QC Prioritizes Education and Orphans Projects in Albania


QC's Office Director:

3 educational and training centers from which thousands of students benefit yearly in Albania. They offer services in the fields of teaching Arabic, languages, training courses, social service and managerial development.

The establishment of Islamic Fajr Center is in progress. It offers multiple services and is considered to be one of the best mosques in Durres, second biggest city in Albania.

In 2015, QC implemented more than 70 projects at a cost of more than 14,000,000 QR in Albania. The projects covered the fields of education, culture, social care, relief, public housing, water, and economic empowerment from which thousands benefited.

Mr. Shawqi Abu Seif, QC's Office Director in Albania, pointed that the projects QC implemented in Albania were distinguished and beneficial. As part of the sanitation and water projects, 22 artesian aquifers were drilled at a cost of 310,000 QR; as for the public housing, 2 projects were implemented at a cost of 270,000 QR; the social care, 8 projects were implemented at a cost of 6,000,000 QR; education and culture, 10 projects were implemented at a cost of 6,900,000 QR; and relief, 2 projects were implemented at a cost of 280,000 QR for the flood-affected in south Albania.


Social Care Projects

At a cost of 6,000,000 QR, 8 projects were implemented and different types of activities were held for the orphans. For example, weekly gatherings and cultural competitions were organized. While 108 orphans participated in Quran competitions, 110 orphans participated in the yearly camps. Furthermore, the social care projects also included holding sports activities, trips, and weekly gatherings for the orphans' mothers.


3 Educational Centers

10 projects in the fields of education and culture were implemented at a cost of 6,900,000 QR. In 2015, the number of beneficiaries reached 1,700 students who took courses at the Qatari Center for Languages. So far, 30,000 students have benefited from the services the center offers.

As for Arabic for Non-Natives center, 100 students benefited from it in 2015. This center is considered one of QC's greatest achievements. It is the only advanced center that teaches Arabic to non-natives through experts in Albania.

 In 2015, more than 200 students benefited from the services offered by Qatar Center for Administrative Training and Social Services. The key role of the center is to improve the teachers, institutes, public and private firms in the fields which would improve their performance. They would receive courses in communication, child and persons with disability care, and training for teachers. 5 students got 100% and 2 of the center's students are ranked first across Albania. The Albanian-Qatari school was opened in 2010\2011 from which 180 students benefit.


Islamic Center

In 2015 and at a cost of 6,000,000 QR, 10 projects were implemented. The establishment of Islamic Fajr Center is in progress. It offers multiple services and is considered to be one of the best mosques in Durres, second biggest city in Albania.

QC supports the Islamic sheikhs through sponsoring 55 imams from different mosques in Albania. Furthermore, in cooperation with Hayat Association, QC sponsored 40 Islamic preachers as part of 'Weekend Schools' project from which around 800 children benefit.


Economic Empowerment Projects

Fighting poverty: 25 projects were implemented at a cost of 250,000,000 QR through improving income programs, (Hand in Hand) program. QC also supports some of the families of orphans through implementing small projects to help them cover their needs. 30 projects were implemented such as establishing a small shop, apiaries; selling clothes, cows. Such projects are very successful and so many of them are already expanding.

The Albanian for the Albanian: This project collects clothes from individuals and shops then redistributes them to the orphans and poor families. More than 10,000 people benefited from 30 tons of clothes and shoes.

Old People's home: QC helped furnish the old people's home of men in Fush – Krujë. The furnishing included bringing 100 chairs, 25 tables, a refrigerator, a TV, and a library. The ceremony through which the furniture was delivered was attended by the region's officials and 100 elderly who benefited from this project.


Seasonal Projects

Seasonal projects are considered very important in Albania. For example, the families of poor people and orphans benefited from 'Breaking Fast' project which concentrated on distributing food baskets to them. In addition, hot meals (for 7,696 beneficiaries), and Udheyya meat (for 900 families of poor people and orphans) were distributed. As for the 'Kiswa' (clothing) of Eid Al Fitr, 70 orphans benefited and of Eid Al Adha, 50 orphans benefited. Finally, 8 people benefited from the pilgrimage project which was mainly for those incapable of performing Hajj.


