QC Prepares for the Launch of 'One Heart 3'

QC Prepares for the Launch of 'One Heart 3' Program


QC finished filming the third edition of its reality TV show 'One Heart' near the Turkey-Syria borders. Several famous people were in the show such as Dr. Salman Al Ouda and a group of media, dawa and sports stars from Qatar, the Gulf and the Arab World. The show will be displayed during the coming Ramadan 1437 AH.

"One Heart" TV show aims at introducing the humanitarian issues to the public, and attracting support in a spiritual and exciting manner. It will include lots of adventures and surprises. It also presents solutions in a creative way.


Awen Initiative

This year, the program focused on the sufferings of the Syrian refugees, considering their issue the greatest of all disasters around the world. The members visited the refugees' camps near the Turkey-Syria borders in multiple areas of Ghazi, Gaziantep, Antakya, Kilis and others. In cooperation and coordination with the regional partners of QC there, the teams paid multiple visits to QC's projects in Turkey which target this group of people.

The program also sought to show Turkey's huge role, as a country and people, in taking care of and sheltering the Syrian refugees. Turkey offered them relief aids, medications and free education. It also established camps for them. Turkey is considered the country with the biggest number of Syrian refugees; i.e. an average of more than 3,000,000 refugees found across the different Turkish cities and territories.

During the show, Dr. Al Ouda and the participants spoke about Awen Initiative for the Empowerment and Development of Syrian Refugees which was recently released by QC. They clarified the different aspects of this initiative; especially relating to improving charity work and moving it from relief aids stage to become sustainable development. It aims at improving the Syrians' capabilities and training them so as to work and become financially independent. This way, a healthy society would be built, clear of any social diseases which had broken many societies apart.

The activities which showed the great efforts of the participating teams were related to displaying the success stories of the Syrian refugees in Turkey. Some of them became merchants, others became employees; some others worked in agriculture, raising cattle and other arts and crafts.


The Three Teams

In addition to Sheikh Salman Ouda, the number of participants reached around 15 figures divided into 3 teams. The first is: 'Al Karama (White) Team' and consists of Uqeil Jinahi, a Journalist; Firas AlKhatib, International Football Player; Mohammed Abbas, Munshid; Mohammed Al Barak, Quran Reciter; and Siwar Al Thahab, Sports Commentator.

The second team is 'Al Nakhwa (Green) Team': Sheikh Khaled Abu Mooza, a Journalist, Preacher and a Businessman; Yehya Hawa, a Munshid; Ali Al Ghatayen, a Poet; Nasser Al Weiber, a Poet; and Mohammed Sa'don Al Kuwairi, QC's Ambassador and a Journalist.

The third team is 'Al Himma (Blue) Team': Nasser Al Khalifi, a Journalist; Ibrahim Al Naqib, a Munshid; Sabbah Al Kuwairi, a Journalist; Nayef Al Sharhan, a Munshid; and Adel Lami, an International Football Player.


The Earlier Seasons

"One Heart 3" is distinguished with the variety of activities it presents. The 3 teams met with orphans, people with disabilities, widows, elderly and tens of other humanitarian cases. They were interested in educational, health, shelter, economic empowerment, social care and income-generating projects implemented specially for the refugees. 

Through the show, invitations will be sent for participation and donations through QC's channels such as its hotline, text messages, websites and QC's bank account which will be later on announced (after receiving the necessary licenses).

The second season of One Heart was filmed in Sudan; while the first was filmed in Socotra the year before that. 

