QC stresses working with international system for

QC stresses working with international system for sustainable development


Qatar Charity’s CEO stressed the importance of working with the international system to achieve sustainable development during a high-level meeting at the Aid & Trade conference and exhibition held in London.  He also highlighted the role of Humanitarian Organizations in achieving development in third world countries.

Al-Kuwari thanked all those who participated in organizing the important annual international event that underlined the most significant humanitarian and development issues in order to coordinate and unify efforts among the various partners. He also appreciated the great efforts made at this conference, which will have a positive impact on international partnership and cooperation for the development of humanitarian work.

He pointed out that Qatar Charity hopes that the conference will contribute to sustainable development efforts, enhance the fight against poverty and provide relief in cases of emergency in various parts of the world.

"Qatar Charity is proud of its strategic partnership in organizing this conference in partnership and cooperation with the Aid & Trade, Qatar Fund For Development, many government institutions, UN agencies, international organizations and private sector institutions, so that we can intensively work together to invest in humanity", Al-Kuwari said.

At the event, he stressed QC’s keenness to be an active and effective member of the international humanitarian system and to work on the development and improvement of humanitarian work in order to serve humanity and achieve the goals of sustainable development, especially in the third world countries.

Qatar Charity (QC), in collaboration with several international organizations, held a conference under the slogan “Investing in Humanity”, an international event involving many international organizations, UN organizations, international agencies and private sector organizations.

The Aid & Trade Conference and Exhibition has honored Qatar Charity (QC) with the “Change Maker Award”, for its role in the service of humanitarian work and its development efforts and activities in 70 countries. .
The award was received by Sheikh Hamad bin Nasir bin Jassim al-Thani, board chairman of Qatar Charity (QC).

During the conference, UNHCR also honored Qatar Charity for its efforts, projects and partnerships with UNHCR and the humanitarian service.

The conference witnessed Qatar Fund for Development (QFFD) and Qatar Charity (QC) announcing an agreement with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to provide $9mn in financial Support for Rohingya Refugees.

The conference also witnessed the launch of a joint campaign by QC and UNHCR to reintegrate Somali refugees and internally displaced people into Somalia, and provide them with a better life. The campaign aims to raise $10mn and reach out to 100,000.

During the conference, the initiative of World Refugee School (WRS), of which QC is a founding member and member of its global board of directors, was announced.

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QC and UNOCHA Organize an Intr

In cooperation and partnership with OCHA, QC organized an introductory event at St. Regis Hotel to speak about the World Humanitarian Summit which will be held in Istanbul on May 23-24, 2016. Some senior figures will attend such as His Excellency Rashid Khalikov, UN's Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Partnerships with Middle East and Central Asia. 15 Qatari governmental and nongovernmental organizations will participate.   Information Exchange The introductory event is going to help introduce the events of the Summit to the humanitarian partners in the Gulf. This way, they could enrich the conference through their opinions, contributions and signed commitments. OCHA is going deliver a brief summary on the Summit's topics related to the Gulf (such as the governmental and nongovernmental organizations), and exchange information about the program and the purpose of the Summit's events.  Several important organizations will attend the event such as the International Development Department and Technical Cooperation Department from the Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Qatar Development Fund, the Regulatory Authority for Charitable Activities and other Qatari humanitarian organizations.   Regional and International Role In a press release, Mr. Yousef bin Ahmed Al Kuwairi, QC's CEO, said, "Organizing the event in partnership with The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) is part of QC's positive interaction with international humanitarian organizations. QC always ensures to cooperate with other Qatari humanitarian and charity organizations, and coordinate with active actors in our country. For example, it coordinates with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Qatar Development Fund, and the Regulatory Authority for Charitable Activities, which supervises and monitors charitable and humanitarian activities in Qatar". Mr. Al Kuwairi also mentioned how QC financed and hosted a group of workshops the past years and that a delegation composed of senior figures will participate in the Summit's events in Istanbul next month.   Preparatory Workshops For the past years, QC has sponsored and financed a series of national and regional consulting workshops to prepare for the Humanitarian Summit. QC held 7 workshops: one in Qatar, Palestine (West Bank and Gaza Strip), the Balkans (in Macedonia), for the Syrians in Gaziantep (Turkey), Morocco and Turkey. The workshops were held in cooperation with UNOCHA and the Humanitarian Forum\ Britain. QC has also participated in the preparation of the Summit through attending all the national and regional workshops across the Middle East and North Africa.   Huge Participation During the World Humanitarian Summit held next month in Istanbul, QC will play an effective role. Its delegation will join the presidents, leaders and heads of the delegations in the main sessions. QC will organize a session on education and its role in post-crises regions. It will have its own area in the exhibition of the Summit (the Exhibition and the Innovation Market of the Summit). QC offers its humanitarian services to a wide range of areas around the world. Its developmental and humanitarian projects and programs are implemented in 70 different countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, America and Australia. It has 22 field offices in Qatar (the headquarter), Palestine (the West Bank and the Gaza Strip), Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, Mauritania, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Niger, Burkina Faso, the Comoros, Mali, Albania, Bosnia, Kosovo, Tunisia, Turkey, Djibouti, and the UK. QC cooperates with Tayf and around 500 partners (governmental, nongovernmental, international, regional and local organizations) to implement its projects. 


