Qatar Charity receives financial support from

Qatar Charity receives financial support from iHorizons and People Dynamics


Doha – Qatar, August 21, 2024

In the context of partnership and collaboration in humanitarian and community work, iHorizons and People Dynamics have made a financial contribution to support the humanitarian projects of Qatar Charity under the Charity Partner (CP) program.

The donation was received by Mr. Khalid Alyafei, director of the Customer Service Department at Qatar Charity, from Mr. Yasser Hamad, President of iHorizons and People Dynamics.

This support comes as part of iHorizons and People Dynamics’ commitment to participate in programs and activities organized by Qatar Charity. The company will enjoy several benefits granted by Qatar Charity to companies and commercial institutions joining the CP program in support of community programs and humanitarian projects implemented by Qatar Charity for targeted groups. Mr. Khaled Al-Yafei expressed his happiness at iHorizons and People Dynamics joining the CP program to support the community and aid the needy.

Al-Yafei emphasized Qatar Charity’s keenness to expand the community partnership to assist vulnerable communities, calling on all companies and institutions within Qatar to join the CP program.

For his part, Mr. Yasser Hamad said, "We believe in corporate social responsibility and seek to support charitable initiatives in Qatar and beyond. Most importantly, we aim to establish partnerships with humanitarian entities we trust to deliver support to those in need. Therefore, there is no better partner than Qatar Charity to deliver our support to the needy."

It is worth mentioning that the (CP) program is a special label granted by Qatar Charity to private companies, entities, and various institutions within strategic partnerships, according to different conditions related to the social impact of these partnerships on the groups served by Qatar Charity worldwide.


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