Relief Projects

At a cost of 280,000 QR, 2 relief projects were implemented to aid the flood-affected in south Albania. The project was implemented in 2 stages: the first stage included distributing 8.5 tons of clothes, shoes, and mattresses; the second stage included distributing 1,000 blankets for 500 families and cleaning tools, and paying school allowances on behalf o


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Related News

QC Checks its Projects in the

QC has recently reviewed the progress of its distinguished development projects inside Kosovo, Albania, Bosnia, and Turkey in order to adjust and modify them.

During his visit, Mr. Faisal Rashid Al-Fahida, QC’s EDO in these countries, reviewed some of QC’s projects and met with some of these countries’ officials.


Mr. Al-Fahida checked many of QC’s projects under a program which began with visiting QC’s headquarter and its employees. He went to Qatar’s Center for Training where he watched a video that showed QC’s most important accomplishments in Kosovo since the opening of the office until the end of 2014.  He was also showed some samples of successful income-generating projects.

Mr. Al-Fahida met with Dr. Farid Aghani, the Minister of the Environment, who commended QC’s developing and charitable role in Kosovo. In addition, he mentioned how QC sponsored more than 1,500 orphans, and how it offered them entertaining, cultural and financial services. He also spoke about QC’s role in reducing the phenomenon of unemployment through implementing income-generating projects. 

Mr. Al-Fahida supervised the honoring ceremony of the distinguished students and its sport festival. More than 340 orphaned boys and girls attended. Finally, the excellent and morally distinguished students were rewarded, and everyone was very happy.




During his field visit to the Albanian-Qatari school, Mr. Al-Fahida met with the school’s staff members and supervisors. He praised their efforts and the students’ excellent results. Also, two of the school’s female students won first prizes across Albania. This is added to last year’s excellent results, too.

Mr. Al-Farida paid a visit to several income-generating projects and encouraged its beneficiaries to work harder; he also encouraged the orphans to honor their parents and take care of their studies.

For this occasion, QC held a ceremony in which it distributed the basic needs to the large number of participating orphans, and other beneficiaries such as the Albanian-Qatari center and Albanian-Qatari school’s students.

Furthermore, Mr. Al-Fahida visited the project of building Rubik Mosque, one of the three mosques QC is currently building in Albania.


Mr. Al-Fahida, QC’s EDO, also met with Blendy Closey, the Minister of Labor of the Albanian Republic, who praised QC and commended its efforts especially in the fields of education and culture. Indeed, the two fields receive utmost attention from QC’s office in Albania through the Albanian-Qatari Center for Languages and Computer, the Qatari Center for Administrative and Educational Training, and the Albanian Qatari School.

He also met Ms. Esmiralda Ashkiah; member in the Albanian-Arabic Relationships Committee of the Albanian Parliament. She expressed her gratitude to QC for their continuous work through their effective office in Albania, and their constant help to Albania whenever necessary; like the donations that QC had offered to the victims of floods at the beginning of the year.


Bosnia and Herzegovina


Many of the developmental projects funded by QC in Bosnia were visited. In addition, many beneficiaries sponsored by QC were met, especially from the orphans.

Mr. Al-Fahida visited the Mr. Bakir Izetbegović, the Chairman of Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and acquainted him with QC and the size of its charitable projects and activities in the world, along with its future vision and the help it had offered to Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Additionally, Mr. Faysal met with Mr. Adil Osmanović; Minister of civil affairs in Bosnia, where his Excellency praised the efforts and the aids that QC offered to Bosnia, and confirmed the need of Bosnians for a number of medical and cultural projects too.




During his visit to Turkey, Mr. Al-Fahida visited many of QC’s projects. He took a close look at the Syrian displaced and refugees’ conditions there. He also reviewed the final phases of “Madinat Al-Rayyan” (Al-Rayyan City) project which was funded by QC in cooperation with IHH, its strategic partner inside and outside Turkey. The opening of its first phase is expected to be announced in the coming days.