حدث جانبي لقطر الخيرية بالأمم

خليكوف: نشيد بجهود قطر الخيرية في تنظيمها لهذا الحدث الجانبي والمهم للغاية، و بجهود الوفد الدائم لدولة قطر في المساهمة في إنجاحه.      الغامدي: لاقى الحدث بعد انتهائه الكثير من الثناء ممن شاركوا فيه مشيرين على أهميته وتمكن قطر الخيرية في معالجة دور التعليم في تعزيز الوئام الاجتماعي في مناطق ما بعد النزاع.   حظيت قطر الخيرية بإشادات من شخصيات ومنظمات دولية جراء تمكنها من تسليط الضوء على دور التعليم في تعزيز الوئام الاجتماعي في مناطق ما بعد النزاع من خلال الحدث الجانبي الذي نظمته بمقر الأمم المتحدة بنيويورك، وبمشاركة مساعد الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة للشراكات في الشرق الأوسط وآسيا الوسطى، وممثلين عن بعثات عدد من الدول ومن المنظمات والمؤسسات الدولية. وجاء تنظيم جلسة "دور التعليم في تعزيز الوئام الاجتماعي في مناطق ما بعد النزاع" على هامش مشاركة قطر الخيرية بأعمال الدورة 71 للجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة، بمشاركة ودعم من الوفد الدائم لدولة قطر في الامم المتحدة الذي قدم كافة التسهيلات والدعم الفني واللوجستي لتنظيم هذا الحدث الهام خلال انعقاد اعمال الجمعية العامة. وعلى هامش الحدث أكد السيد/ محمد بن علي الغامدي المدير التنفيذي للتنمية الدولية بقطر الخيرية قائلا بأن الحدث قد لاقى بعد انتهائه الكثير من الثناء ممن شاركوا فيه مشيرين على أهميته وعلى اتساق محاور الموضوع وتمكن قطر الخيرية في تسليط الضوء على دور التعليم في تعزيز الوئام الاجتماعي في مناطق ما بعد النزاع من خلال استقطاب مجموعة من الخبراء وتقديم حالات ونماذج عملية لدور التعليم في تعزيز الوئام الاجتماعي في بعض الدول التي مرت بنزاعات وصراعات داخلية كالصومال وسريلانكا والبوسنة. وقد أشاد السيد/ رشيد خليكوف مساعد الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة للشراكات في الشرق الأوسط وآسيا الوسطى بجهود قطر الخيرية في تنظيمها لهذا الحدث الجانبي والمهم للغاية، وكذلك جهود الوفد الدائم لدولة قطر في المساهمة في إنجاحه.                   وفي مداخله له خلال جلسة الحدث الجانبي لقطر الخيرية في نيويورك، قال خليكوف: التعليم في حالات الطوارئ يعد موضوعا انسانيا، لافتا إلى أن تقديم التعليم للأطفال يحد من خطر العنف والصراع، موضحا بأن أهمية التعليم لا تقف عند الاطفال والصغار بل لابد أن تصل الى الآباء والأمهات، لأنه إحساس باستمرار الحياة.                         