Qatar Charity Opens an Educational Center for the Orphaned Female Students


QC delegation opened Ahbab Allah project 2 "Lovers of Allah 2" educational center dedicated for 800 female-orphaned students where a number of local officials attended the opening ceremony.

The center includes a school, a mosque, a well, an accommodation building for female students, administrative offices, as well as accommodation p  lace for teachers. All the center's units were furnished with a total cost of QR 1,850,000$ contributed by a generous Qatari philanthropist. This center was inaugurated in January 2015, with a cost of QR 2.196.000

Education and Development

This project is part of a series of large development projects inaugurated by QC delegation, which is headed by Khalid Abdullah Al Yafei, the Executive Director for Operations Department.  Al Yafei opened "Lovers of Allah 2" center during his tour to Indonesia, as part of the strategic plan targeting Indonesia and covering various areas including education, development and the improvement of male and female student's incubation environment.

The center's inauguration was attended by a group of key figures including Prof. Bambang Sodeao, the Chairman of the National Zakat Foundation, which is the project's partner institution, Mr. Roy Khairuddin, the representative of West Java Governor, Mr. Ahmed Alshatabori, the representative of the Minister of Religious Affairs, Bogor City deputy chairman, Ms. Hassnah Al Shijia, the official in charge of the land where the two centers were built by the two centers and a number of representatives of Senior Scholars (Ulema).

Continuous Efforts

Eng. Khalid Abdullah Al Yafei, the Executive Director for Operations Department, commended the cooperation with the central government and local authorities in Indonesia regarding the implementation of this project. He explained that this project is part of Qatar Charity's 6,500 projects implemented in Indonesia. This is in addition to sponsoring 3000-orphaned persons, most of them are orphaned.

Al-Yafei thanked the Qatari philanthropist who kindly donated in favor of establishing and furnishing this important educational center. He noted that the people of Qatar have always been known for their generosity and support for large and sustainable development projects. He also thanked the Indonesian philanthropist who donated the land where the two centers were built.

Continuous Good Deeds

The City Deputy Chairman hoped that the Center would be a beacon for education and part of “Lovers of Allah 1” project, praising the great efforts made by QC to open the center and provide the area with other projects such as wells that significantly contribute to the development of the city.

Mr.Bambang Sodeao, the Head of the National Zakat Foundation and the project's partner, said; “We, in cooperation with QC, have already implemented water projects to serve governmental schools and have held different workshops to raise the education level in Indonesia and have selected the best students to be taught in the center so that they could have a better future”.

Sodeao added that the members of the center are orphans who are helped and supported by QC; therefore, we present our sincere thanks to QC for their interest in achieving orphans’ dreams. Sodeao assured that the number of the center's members would be up to 800 students during the next four years.

Mutual Honoring

At the end of the opening ceremony, QC provided its trophy for the Chairman of the National Zakat Foundation, the City Deputy Chairman, the West Java Province Governor and the land donor. QC received a certificate of appreciation and a trophy from the National Zakat Foundation for its efforts in the project.

It is worth mentioning that QC has opened a considerable educational center at West Java in Indonesia supported by Qatari philanthropists for the benefit of orphans and students who are unable to complete their studies due to their bad financial conditions. The center was opened at the presence of the Minister of Religious Affairs at the Indonesian government, the mayor of Purwakarta city, the Executive Director for Operations Department at QC and the chairman of House of Quran schools and Institutes.


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QC Provides a Big Indonesian C

  • 2,500,000 benefited from a huge water project; only 12% had access to drinking water before that.

Garut City in Indonesia suffered from dire shortage of drinking water; its people used to get only 12% of clean water. Now, however, thanks to QC things changed to the better.

QC and Mr. Rudy Gunawan, City Chief, signed an agreement in September 2014. As stated in the agreement, QC would provide 2,500,000 people living in Garut with clean water through digging 350 wells in one year. The project was implemented at a cost of 1,750,000 QR.

Goodbye Water Ponds

Mr. Gunawan said, “The water QC provided the city with entirely replaced the water ponds the people used to use for their wudu’ (ablution), their personal cleanliness and at schools. To be honest, when I signed this agreement last year, I did not expect the project to be this huge! I even told my colleagues that it would be great if they only dug 50 wells. We had met many institutions and I cannot begin to tell you the promises we’ve heard; however, QC did not make any promises. No, QC implemented. QC got the job done. I sincerely thank QC and the philanthropists who spent their money on this project so that our city would get clean water. It is a prevention project that will help protect us from diseases and will help the future of this city.”

The Fruit of Doing Good

Garut city has an area of 300 km2 and a population of 2,500,000 people. It basically depends on agriculture and is considered to be the neediest city for water in Indonesia.

The agreement, signed last year (2014) between QC and the Indonesian government, stated that by the end of September 2015 QC will have dug 350 wells.