Mr. Al-Fahida met with Salem bin Mubarak Al Shafi, Qatar’s Ambassador in Turkey, who spoke about the efforts QC exerts to alleviate the sufferings of the Syrians inside and outside Syria.

In addition, he visited some of the headquarters of QC’s associates in Turkey such as White Hands charity, Syrian Education Commission, and IMC, which QC signed an agreement with at the end of last year. Such agreement would allow the institutions to reach the neediest territories for relief and aid. Plus, they would mostly help the affected in Syria and would offer healthcare to the displaced Syrian children who did not have any regular healthcare services availab

QC Provides Job Opportunities

Because it always supports the neediest categories and because it always tries to fulfill its duty towards the orphans it sponsors, QC signed a strategic partnership with Hemaya Security Solutions Co. to hire more than 250 orphans of legal age in Sudan. This initiative is considered to be the first of its kind ever to be implemented by a charity organization.

Mr. Rashid Abdurrahman Al-Naimi, Qatar’s Ambassador in Sudan, Mr. Faisal Rashid Al-Fahida, QC’s EDO, and Mr. Falih Hamad Al-Hajri, Chief of Governmental Relations Department at Hemaya, supervised the starting of the interviews.

More than 548 candidates applied for the job. 400 of which were interviewed by Hemaya’s delegate Mr. Falih Ahmed Al-Hajri. The interviews lasted for four consecutive days; then 319 were selected to work for Hemaya. 250 of them were from orphans and 59 of them were from the orphans’ families.


Mr. Rashid Abdurrahman Al-Naimi, Qatar’s ambassador in Sudan, praised the cooperation between the Qatari institutions to achieve humanitarian and charitable goals. He said it shows Qatar’s bright side.

Furthermore, Mr. Faisal Rashid Al-Fahida, QC’s EDO, commended the outcome of the partnership between Hemaya Co and QC. Such initiative will result in the enhancement of the conditions of many families.

Mr. Falih Hamad Al-Hajri, Chief of Governmental Relations Department at Hemaya, emphasized on the company’s willingness to expand its partnership and increase the work with QC under the understanding of the responsibilities of the Qatari institutions to make a positive change in people’s lives and to empower them economically. 

All of the interviewees expressed their appreciation and gratitude for Qatar and QC for such a good initiative hoping more orphans and poor families would benefit from it.

The EDO said that according to QC’s procedures and regulations, the sponsorship time ends when the orphan becomes of a legal age; 18 and above. However, QC never stops helping them until they are financially independent.

Sponsorship Services

QC offers two kinds of services to the sponsored children. First, it offers individual services such as regularly giving money to the sponsored during the time of sponsorship, and directly supervising the student’s education, health, social behavior and psychology. In addition, it offers in-kind contributions every now and then which help the child such as giving him\her a school bag or Eidya.  

Second, it offers a group services which include all the activities QC does for a group of sponsored children at the same time. These services and activities can be cultural, artistic, educational, sport, or entertaining.

Sponsorships differ and depend on the conditions of the orphan. There is the sponsorship of a child living with his family, a child living with a foster family, and a child living in an orphanage. Sponsoring children while living with their families comes first because QC believes in the importance of growing up around one’s family. Family is a healthy environment which supports the child educationally, psychologically, emotionally and socially. Sponsoring children by sending them to foster families comes second. Finally, if the first and second choices are not available, QC sends children to an acknowledged orphanage.

85,000 Orphans

QC is currently sponsoring more than 3,489 orphans in 8 Sudanese states. It provides them with financial and educational support, and offers them cultural and entertaining activities. As part of last year’s campaign “Rofaqa’” (Companions), QC sponsored more than 750 orphans in Sudan. Finally, QC sponsors around 85,000 orphans around the world in more than 40 countries.





QC Signs a Cooperation Agreeme

QC signed a cooperation agreement with Ajyal Center for Training and Consultancy through which QC’s administration of developmental centers and Ajyal Center would cooperate to offer developmental and social services to the society by organizing activities, events and different programs, and holding training and educational courses.