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QC Distributes 8 Ambulances to

QC Distributes 8 Ambulances to Hospitals inside Syria Mr. Ibrahim Ali Abdullah, QC’s Director of Relief Department, said, “This project helps save the lives of so many injured and the lives of patients suffering from critical conditions. The ambulances are to provide first aid and to transport the patients to nearby hospitals. However, Syria is suffering from the lack of first aid services, primary health care, and surgeries. The infrastructure of the health field is falling apart! There is also a huge shortage in medical supplies, and medications inside Syria.” QC distributed ambulances (Hyundai closed Van) to the field hospitals, and charity aid stations in many governorates. It distributed two vans to Al-Ghab plain in Hama’s countryside, two to Aleppo and its countryside, two to Idleb and its countryside, one to Jisr Al-Shughur, and one to the countryside of Lattakia. The project was implemented at a cost of 300,000 QR. 2,000 Benefiting Families: In the same time QC implemented this project, along with other water and formation relief projects, it sprayed with pesticides a number of the Syrian refugee camps in Arsal, along the Lebanon-Syria border. It was after the temperature rose above its natural average and after the increase of insects’ bites due to the opening of manholes and their exposure to air near the camps. The project was implemented to avoid any diseases which could turn to epidemics because the refugees do not regularly check the manholes.  This initiative was carried out by QC and its associate Union of Relief and Development Associations in Lebanon. 19 camps (13 in Arsal and 6 nearby ones), where almost 2,000 families live, benefited from this project. The pesticides were sprayed on the manholes, where insects and reptiles were concentrated and where garbage was stationed. The results of this initiative were very satisfactory.  QC pays great attention to the relief of the Syrian people, whether the displaced inside or the refugees outside. 4,200,000 people benefited from QC’s projects which were implemented from April 2011 until last January (2015) at a cost of 205,000,000 QR. Since the beginning of the Syrian crisis, QC’s projects included different fields: education, health, food, and shelter. 59% of these aids were sent to inside Syria at a cost of 121,200,000 QR, while the remaining percentage was sent to the refugees in the neighboring countries. 13% of the aids (i.e. 26,889,000 QR) were sent to Jordan, 17% (i.e. 34,660,000 QR) were sent to Lebanon, 9% (i.e. 19,000,000 QR were sent to Turkey, and 2% (i.e. 3,293,000 QR) were sent to Iraq and other places where Syrians took refuge.   Earlier Projects QC implemented a number of development and relief projects to the Syrian refugees in Lebanon and inside Syria at a cost of 14,000,000 QR (around 3,900,000 USD). Such as l’nodamed Al-Jerah (Let’s Treat our Wounds) project: the project cost 355,000 USD, and aimed at helping support field hospitals inside Syria, Damascus countryside in specific. Al-Sondoq Al-Tebbi (the Medical Box) project: it cost 1,200,000 USD and covered all the Lebanese territories. It sponsors the patients’ and injured surgeries whether partly or fully. Lamset Shifa’ (Healing Touch) project: This project cost 130,000 USD. It sponsored Akkar Health Center in Al-Abda which receives the injured from inside Syria living by the Lebanese border, or living in Lebanon. Kafalat Al-Jarha (The Injured Sponsorship) project in 24 Health Center: It was implemented in Tripoli at a cost of 190,000 USD. The Support of the Injured and Affected project: this project was implemented in Beirut, Akkar, Tripoli, Aramoun, and Bechamoun at a cost of 250,000 USD. It and equipped and operated ambulance stations in 5 areas. It included the paramedics, ambulances, and medical devices and essentials. It is worth mentioning that by the end of last year, QC signed a strategic, universal partnership with International Medical Corps and Qatar Foundation International. This would help amplify their capabilities to reach all the territories, worldwide, which most need aid. It would specially help the conflict-affected people in Syria, and offer health care to the displaced Syrian children who have been striving to save their lives. They strive to live because there aren’t any ordinary services available, nor is there any health care provided. In addition, the residential areas are crowded with people due to the displacement of many, and due to the damages which happened to drinking water infrastructure and the sewage system. 