برنامج الجلسة وقد استهل الجلسة السيد/ محمد بن علي الغامدي المدير التنفيذي للتنمية الدولية بقطر الخيرية بترحيبه بالحضور،  وبعدها تم عرض فيديو تعريفي عن قطر الخيرية، تلا ذلك تقديم أوراق عمل من قبل خبراء من منظمات ومؤسسات دولية وأكاديميين من جامعات عالمية في أربعة محاور رئيسة عن التعليم وتعزيز الوئام الاجتماعي بمناطق ما بعد النزاع، حيث تركز المحور الاول بتقديم خلفية عامة حول موضوع الحدث "دور التعليم في تعزيز الوئام الاجتماعي"، فيما كان الثاني بعنوان "المأمول من التعليم في إعادة نموذجة الوئام الاجتماعي في مناطق ما بعد النزاعات"، و شمل المحور الثالث حالات دراسة تطبيقية عن الصومال وسريلانكا، ودار المحور الرابع والأخير حول التعليم وتأثره بالنزاعات وتأثر أفراد المجتمع به. المحور الأول  قدم المحور الاول السيد/ محمد علي الغامدي المدير التنفيذي للتنمية الدولية بقطر الخيرية عن موضوع الحدث "دور التعليم في تعزيز الوئام الاجتماعي، حيث مهد العرض للمحاور اللاحقة وركز على مجموعة قضايا وهي: واقع النزاعات عبر العالم وآثارها، جهود فض النزاعات واستدامة السلام، النزاع وقضايا الوئام الاجتماعي، التعليم وتعزيز الوئام الاجتماعي، التحديات التي تواجه تسخير التعليم في تعزيز الوئام الاجتماعي، واختتم المحور الاول بمجموعة من الاسئلة التي هي مفاتيح للمحاور اللاحقة التي أجابت عن كثير منها. المحور الثاني ومن جانبه عرض الدكتور محمد شرقاوي - أستاذ فض النزاعات – جامعة جورج ميسن واشنطن المحور الثاني، والذي كان بعنوان "المأمول من التعليم في إعادة نمذجة الوئام الاجتماعي في مناطق ما بعد النزاعات"، وقد تضمن العرض تعريف الوئام الاجتماعي من ناحية أكاديمية وبحثية مستندا على النظريات الاجتماعية المعروفة، ثم تطرق إلى تقاطعات الوئام الاجتماعي بين الهوية والمصلحة الاقتصادية والحالة الاجتماعية وبين الانتماء إلى المجموعة أو التصنيف المجتمعي أو الوطن او المجتمع. وتطرق الدكتور شرقاوي إلى الحالة البوسنية كمثال عملي في كيفية تطويع التعليم كأداة لتحقيق وتعزيز الوئام الاجتماعي في بلد مثل البوسنة الذي عانى من حرب أثنية دينية لأكثر من 5 سنوات تسببت في قتل وتشريد مئات الآلاف وتمزيق اللحمة الاجتماعية للمجتمع البوسني. ثم انتهى العرض بمقترحات لإعادة نمذجة التعليم قبل الوئام الاجتماعي من خلال التركيز على ثلاثة قضايا (عوامل أساسية): تصميم المناهج التعليمية ومراجعة مناهج المقررات الحالية؛ لابد من التركيز مع اهتمام متوازن على التعليم الابتدائي والإعدادي والثانوي كعامل سلام قابل للاستدامة؛ وأخيرا تعزيز ونشر ثقافة المواطنة المتساوية. المحور الثالث وفيما يتعلق حالات الدراسة، فقد تطرق السيد/ عبدالرحمن شريف – رئيس تجمع المنظمات غير الحكومية في الصومال لحالة الصومال كنموذج، وتضمنت الورقة خلفية عن الصومال وواقع البلد حاليا من حيث انقسامه إلى ثلاث مناطق؛ أرض الصومال (مستلقة)، وبورتلاند (حكم ذاتي)، جنوب الصومال بما فيها العاصمة مقديشو. ثم تحدث عن عوامل الصراع والنزاع في الصومال وأنواع هذا الصراع والتنافس، ثم تطرقت الورقة إلى آثار ذلك على نظام التعليم وانهياره في كثير من مناطق الصومال. بعدها تحدث المحاضر عن بعض المبادرات في إحياء العملية التعليمية واستخدام أنواع التعليم كأدوات في تعزيز