Mr. Abdul Nasser Al-Zahr Al-Yafi’ee, QC’s Executive Director of Local Development, and Mis. Ghada Ayoush, the Director General of Ajyal Center for Training and Consulting, signed the agreement in Qatar’s office in Duhail.

The signed cooperation agreement stipulates that both parties shall cooperate by sharing their experiences and potentials in the field of developmental and social services so as to provide distinguished community service. They also agreed on mutual coordination to hold several purposeful activities and developmental programs.

Mobilizing Efforts

Mr. Abdul Nasser Az-Zahr Al-Yafi’ee, QC’s Executive Director of Local Development, said that this is part of QC’s efforts to support developmental work; that is related to training and expertise improvement. The goal is to make a quantum leap in that field. He pointed out to the big efforts which must be exerted in order to overcome a lot of obstacles.  

Al-Yafi’ee also added that through this agreement with ‘Ajyal’ Center, QC is trying to mobilize all the efforts to achieve the desired goals. The two parties agreed to work together in every possible way to serve all the developmental projects to serve the Qatari society.

Mr. Al-Yafi’ee expressed his gratitude to Ajyal Center for Training and Consultancy for its participation in the development process. He also emphasized QC’s willingness to cooperate and help in developing Qatar to see the Qatari 2030 vision come true.

Capacity Building

Ms. Ghada Ayoush, Director General of Ajyal Center for Training and Consulting, sincerely thanked QC and its staff members. She said that ‘Ajyal’ Center believes in training the Qataris to become leaders and to improve their skills. It also aims at achieving its goal of empowering the Qatari pepole so as to bring the Qatari 2030 vision to become a reality. Finally, as part of the center’s efforts to make real partnerships with local institutions, it welcomed the implementation of such initiative with QC; the international and local pioneering charity, which the center shares so many objectives.

Ayoush added that this agreement would be the beginning of cooperation between QC and ‘Ajyal’; such cooperation will create something creatively new that will keep up with the modern challenges. “We aspire to invest this agreement in mobilizing efforts to increase the knowledge of the members of the society and to increase their cultural understanding. With the help of training experts, we will make several activities and awareness programs through scientific and educational methodology. Our priority is to reinforce the values of the youths. We will do everything we can to achieve this goal. We will actively and seriously work with QC to identify our general goals and plan the way we are going to achieve them.”

Purposeful Agreements

QC had already signed an agreement with Tomooh for Voluntary Work Management in order to present a distinguished social work.

In addition, a number of agreements were signed with famous sport figures and journalists so as to be the ambassadors of good values.

In its headquarter in Doha, QC also signed cooperation, educational sponsorships, and voluntary initiatives agreements with educational centers and youth and voluntary institutions. They all aimed at serving the society and encouraging the Qatari youth to do voluntary work. For example, they inaugurated initiatives such as Salati (my prayer), Al-Majales Madares (sessions are like schools), and Suhba (companionship). QC also signed an agreement with ‘Layan’ campaign to relieve the Syrian refugees in Lebanon, and another agreement with ‘Rowad’ center. These agreements include the implementation of projects and developmental and educational programs inside Qatar and voluntary and relief campaigns outside Qatar. 

QC Opens 13 Healthcare Centers

QC has recently opened 13 healthcare centers in different places in Bangladesh from which 500,000 people benefited at a cost of 1,000,000 QR.

QC made sure that the targeted beneficiaries are the neediest. Therefore, QC implemented the projects in the poorest districts which are Pabna, Kishoreganj , Gazipur, Naogaon, Madaripur, Barguna, Gaibandha, and Barisal. 

Comprehensive Services

As part of the project, QC supplied these centers and the outpatient clinic with drugs and medical items. It also covered routine medical examinations. QC runs these projects either directly, or through its cooperation with local committees in order to sufficiently offer the basic services of medical care.

For this occasion, Mr. Mohammed Amine Hafith, QC’s Office Director in Bangladesh, said that QC implemented these projects out of its endless efforts to support the health sector in Bangladesh for its importance in the developmental process. QC tries to offer comprehensive services to the needy people of Bangladesh who live in rural areas where poverty and literacy are found. Thus, QC’s projects targeted these areas.   