The implementation of the project started immediately after the agreement was signed. QC, first, identified the neediest regions and villages for these wells; then started the implementation. Many schools, health centers and mosques benefited from this project.

The inauguration of this project was attended by many officials and senior figures. Each dug well had 5 water taps, and two toilets sometimes.

Mr. Karam Zeinhom, QC’s Office Director in Indonesia, said that such water projects were the fruit of QC’s good doing in Indonesia. “In fact, the services related to people’s lives and health conditions are always a priority,” said he.

QC, as Mr. Zeinhom clarified, does not spare an effort to help the needy in Indonesia; it is part of QC’s humanitarian message to the world. He also added that QC will not stop until it helps its brothers and sisters in Indonesia.

Thousands of Projects

It is worth mentioning that QC’s office has been working in Indonesia for 10 years. The total of the money spent in the past years reached 30,000,000$ (100,000,000 QR). QC had also signed an agreement with the Ministry of Religions and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs a while ago to renew the work in the humanitarian field for 3 years at a budget of 10,000,000$.

QC recently opened a big educational center after it had built and equipped it at a cost of 2,196,000QR. It was inaugurated in the presence of some officials, senior figures, a representative of the Qatari ambassador in Indonesia, a delegation from QC and the donors.  Mr. Rashidbin Fatis Al Mari, Deputy of QC’s CEO of Global Development, His Excellency Mr. Mohammed Al Badir, Representative of the Qatari Ambassador in Indonesia, and Mohammed Abdul Jaleel Abdul Ghani, Representative of Al Abdul Jaleel family, the donating philanthropists.

QC continues to implement income-generating projects for the benefit of the poor regions in Indonesia. These projects included handing the ownership of sewing machines, distributing dairy cows, and motorcycles to carry goods.

These projects are part of QC’s efforts in developing the targeted communities in Indonesia. It is a kind of support to the universal efforts to achieve the developmental goals for this millennium. In addition, QC seeks to contribute to the achievement of self-sufficiency projects that can get the poor families fixed-income to guarantee their dignity. 


You can donate to support such projects through the link:  Click here

7,500 people from Asian commun

For the fifth consecutive year, Qatar Charity (QC) is implementing its ‘Baraha’ program, to benefit  more than 7,500 people from different Asian communities living in Qatar with the aim of supporting and strengthening the spirit of diversity, dialogue and interaction, especially in the holy month of Ramadan.

Baraha Program includes collective Iftar Tables for different Asian Muslim communities residing in Qatar. Also, awareness, cultural and entertainment activities are organized by the Friends Cultural Center, a Qatar Charity Center For Community Development, in coordination with clubs and forums of these communities.

The communities benefiting from the program include Sri Lankan, Filipino, Indonesian, Bangladeshi, Nepali, Pakistani (speaking Urdu) and Indian (speaking Malayalam) communities in addition to the Tunisian community.

The Director of Projects and Centers at QC’s Executive Management of Local Operations, Fareed Khaleel Al Siddieqy said Baraha Program is aimed at making people aware of Islamic values, strengthening the spirit of faith and promoting the values of solidarity and exchange among members of communities, especially in the holy month of Ramadan.

Al Siddieqy added that the program also is aimed at enhancing societal cohesion, intercommunity co-operation and partnership and solidifying and expanding the array of opportunities of cultural interaction for different Asian communities residing in Qatar, noting the positive impact of this annual Ramadan program that includes social, cultural, recreational and awareness activities.

He thanked those hosting these Iftar Tables at their headquarters such as Al-Arabi Sports Club and Qatar Sports Club for their cooperation in implementing this program within the framework of social responsibility.

Iftar tables have so far been organized for Sri Lankan, Pilipino, Bangladeshi, Pakistani (Urdu speaking), and Indonesian communities, benefiting, 1250, 500, 1000, 1000, and 500 people respectively, whereas other tables will be implemented within the next few days as part of Baraha Program.

1,200 families of Lombok benef

Qatar Charity (QC) has completed the distribution of the second relief package to the victims of the earthquake that hit the Indonesian island of Lombok. The relief aid benefited some 1,200 families, each of whom received food items and a set of clothes.

The distribution of the aid was made in the village of Sugian and surrounding area located in the eastern part of Lombok Island. The aid included basic food items for about one month and 15 pieces of clothes to cover the needs of all members of the family

The earthquake victims thanked the people of Qatar for their urgent assistance and their contribution through Qatar Charity to alleviate their suffering and to stand by them in their plight.

Mr. Lalu Mostijadi, the president of the village of Sugian, extended his thanks and gratitude to benefactors in Qatar donating to Qatar Charity for supporting the people of his village despite the long distance and for the efforts made by QC’s relief team to reach his devastated village.