الوئام الاجتماعي وثقافة السلام، ثم انتهى العرض بتوصيات ومقترحات في تعزيز نظام التعليم وتوحيده من اجل تعزيز ثقافة السلام والوئام الاجتماعي وبدوره قدم السيدة/ ستيفاني ليشت، مسؤولة التقييم والمتابعة في الوكالة الألمانية GIZ، عرضا عن الحالة السريلانكية، حيث تضمن العرض تقديم التجربة الالمانية في سريلانكا من خلال البرنامج الذي دعمته الحكومة الالمانية والذي بدأ تنفيذه منذ عام 2005 أي أثناء وما بعد النزاع والذي حقق نتائج مميزة في مجال الوئام الاجتماعي من خلال التعليم. تتميز الحالة السريلانكية بانها مشابهة للنزاعات الحالية في بعض الدول كسوريا والعراق واليمن من حيث التنوع العرقي والديني المذهبي والقومي، فهناك اختلافات في الثقافة والعقائد الدينية وحتى في اللغة. وركز البرنامج على مرحلة التعليم الثانوي، حيث تم استخدام مناهج ومقاربات عديدة في بداية البرنامج من خلال تطبيقه على عينة من المدارس بلغت 200 مدرسة ومن ثم تم استبعاد مجموعة من هذه المقاربات التي ثبتت عدم أهميتها أو جدوى استخدامها وتطبيقها في تحقيق الوئام الاجتماعي، مع تبني المقاربات الأخرى التي ساهمت في تعزيز هذا الوئام. ومن أهم عوامل نجاح البرنامج هي: مساهمة ومشاركة الحكومة وقناعتها التامة بالبرنامج وأهميته، رغبة السلطات المحلية في نجاح البرنامج، مساهمة ومشاركة المجتمعات المحلية في البرنامج وتفاعلهم معه، وأخيرا استخدام وتبني مقاربة متعددة المستويات (الحكومة، المنطقة (المقاطعة)، المدارس) أثناء التصميم والتطبيق.  وقد ركز البرنامج على ثلاثة قضايا عند تصميم المناهج التعليمية: الرعاية الاجتماعية النفسية (لمعالجة آثار العنف والنزاع على الفئات المستهدفة)، التعليم باللغة الوطنية الثانية (السنهالية، التاميلية) في مرحلة التعليم الثانوي، السلام وقيم التعليم، وفي نهاية العرض بينت الورقة النتائج الإيجابية المتحققة والمدعومة بأرقام وإحصائيات. المحور الرابع وقد كان المحور الرابع والاخير من تقديم الدكتور آلان قودمان رئيس المعهد الدولي للتعليم ومقره نيويورك، حيث كانت له وقفات وملاحظات مهمة حول التعليم وتأثره بالنزاعات وتأثر أفراد المجتمع وخاصة الطلاب والمدرسين بهذه النزاعات والصراعات. وأكد الدكتور قودمان على أهمية اشراك الناس المحليين في التخطيط لإيجاد حلول لمشاكل التعليم في بلدانهم، وكذلك ضرورة أن تكون الإدارة السياسية داعمة للعملية التعليمية ومساندة لها، مع أهمية استئناف التعليم في مناطق النزاع. وأنهى الدكتور قودمان عرضه ومداخلته بالتركيز على ثلاث قضايا جوهرية في التعليم في مناطق النزاعات وما بعدها: انقاذ المدرسين، تدريب المدرسين وتمكينهم في اماكن النزاع والتركيز على الطلاب المتسربين وإعادتهم إلى التعليم فورا لكون إعادة ادماجهم في مراحل التعليم يصبح أكثر صعوبة كلما طالت فترة تسربهم.   كما يمكنكم المساهمة في دعم مشاريعنا الخيرية والتنموية من خلال الرابط : اضغط هنا  