“These projects,” as he said, “will save the lives of so many people living there; especially chronic patients, women and children. They are the first victims of the lack of medical services. They are who need to cross long distances in order to be treated.” He then concluded his speech with, “QC will continue to exert efforts, it will continue to help and implement charitable and humanitarian projects. This is QC’s message and responsibility towards the poor, the needy, and the unfortunate.”

A Hospital & a Medical Center

Under its belief of the importance of the health sector, QC has recently implemented a medical project related to the Qatari Hospital and Medical center at a cost of 560,000 QR. It offers medical services to 100,000 people. It covers all kinds of treatments including outpatient and inpatient clinics, medical tests, radiology, and drugs. QC also offers training for the nurses, laboratory and radiology technicians, and pharmacist assistants. Doctors and specialists usually refuse to go to these distant places, which is why this training is very important. It helps prepare a qualified medical staff which can offer the patients the needed services. The inhabitants of these areas turn to warlocks who tend to deceive the families and trick them. They make use of the patients’ willingness to cling to any thread of hope, and make them believe that magic can heal them. With QC’s help, however, the trained staff will offer all the services these patients need at a low cost. This way, they will protect the people from imposters, risks, and health complications.

Ongoing Development

Bangladesh is universally ranked as one of the most overpopulated areas. It has a population of 170,000,000 people; 1,100 persons per km. The universally acknowledged rate is around 44 persons per km. Furthermore, it lacks the resources and depends mainly on the agriculture sector. It is, thus, one of the poorest and neediest countries. Its orphans, widows and unprivileged – especially those living in distant areas – need basic services; this is what QC tries to cover.  

QC believes in its role in helping any person or place in need. It makes sure to implement qualitative and useful projects, to increase the number of beneficiaries, to fulfill its role in the social developmental process, and to positively affect people’s lives. As a result and after considering Bangladesh’s conditions, QC is doing its best to fulfill its part in the ongoing developmental process. It is doing so through helping increase production, raise the standards of living, and enhance the income of the neediest


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Pizza Hut and QC cooperate to

Arsel Al-Amal (Send Hope) Initiative Continues to Provide School Meals to the Deprived Students in the Middle East

Pizza Hut in Qatar inaugurated “Send Hope” initiative supported by QC to provide school meals to the deprived students in the Middle East by supporting school nutrition projects of the UN’s World Food Programme.

This initiative allows Pizza Hut’s costumers, in all of its branches, in Qatar to donate to ‘School Meals’ project the amount they want. The donation is added to the costumers’ bills. With each Qatari Riyal given, a child will receive a meal at school. These children will have a better future to aspire for.  

Last May, QC and WFP signed an agreement in WFP’s headquarter in Rome, Italy, to fight hunger and malnutrition, and to bolster food security worldwide. This strategic cooperation will strengthen the private sector’s role in the battle against these life-threatening challenges which threaten the lives of millions of people whether in the times of peace or conflict. These challenges also hinder the developmental efforts exerted in many countries.

Abdullah Al-Wardat, WFP’s representative and the Gulf’s Office Director, said, “We sincerely thank Pizza Hut for this great initiative which supports the Programme’s efforts to fight hunger and malnutrition by providing students with school meals in the Middle East. Our strategic cooperation with QC offers a chance to the Qatari private sector’s companies, which understand that fighting hunger and malnutrition is the primary element for their success and for the community’s stability. The companies also understand their moral duty towards the children and the country.”   

In a press release, Sterling Cos’ representative, Pizza Hut franchiser in Qatar, said, “It’s our pleasure to cooperate with QC to implement “Send Hope” initiative. We hope it would help support WFP’s efforts to give meals to more than 2,600,000 needy students in the Middle East. I hope this would bring hope to their hearts; I hope it makes their lives better. Education is essential to build a bright future, especially to those with a limited income.”

