Qatar Charity

Economic Empowerment

The OECD defines inclusive growth as economic growth that is distributed fairly across society and creates opportunities for all.


Unemployment and underemployment lies at the core of poverty and today, more than 736 million people live below the international poverty line.

Poverty manifestations include hunger and malnutrition, limited access to education and basic services, social discrimination and exclusion, as well as the lack of participation in decision-making and in the global economic processes.

The Covid-19 pandemic exacerbated what already was a catastrophic economic outlook for millions and affected 81% of employers pushing millions of workers into unemployment, underemployment and working poverty.

While vulnerable populations have long been passive recipients of aid, further exacerbating their economic uncertainty,Qatar Charity envisions empowered communities with a self-sustained productive capacity and a sustainable earning power.

Qatar Charity's approach

to the global poverty challenges

Our objectives

• Reducing poverty through access to sustainable income means.
• Reducing inequalities in employment opportunities.
• Improving the level of livelihood of those affected by poverty.
• Providing access to basic.

Areas of Intervention

• Agricultural production projects.

• Livestock production projects.

• Financial grants.

• Home-based employment opportunities for women.

• Providing means of production ( tractors, machines, equipment, water access...).

• Revolving loans.

• Small-scale income generating projects.

• Sewing and embroidery projects.

• Training and capacity building.


5,800,000 $

Expenditure (in USD)



children, women, people with disabilities, elderly and vulnerable communities



through 30 field offices and implementing partners


in 2022

2.1 Million

had access to safe drinking water and sanitation services

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