QC Checks its Projects in the

QC has recently reviewed the progress of its distinguished development projects inside Kosovo, Albania, Bosnia, and Turkey in order to adjust and modify them. During his visit, Mr. Faisal Rashid Al-Fahida, QC’s EDO in these countries, reviewed some of QC’s projects and met with some of these countries’ officials.   Mr. Al-Fahida checked many of QC’s projects under a program which began with visiting QC’s headquarter and its employees. He went to Qatar’s Center for Training where he watched a video that showed QC’s most important accomplishments in Kosovo since the opening of the office until the end of 2014.  He was also showed some samples of successful income-generating projects. Mr. Al-Fahida met with Dr. Farid Aghani, the Minister of the Environment, who commended QC’s developing and charitable role in Kosovo. In addition, he mentioned how QC sponsored more than 1,500 orphans, and how it offered them entertaining, cultural and financial services. He also spoke about QC’s role in reducing the phenomenon of unemployment through implementing income-generating projects.  Mr. Al-Fahida supervised the honoring ceremony of the distinguished students and its sport festival. More than 340 orphaned boys and girls attended. Finally, the excellent and morally distinguished students were rewarded, and everyone was very happy.   Albania   During his field visit to the Albanian-Qatari school, Mr. Al-Fahida met with the school’s staff members and supervisors. He praised their efforts and the students’ excellent results. Also, two of the school’s female students won first prizes across Albania. This is added to last year’s excellent results, too. Mr. Al-Farida paid a visit to several income-generating projects and encouraged its beneficiaries to work harder; he also encouraged the orphans to honor their parents and take care of their studies. For this occasion, QC held a ceremony in which it distributed the basic needs to the large number of participating orphans, and other beneficiaries such as the Albanian-Qatari center and Albanian-Qatari school’s students. Furthermore, Mr. Al-Fahida visited the project of building Rubik Mosque, one of the three mosques QC is currently building in Albania.   Mr. Al-Fahida, QC’s EDO, also met with Blendy Closey, the Minister of Labor of the Albanian Republic, who praised QC and commended its efforts especially in the fields of education and culture. Indeed, the two fields receive utmost attention from QC’s office in Albania through the Albanian-Qatari Center for Languages and Computer, the Qatari Center for Administrative and Educational Training, and the Albanian Qatari School. He also met Ms. Esmiralda Ashkiah; member in the Albanian-Arabic Relationships Committee of the Albanian Parliament. She expressed her gratitude to QC for their continuous work through their effective office in Albania, and their constant help to Albania whenever necessary; like the donations that QC had offered to the victims of floods at the beginning of the year.   Bosnia and Herzegovina   Many of the developmental projects funded by QC in Bosnia were visited. In addition, many beneficiaries sponsored by QC were met, especially from the orphans. Mr. Al-Fahida visited the Mr. Bakir Izetbegović, the Chairman of Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and acquainted him with QC and the size of its charitable projects and activities in the world, along with its future vision and the help it had offered to Bosnia and Herzegovina. Additionally, Mr. Faysal met with Mr. Adil Osmanović; Minister of civil affairs in Bosnia, where his Excellency praised the efforts and the aids that QC offered to Bosnia, and confirmed the need of Bosnians for a number of medical and cultural projects too.   Turkey   During his visit to Turkey, Mr. Al-Fahida visited many of QC’s projects. He took a close look at the Syrian displaced and refugees’ conditions there. He also reviewed the final phases of “Madinat Al-Rayyan” (Al-Rayyan City) project which was funded by QC in cooperation with IHH, its strategic partner inside and outside Turkey. The opening of its first phase is expected to be announced in the coming days. Mr. Al-Fahida met with Salem bin Mubarak Al Shafi, Qatar’s Ambassador in Turkey, who spoke about the efforts QC exerts to alleviate the sufferings of the Syrians inside and outside Syria. In addition, he visited some of the headquarters of QC’s associates in Turkey such as White Hands charity, Syrian Education Commission, and IMC, which QC signed an agreement with at the end of last year. Such agreement would allow the institutions to reach the neediest territories for relief and aid. Plus, they would mostly help the affected in Syria and would offer healthcare to the displaced Syrian children who did not have any regular healthcare services availab


