aggression, 11,200 were injured, and thousands of families, whose houses were demolished, were displaced. Furthermore, many infrastructure facilities such as roads, hospitals, schools, and factories were destroyed.

The last brutal attack on the Gaza Strip caused the loss of so many people, houses, and facilities. 2,139 were martyred: 579 of them were children, 264 of them were women, and 102 were elders. 11,200 people were injured: 25% of them became handicapped. 1,000 children became permanently disabled. 2,088 women, 3,374 children and 410 old people were injured. 1,200 families lost their breadwinners. 90 families were entirely eliminated and 49 massacres were executed.

In addition, 466,000 citizens were displaced, 2,360 houses were completely destroyed, 13,644 houses were partly destroyed, 30,000 workers lost their jobs, and 134 factories were completely demolished. The destruction of Gaza cost a financial loss of 3,500,000,000 USD.


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Qatar Charity Holds Two Camps

  • 540 orphans have benefited from the activities of the two camps
  • The most important events of the camps included: lessons from the Holy Qur'an, cultural contests, sports, entertaining activities, and medical examinations

For the benefit of hundreds of its sponsored orphans, Qatar Charity held two educational camps in Burkina Faso and the Comoros Islands. 

Bobo-Dioulasso Camp

Qatar Charity's ten day long camp in Bobo-Dioulasso was the first in Burkina Faso in 2015. It was organized under the slogan “Akhlaqi Ser Najahi” (My Morals are the Reason of My Success) for the benefit of 250 orphans.

Promoting Values

As part of Qatar Charity's activities to spread the spirit of communication and brotherhood among the orphans, this camp was held to educate the orphans according to modern and moderate Islamic teachings. It was also held to train them live a complementary Islamic life by promoting values, altruism, cooperation and forgiveness.

Saved from Getting Lost

The sponsored orphans and the supervising teachers commended Qatar Charity's role in Burkina Faso. They expressed their appreciation for Qatar Charity's help in wiping the tears of so many poor children after the death of their fathers. Qatar Charity has saved so many lives from getting lost, being hungry and going astray.  It has helped them to lead a dignified life and helped in educating them. The beneficiaries also thanked Qatar Charity and its philanthropists.

Mr. Mohammed Al-Nawaiti, Qatar Charity’s Office Director in Burkina Faso, emphasized the relief this project made him feel and how it was part of Qatar Charity's projects and programs that are dedicated to the orphans of Burkina Faso and their education.

The Camp’s Events

Qatar Charity's Social Care Department was responsible for organizing this camp, which included different events such as lectures, lessons from the Holy Qur'an, activities, cultural contests, sports, and entertaining games. The camp revolved around everything fun and beneficial.

Ngazidja (Grande Comore) Island           

Qatar Charity also held a camp for the first time in Ngazidja through its office in the Comoros Islands for the orphans living there. The five day long camp had 200 orphans (10 – 12 years) benefiting; 175 of which were males, 25 were females.

It also included different activities starting with medical examinations for all of the participants, tutorials in the basic subjects (according to the levels of the orphans), memorization of some of the chapters of the Holy Qur'an, cultural activities, sports activities and different contests.

A Day of Entertainment

Because Qatar Charity pays extra attention to the orphans, it also recently organized an entertaining and educational day for the benefit of 250 sponsored orphans before school started in Burkina Faso. Qatar Charity distributed school bags and kids clothes.

Other Projects

Qatar Charity has lately implemented 300 income-generating projects from which the poor and unemployed have benefited in Burkina Faso. The projects ranged from agriculture and animal husbandry to traditional handicrafts.

Qatar Charity’s projects goals reinforce the implementation of small and medium-sized enterprises. They offer the target beneficiaries sustained job opportunities, which are expected to help provide a dignified life for the beneficiaries. These projects included passing the ownership of 100 dairy cattle calves, 150 sewing machines, 40 ploughs with carriages and 7 grain mills to at-risk families in Burkina Faso at a cost of 560,000 QR.  More than 2,000 people have benefited from such projects in the neediest cities, villages and slums in Burkina Faso

Under the existing dire economic conditions, Qatar Charity's projects target youth and women’s associations, female breadwinners, widows and female divorcee breadwinners


You can donate to support such projects through the link:  Click here

QC Implements ‘Kiswit Eid’ (Ei

  • QC focused on the countries suffering from exceptional circumstance such as Palestine, Syria and Yemen
  • El Kuwairi, “‘Kiswit Eid’ project aims at making the orphans happy, especially that it’s Eid”.

In 33 different countries, 1,750 orphans enjoyed the Eid and became more hopeful for a better future thanks to Rofaqa initiative, one of QC’s initiatives.

This project is one of so many others which QC works hard to implement so as to bring joy and happiness to the hearts of its sponsored children in Eid Al Adha.

Love & Care

Countries which suffer from exceptional circumstances were focused on such as Palestine, Syria and Yemen. These countries’ orphans need all the love and care one can possibly offer. They suffer every single day that any ray of hope could be very useful to them.