QC holds special ‘education an

The event was held alongside a United Nations event and was attended by a number of important figures and representatives of international organizations, including the Secretary-General of the United Nations Assistant for partnerships in the Middle East and Central Asia, Rashid Khalikov, and involving the participation and support of the Permanent Mission of the State of Qatar to the United Nations, which provided all the facilities and technical and logistical support for the event. Mr/Mohammed bin Ali Al-Ghamdi, Executive Director for International Development at QC, said that the event met with considerable praise, pointing to the importance of QC’s desire to highlight the role of education in promoting social harmony in post-conflict areas such as Somalia, Sri Lanka and Bosnia. Rashid Khalikov congratulated QC on its efforts and thanked the Permanent Mission of the State of Qatar's for its contribution. He added “Education during emergencies is a human subject, pointing out that the provision of education decreases the risk of violence and conflict. He then highlighted that the importance of education should not stop at children and young people but it should reach parents equally for the life continuation feeling it provides. Program of the session  The session was initiated by Al-Ghamdi who welcomed the attendees before playing an introductory video about QC, followed by the submission of papers by experts from international organizations and institutions and academics from four universities. The first axis provided a general background on the event theme of ‘The role of education in promoting social harmony’, the second was entitled ‘what is expected from education in terms of the re-modeling of social harmony in the post-conflict areas?’, the third included case studies from Somalia, Sri Lanka and the fourth and last discussion covered education and its impact on conflicts as well as society. The first axis “The role of education in promoting social harmony, the main theme of this event, covers a range of issues, namely: the reality of conflicts across the world and their effects, conflict resolution and peace-sustainability efforts, conflict and issues connected to social cohesion, education and the promotion of social harmony and the challenges facing the harnessing of education in promoting social harmony,” Al Ghamdi said, concluding that the first axis posed a range of questions, answered by the following axes. The second axis the second axis was presented by Dr/Mohammed Sharqawi, Professor of Conflict Resolution at George Mason University, and included a definition of social harmony in terms of academic and research based social theories. Sharqawi discussed the relationships between social harmony, identity, economic interests, marital status and belonging to a group or community. Prof.Sharqawi spoke of a Bosnian case, providing a practical example of how to adapt the tool of education in order to achieve and promote social harmony in a country like Bosnia, which suffered from ethnic and religious conflict for over five years, leading to the murder and displacement of hundreds of thousands of people and tearing apart the social fabric of the communities. The session ended with proposals for education re-modeling before social harmony by focusing on three key factors: redesign of the curriculum and reviewing the curricula of existing decisions, by focusing on primary and secondary education as a sustainable Peace factor, and finally, promoting and spreading the culture of equal citizenship. The third axis As for case studies, Mr.Abdul Rahman Sharif, Head of Non-Governmental organizations in Somalia, used Somalia as a model, including background on the country and explaining that in reality the country is divided into three areas; Somaliland (independent), Portland (autonomous) and southern Somalia, including the capital, Mogadishu. Sharif spoke about the conflict in Somalia and the different types of conflict. His paper considered the implications of the collapse of the education system in many areas of Somalia. He went on to consider some of the initiatives in the revival of the educational process and the use of different types of education as tools to promote social harmony and a culture of peace, ending with recommendations and proposals on strengthening and unifying the educational system in order to promote a culture of peace and social harmony. Miss/Stephanie Licht, head of evaluation and follow-up in the German agency GIZ, gave a presentation on the Sri Lankan case, covering the German experience through the program supported by the German government and which has been in place since 2005, i.e. during and after the conflict. The program achieved outstanding results in terms of social harmony through education. The Sri Lankan situation can be characterised by its similarity to the current conflicts in countries such as Syria, Iraq and Yemen in terms of ethnic, religious, sectarian and ethnic diversity, with differences in culture, religious beliefs and even language. The program focused on secondary education, where numerous approaches and curricula were used at the beginning of the program through its application to a sample of schools reached 200 schools before ruling out a combination of these approaches that have proven to be of no importance or unfeasible in achieving social harmony, along with the adoption of approaches, which contributed to its promotion. Among the most important program success factors were the contribution and participation of the government and its complete conviction of the program importance, the desire of local authorities for the success of the program, the contribution and participation of local communities in the program and their interaction with it, and finally the use and adoption of a multi-level approach (government, region (province), schools) during the design and application. The program focused on three issues involving curriculum design: social and psychological care (to address the effects of violence and conflict on the target groups), education of the second nationality (Sinhala, Tamil) in secondary education, and peace and the values ​​of education. At the end of the paper Licht spoke of the positive results achieved, backing them up with numbers and statistics. The fourth axis Axes four and five were introduced by Dr. Alan Codman, President of the International Institute of Education in New York. Codman presented some important information about education and the conflict-affected and vulnerable, particularly students and teachers. He spoke of the importance of involving local people in the planning of finding solutions to the problems of education in their respective countries, as well as the need to be supportive of the political administration of the educational process and to support the importance of the resumption of education in conflict zones. Codman’s talk focused on three key issues in education in conflict zones: protecting teachers, the training and enabling of teachers in places of conflict and focusing on the dropout of students and their immediate return and reintegration into education.  