Mr. Jassim Al-Mansouri, QC’s Marketing Manager, expressed his gratitude to Pizza Hut for this initiative, and expressed his happiness with this cooperation to serve the school children.  He also showed his great trust in the companies of the private sector in Qatar and how sure he is that more companies will be involved in supporting such initiative. The private sector is known to be very generous and to have a sense of responsibility towards the needy communities around the world. Its efforts will stand as the practical application of the agreement which QC had signed with WFP. “Send Hope” is expected to be well received for its noble goals.

This cooperation between QC and WFP represents an opportunity for the private sector in Qatar to be more involved in supporting the fight against hunger by supporting QC’s and WFP’s campaigns for collecting financial and in-kind contributions according to the procedures of Human Appeal International. Companies are aware of the fact that by fighting hunger, ending malnutrition and bolstering food security, they can achieve success. They are also aware of the moral duty behind such battle.


Qatar Charity Holds Two Camps

  • 540 orphans have benefited from the activities of the two camps
  • The most important events of the camps included: lessons from the Holy Qur'an, cultural contests, sports, entertaining activities, and medical examinations

For the benefit of hundreds of its sponsored orphans, Qatar Charity held two educational camps in Burkina Faso and the Comoros Islands. 

Bobo-Dioulasso Camp

Qatar Charity's ten day long camp in Bobo-Dioulasso was the first in Burkina Faso in 2015. It was organized under the slogan “Akhlaqi Ser Najahi” (My Morals are the Reason of My Success) for the benefit of 250 orphans.

Promoting Values

As part of Qatar Charity's activities to spread the spirit of communication and brotherhood among the orphans, this camp was held to educate the orphans according to modern and moderate Islamic teachings. It was also held to train them live a complementary Islamic life by promoting values, altruism, cooperation and forgiveness.

Saved from Getting Lost

The sponsored orphans and the supervising teachers commended Qatar Charity's role in Burkina Faso. They expressed their appreciation for Qatar Charity's help in wiping the tears of so many poor children after the death of their fathers. Qatar Charity has saved so many lives from getting lost, being hungry and going astray.  It has helped them to lead a dignified life and helped in educating them. The beneficiaries also thanked Qatar Charity and its philanthropists.

Mr. Mohammed Al-Nawaiti, Qatar Charity’s Office Director in Burkina Faso, emphasized the relief this project made him feel and how it was part of Qatar Charity's projects and programs that are dedicated to the orphans of Burkina Faso and their education.

The Camp’s Events

Qatar Charity's Social Care Department was responsible for organizing this camp, which included different events such as lectures, lessons from the Holy Qur'an, activities, cultural contests, sports, and entertaining games. The camp revolved around everything fun and beneficial.

Ngazidja (Grande Comore) Island           

Qatar Charity also held a camp for the first time in Ngazidja through its office in the Comoros Islands for the orphans living there. The five day long camp had 200 orphans (10 – 12 years) benefiting; 175 of which were males, 25 were females.

It also included different activities starting with medical examinations for all of the participants, tutorials in the basic subjects (according to the levels of the orphans), memorization of some of the chapters of the Holy Qur'an, cultural activities, sports activities and different contests.

A Day of Entertainment

Because Qatar Charity pays extra attention to the orphans, it also recently organized an entertaining and educational day for the benefit of 250 sponsored orphans before school started in Burkina Faso. Qatar Charity distributed school bags and kids clothes.

Other Projects

Qatar Charity has lately implemented 300 income-generating projects from which the poor and unemployed have benefited in Burkina Faso. The projects ranged from agriculture and animal husbandry to traditional handicrafts.

Qatar Charity’s projects goals reinforce the implementation of small and medium-sized enterprises. They offer the target beneficiaries sustained job opportunities, which are expected to help provide a dignified life for the beneficiaries. These projects included passing the ownership of 100 dairy cattle calves, 150 sewing machines, 40 ploughs with carriages and 7 grain mills to at-risk families in Burkina Faso at a cost of 560,000 QR.  More than 2,000 people have benefited from such projects in the neediest cities, villages and slums in Burkina Faso

Under the existing dire economic conditions, Qatar Charity's projects target youth and women’s associations, female breadwinners, widows and female divorcee breadwinners


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