However, QC did not forget about the orphans elsewhere. It’s project was implemented in India, Jordan, Philippine, Bangladesh, Lebanon, Iraq, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Indonesia, the Comoros, Kyrgyzstan, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Mauritania, Kenya, Morocco, Chat, Mali, Benin, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Ghana, Togo, Niger, Bosnia, Albania, Kosovo, Sudan and Tunisia. 

 ‘Eid Clothing’ campaign covered the orphans’ different needs. It included getting them shoes, and presents (based on their age and gender): shirts and pants for the boys, and dresses and shoes for the girls. More than 550 orphans benefited from the project.

Values of Mercy

Mr. Youssif Bin Ahmed Al Kuwairi, QC’s CEO, said, “We, at QC, made sure to prioritize the orphans, and pay extra attention to them. QC does its best to provide them with the necessary care they need. Plus, we all know that the reward our religion promises to those who sponsor orphans is great.”

He, then, added, “‘Eid Clothing’ initiative is only a means to compensate for their loss. Yes, it is not like parental love and care; however, QC works hard to make the orphans feel like they’re a part of something, a family. We know how important it is to stand by these orphans’ side; which is why supporting them is a priority.”

Through its ‘Rofaqa’ initiative, QC inaugurated ‘Eid Clothing’ campaign for the benefit of its sponsored orphans. The number of sponsored orphans from 31st of December 2013 until today reached 39,057 orphans from 35 different countries the world over. 

Similar Projects

At the same time QC implemented ‘Eid Clothing’ project, it implemented ‘Your Sacrifice, their Eid’ campaign. Through this campaign, QC was able to provide 28,100 sacrifices (of bulls and sheep) in 54 countries in Asia, Africa, and Europe at a cost of 13,560,000) QR.

As for the Hajj season, QC implemented many projects which included ‘Substitute Hajj’, ‘Feeding Pilgrims’ and ‘Grouping Pilgrims’. Thanks to QC, 1,500 pilgrims performed substitute hajj at a cost of 5,700,000 QR. It also grouped 16 pilgrims at a cost of 152,000 QR and provided 25,000 meals for the pilgrims.

Comprehensive Care:

QC sponsors around 80,000 orphans from 35 countries. It offers them comprehensive care which includes education, health, shelter and other basics.

Rofaqa’ Initiative is a unique humanitarian initiative which is interested in helping orphans worldwide. It aims at reaching a complementary level of care for children and orphans. It wishes to offer a new vision based on comprehensive care to include social, educational, health and psychological aspects. ‘Rofaqa’ initiative, which was inaugurated in December 2013, was able to sponsor 39,057 orphans so far.


You can donate to support such projects through the link:  Click here

QC Hosts the British Activist

Ms. Booth: “I chose QC because I already knew its excellent work in the field of charity in general and for the Palestinians in particular.”

After receiving an invitation from QC, Ms. Lauren Booth, a journalist and British activist, visited QC in Doha so as to work together to support the Palestinian families which suffer from poverty and the siege.

Ms. Booth is considered to be one of the most famous pro-Arab activists who helped break the siege which was imposed by the occupation on the Gaza Strip. She is currently dedicating her life and efforts to guarantee a better life for the Palestinians.

Poverty and Unemployment

Through its one-week visit to QC, Ms. Booth sought to cooperate with QC to help the affected Palestinian families, and to implement economic and social projects for the victims of poverty, unemployment, Israeli attacks and the siege.

During her visit, Ms. Booth met a number of QC’s officials who, together, discussed the sufferings of the Palestinians; especially those living in the Gaza Strip. They also discussed their need for aids and relief campaigns because of the horrible situation they’re living in.

Many QC projects were displayed during the meetings to show the important role of these developmental and relief projects in stabilizing the Palestinian families’ circumstances. Some income-generating projects implemented by QC in Palestine were displayed such as providing dairy cows, sheep, poultry, means of transportation, and others.

These projects helped provide a fixed income for hundreds of Palestinian families, and helped create many job opportunities for the unemployed. In addition, it changed so many families to become productive. As a result, the number of beneficiaries increased. 

Ms. Booth’s visit included attending a number of activities such as participating in an event with the Qatari Business Women Association in cooperation with the Youth for Jerusalem Association, the women’s department; attending a lecture at a Holy Quran memorization center; and visiting some senior figures.

Alleviate the Suffering

Ms. Lauren Booth expressed her happiness for visiting QC and knowing about its different humanitarian projects in Palestine. “After having lived with the Palestinians, I understood exactly how much they suffer and how much help and support they need. Their circumstances are getting worse day by day because of the occupation and the siege. I chose QC because I know about its excellent work in the field of charity in general and for the Palestinians in particular. QC’s projects in Gaza are very important in providing a living for the people there,” said she.  