He added that Sugian was a large village, but after the earthquake, there are only two houses, which are partially destroyed, while the rest of the houses have completely been damaged and destroyed.

Qatar Charity has implemented the first phase of the relief for the island in mid-August. The relief aid included food and meat for more than a week for 1,800 affected families with 10,000 people. The charity also provided water purification equipment in two camps, which work on the treatment of 2,000 liters of water per day

In the first stage, QC’s Humanitarian Relief team included 20 volunteers, both male and female. The team provided psychosocial support to the displaced in addition to the distribution of humanitarian assistance.

The earthquakes that hit the northern and eastern parts of the island of Lombok killed 400 people and destroyed 70,000 buildings including houses, hospitals, schools and places of worship and displaced 300,000 people.


Asian schools participate in F

Some 3,200 students from the Asian communities in Qatar participated in FCC’s competitions, aiming to develop their talents and enhance communication between them.

More than 3000 students from dozens of schools have participated in the Asian School Fiesta 2018, which was launched last month by the Friends Cultural Center (FFC), a Qatar Charity’s (QC) community development center. The competitions, held at Al-Ahli Sports Club as part of the fiesta, which has ended recently, have witnessed active participations in its various fields.

Students from more than 20 Asian schools in Qatar have taken part in FCC’s fiesta 2018, who belong to Indian, Pakistani, Nepali, Bangladeshi, Filipino, Indonesian and Sri Lankan communities living in the country.

The competitions included singing poems, writing stories, reading news, performing plays, giving a speech, painting, drawing, handicrafts, clay crafts and others.

FCC has organized these competitions with the aim to provide the participants with information on QC (International Charity Organization) and FCC activities, strengthen their links with both: the charity and the center, develop the skills and talents of the children, and establish a good relationship between the members of the communities.

The competitions also aimed at making the participants familiar with the Qatari culture and increasing the number of volunteers seeking to get involved in FCC’s various activities.

In his statement, Habeebu Rahima Kunnath, director of FCC said he was pleased with the great success achieved by the Asian School Fiesta 2018. "The competitions provided opportunities for participants to showcase their creative skills in various areas, and this was actually made at the fiesta," Kunnath added.

He pointed out that the center has opened new horizons for the various Asian communities with the support from the people of Qatar and has provided an exemplary model and a new culture in the competitions", making fiesta a unique event for these communities living in Qatar.

The parents of participants applauded the efforts of QC’s center to develop the skills of their children, wishing such events would frequently be held on a larger scale due to students’ interest in them.

Ashik K. P, an Indian national, said “I am glad that my daughter is participating in these competitions, which contribute greatly to honing her abilities”. He also appreciated FCC’s efforts to organize such events in order to develop student’s talents through competitions.

Myeisha Mendes, a student of Grade 2 at Birla Public School, Doha, expressed her pleasure at participating in the competition, saying “it helped me overcome the fear of standing on the podium in front of the public." She also thanked FCC for providing this opportunity.

It is worth noting that FCC is one of QC’s community development centers, which established by the charity in 2004 to strengthen the cultural interaction among members of the various Asian communities living in Qatar.

Qatar Charity honors winners i

Qatar Charity (QC) honored the winners in the Asian School Fiesta 2018, which was organized by the Friends Cultural Center (FCC), a QC’s community development center.

Fareed Khaleel Al-Siddieqy, director of Projects and Centers Department at Qatar Charity, distributed the prizes in a ceremony, which was attended by a number of students, their parents, guests and those interested in the cultural activities, in addition to the sponsors of the competitions held as part of the fiesta.

The list of the winners included both; male and female students. However, Abhinav Krishna Shaiju, Nora Ross, Smardy Haridas from Birla Public School, and Tejas Reinette from DPS Modern Indian School topped the list.

The students and their parents expressed their pleasure at participating in such competitions, which contribute to the development of the skills and abilities of the participants. They also thanked FCC for providing this interactive opportunity for them.

It is worth mentioning that the Asian School Fiesta 2018, was launched on October 25, 2018 for Asian school students belonging to Indian, Pakistani, Nepali, Bangladeshi, Filipino, Indonesian and Sri Lankan expat communities living in Qatar. OVER 3,000 students from dozens of Asian schools participated in various activities of this fiesta.

The competitions held as part of the fiesta included singing, writing stories, news reading, performing plays, elocution, painting, drawing, handicrafts, clay crafts and others.

FCC organized these competitions with the aim to provide the participants with information on QC and FCC activities and to strengthen their links with both, in addition to developing the skills of the children and establishing good relations with communities.

The competitions also aimed at making the participants familiar with the Qatari culture and increasing the number of volunteers seeking to get involved in FCC's activities.

FCC is one of QC's community development centers, which was established by the charity in 2004 to strengthen the cultural interaction among members of the various Asian communities living in Qatar.
