QC launches ‘Travel and Aid’ travel website
Qatar Charity has launched a travel website which works to promote participation in charitable work.
The site is the first of its kind in the region and provides a creative and innovative way for people to donate to relief and development programs and projects online.
The site was developed and is managed by QC and enables the public to support humanitarian projects across the world, simply by booking hotels and airline tickets.
A special ceremony marked the launch of the project, attended by QC CEO Yusuf Bin Ahmed Al Kuwari and Executive Director of Support Affairs, Mohammed Abdullah Al Yazidi.
In a speech made at the ceremony, Al Kuwari said: “Qatar Charity has a strong history of supporting and launching quality and creative initiatives and projects in humanitarian work that engage societies, individuals and institutions in charitable and volunteer work, investing in technology and the rapid development in the areas of communication and the Internet in order to promote and finance relief and development programs and projects for the benefit of those in need around the world, and is always eager to facilitate the donation process.”
Kuwari called on companies and institutions that operate in the travel and tourism fields to coordinate with the site and sign agreements with them in order to contribute to encouraging the community to donate to charitable projects across the world. He also urged the community to use the site whenever they need to travel.
He expressed the hope that the site will contribute to widening the culture of charitable work, allowing the largest number of people possible to do good in an easy way, stressing that every contribution can make a difference in helping make the world a better place.
A special presentation entitled ‘Travel and donate’, outlined the simple steps to booking through the website, which are as follows:
· Access the site at travelandaid.com via your computer browser or smartphone
· Find and compare between airlines and hotels.
· Complete your purchase and the airline and hotel will donate a percentage of the price for the benefit of charitable projects.
The supported browser ‘EXTENSION’ calculates all customers’ transactions automatically, making them fast, safe and easy.
The Travelandaid.com site has already signed a partnership agreement with a group of the top airlines and hotels, and these agreements mean that for every purchase made via the site the airline and hotel companies will make a donation for the benefit of charity work without adding any additional cost to the traveler.
The proceeds of donations to the site will be used to fund projects that contribute to the provision of clean water, health and social care, education and the economic empowerment of poor communities, in a manner that enables them to maintain their dignity and contribute to their development.
QC works to support poor regions and communities that are exposed to disasters in more than sixty countries in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe, through eighteen field offices and an extensive network of partners.
QC has signed the humanitarian code of conduct of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and has enjoyed consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations since 1997. Its mission, vision and working methods are consistent with of ‘Qatar Vision 2030’ and the Strategic Plan of the State of Qatar 2011 to 2016.