She also spoke about how when she first went to Palestine, she was surprised to see the amount of suffering the Palestinians were going through, and it was that which made her exert all the efforts she could to help alleviate their sufferings.

“QC’s projects in Palestine are distinguished, and I hope these projects increase in number. I know how generous the Qatari people are; especially when it’s about their brothers and sisters from other countries. These projects, definitely, help the Palestinians and help fight poverty and unemployment,” said Ms. Booth.

A Better Life

It is worth mentioning that QC was recently able to implement thousands of income-generating projects in Palestine which helped thousands of families have a better life. The beneficiaries included widows, orphans, breadwinners, poor people, the unemployed and other needy categories.

QC had also inaugurated ‘We Build Palestine’ campaign to contribute in the development of the Palestinian people inside and outside Palestine as part of ‘Hand in Hand We Build Palestine’ campaign. This campaign finances and implements huge development projects at a cost of 197,826,000QR. It is expected that 1,147,000 people will benefit.

QC’s projects target all of the Palestinians in Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and the Palestinian refugees in the refugees’ camps of Lebanon and Jordan.

 ‘Hand in Hand We Build Palestine’ campaign was first inaugurated as a relief response to the circumstances facing the Palestinians in general and the people living in the Gaza strip in particular; taking into consideration the destruction the last Israeli attack caused. More than 2,000 people were martyred and 11,200 were injured, and thousands of families were displaced and their homes were destroyed.

QC Provides the Health Sector

The fuel QC provided the Ministry of Health (MOH) with will allow its 13 hospitals to operate perfectly fine. The hospitals have the capacity of 1,588 beds and can now continue to offer their services to the citizens.

QC provided the MOH with 200,000 liters of fuel to avoid a possible humanitarian disaster in the Gaza Strip’s hospitals. This project was implemented in order to compensate for the dire shortage in electricity which the ministry suffers from. QC provided fuel to operate the generators of the MOH’s facilities. This way the citizens can receive health services without any problems. 

Saving the Day

This project, just like all of QC’s projects, is distinguished and important. The hospitals will not run out of fuel thus cause the health sector to fall apart. Now, instead, the hospitals can receive patients and offer them the needed services. Primary Care centers and the ambulances will benefit from this project. This will enable the medical staff to offer health services in the ICU, the OR, Renal Dialysis unit, the reception, the ER and the nursery.

Dr. Ashraf Abu Mahady, Director General of International Cooperation in the MOH, expressed his gratitude for QC’s quick response to the urgent appeal that the MOH had already made. “Our hospitals,” said Dr. Abu Mahady, “Are severely suffering because of the shortage in fuel. I thank QC for its support and help. 200,000 liters of fuel are definitely going to help the hospitals continue to offer medical services to the citizens.”

Eng. Mohammed Abu Haloub, QC’s Office Director in the Gaza Strip, said, “When the MOH in the Gaza Strip called for help, we, at QC, were so quick in responding because we know how important the health sector is. At a cost of 1,205,000QR, QC implemented this health project. The ministry suffers from continuous power cuts which could greatly affect the kind of services offered to the patients. More than 1,800,000 people depend on these hospitals.”

He then emphasized the fact that QC will always be there for the Palestinians who are under the Israeli siege. “We will provide the MOH with the necessary fuel to enable the hospitals to offer full medical services to the patients,” said he. 

An Urgent Matter

The fact that the electricity is out more than 12 hours per day in the Gaza Strip means the health sector cannot offer any services to the patients. It is simply because hospitals cannot operate without electricity. There will be no working medical devices in the ER, no working nurseries, and no working devices for renal dialysis. This, of course, causes a huge threat to the hospitals if they run out of fuel.

90% of the health services offered in the Strip are by the MOH’s hospitals. They provide medical services to more than 1,800,000 people. Such services include surgeries, and intensive care. Some hospitals are even specialized in offering renal dialysis and nurseries. The MOH also offers primary care services through 56 care centers. They include treatment for chronic diseases, contagious diseases, and preventive healthcare.

It is necessary for the hospitals to use generators (i.e. around 360,000 liters of fuel monthly) to cover for the daily 12-hour power cut at a cost of 530,000 USD or else the health sector will not be able to offer any services to the patients.

Supply of Medicines

It is worth mentioning that QC had already implemented several projects for the benefit of the health sector in Gaza. Some of these projects are related to the supply of medicines as part of an intervention program designed specially to help those who were injured in the last attack on Gaza (summer 2014). In addition, the engineering plan for building the internal medicine hospital as part of Al Shifa’ Medical Complex in Gaza at a cost of 582,000 QR.

Furthermore, QC is working on different projects to equip the hospitals with electromechanical devices, including providing generators, replacing elevators, and rehabilitating the sterilization system and offering mechanical ventilation at a cost of more than 10,000,000 QR. The health sector in the Gaza strip is the most siege-affected. It suffers from shortages in resources and potentials. 


You can donate to support such projects through the link:  Click here