QC Supports the Operational Bu

Alghatrifi: Without the support of people of Qatar, patients of Dar Alshafqa would become homeless. Director of QC office in Yemen: We hope that benefactors in Qatar continue their support to enable Dar Alshafqa complete its humanitarian mission.   Taking into account the conditions of patients and their companions, QC contributed through a charitable contribution from a benefactor of State of Qatar in supporting the operating budget of " Dar Alshafqa” as to take care of kidney failure patients and cancer in Yemen after they were leaving to nowhere as a result of support stoppage from the donors. Qatar Charity (International Charity Organization) support contributed to reducing the suffering of kidney failure and cancer patients coming from the Yemeni provinces to Sanaa, where Dar Alshafqa provides them with food and transportation to and from hospitals. Patients’ displacement Dar Alshafqa was founded in 2008 and it has served about 3000 patients during the past period, providing them with adequate shelters, food, and transportation to hospitals for treatment. Yet, the situation has worsened after the recent crisis in Yemen many people were displaced from their provinces  and dozens of patients came to Dar Alshafqa which already suffers from a significant shortfall to accommodate the growing number of patients. Saving dozens of patients          Mansour Alghatrifi, Director of Dar Alshafqa, said that the support of the people of Qatar through QC has provided part of the operational budget which contributed to saving dozens of homeless patients. Alghatrifi stressed that QC support enabled them to continue to provide health and nutrition services to hundreds of patients despite the urgent need to more support due to increasing number of patients who were displaced from different regions because of the difficult situation in Yemen. Alghatrifi called upon humanitarian institutions to provide more support and help to Dar Alshafqa to develop and expand its activities, stressing on his great confidence of QC and Qatari benefactors who always provide much more support to the Yemeni people. Support of benefactors Mr. Nasr Qayid Alzzaeim, Director of Qatar Charity office in Yemen, said that QC has launched this humanitarian initiative to promote its humanitarian efforts in Yemen, providing everything that would help the Yemeni people to overcome this difficult situation. It was unreasonable to leave hundreds of patients who suffer from incurable disease, so we contributed to help and support Dar Alshafqa, hoping that benefactors in Qatar will continue their support. Alzzaeim pointed out that QC is aware of health and humanitarian problems resulting from the crisis in Yemen, stressing that QC will do its best to support Dar Alshafqa and provide medicine, food and clothes to the patients. The operational budget of Dar Alshafqa is QR 470,000 annually, in addition to food expenses, QR 220,000, and other expenses, including helping patients in their treatment and transportation.   You can donate to support such projects through the link: Click here


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