QC Delegation Follows up with

Around 70% of Al Rayyan City project was completed; the displaced Syrians living in tents will move there before winter Al Rayyan city comprises 10 villages; each village has 100 housing units. In addition, it has service facilities which include 30 classrooms, a mosque, a clinic, and playgrounds for children. The city is environmentally friendly; its lighting will depend entirely on solar energy. Zienal: “Our visit aims at following up with this project’s progress and making sure its implementation will be on time since QC wants to provide a shelter for thousands of displaced Syrians before winter.” Al Yaf’ie: “The builders of the city are 100% Syrians; and once it’s entirely constructed, its people will be its governors.” It is expected that by the coming November, the biggest residential city, which QC implemented near the Syria-Turkey borders for the displaced Syrians, will have been built. The city can accommodate around 7,000 people, and was implemented at a cost of more than 40,000,000 QR. In order to closely follow up with the work progress in the city, to review what was completed and what is left, a delegation from QC paid Al Rayyan city a visit. The delegation included Mr. Mohammed Abdullah Al Yaf’ie, Support Affairs CEO; and Mr. Ibrahim Zainal, QC’s Deputy Executive Director of International Development; accompanied with Urooj Hussain, Deputy Director of the Turkish International Human Relief and Humanitarian (IHH) – the party which provided the land for the project and supervised its implementation. During the tour in the model city which QC called ‘Al Rayyan City’ for displaced Syrians, the delegation visited the housing units which were already completed. They also visited other housing units and service facilities which are under construction, including the mosque. The delegation reviewed the plan set for the completion of this huge project. They were pleased to see the completion of 70% of the project. In the meeting, the delegation emphasized the importance of working steadily so as to entirely implement the project in the coming November to secure shelters for thousands of displaced Syrians before winter. A Tour in Al Salama Camp At the same time of visiting Al Rayyan city, QC’s delegation visited Al Salama refugee camp for the displaced Syrians. They checked upon the Syrians’ severe circumstances and sufferings. It is also expected that some of these Syrians will be moved to Al Rayyan city once it is entirely constructed in order to provide them with a dignifying shelter. In a press release, Mr. Zeinal said, “QC paid this field visit because it always makes sure to follow up with the work progress of its distinguished projects in general and the completion of this project in particular. All of which is to ensure a shelter for thousands of displaced Syrians before winter. To the conflict-affected Syrians, shelters top their list of priorities; which is why we hope a lot of displaced Syrian families, who are still living in tents near the Turkey-Syria borders, benefit from this project.” In addition, Mr. Mohammed Abdullah Al Yaf’ie commended the distinguishing features of this project; the most important one is the fact that the laborers working on the project are 100% Syrians. Furthermore, this project is environmentally friendly; its lighting will depend entirely on solar energy. Finally, once the project is entirely implemented, the people of the city will be its governors. The City’s Facilities This model city consists of 10 villages; each village consists of 100 caravans. The beneficiary families will get a shelter with an area of around 17.5 m2, a width of 2.5 m, a length of 7 m, and a height of 2.5 m. Plus, it comprises two rooms. It can accommodate a family of 6 or 7 members. The place will be equipped with the basic needs such as mattresses, blankets, pillows, carpets, space heaters, a refrigerator, water tanks, closets, and cookware. Al Rayyan city has several service facilities such as a mosque, 30 classrooms, several clinics, administrative offices, and playgrounds for children. A wall will be built around the city to secure its safety. The lighting will depend on solar energy, which makes the project ‘Al Rayyan City’ environmentally friendly. This project is the outcome of a cooperation agreement between QC and IHH, which was signed in Istanbul few months earlier. Mr. Youssef bin Ahmed Al Kuwairi, QC’s CEO, and Bulent Yildirim, IHH President, signed the agreement in Istanbul, Turkey. The agreement states that QC will donate 33,000,000 QR, while IHH will donate 7,000,000 QR, and will supervise the implementation of this project. According to the FTS of the UN’s office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs, QC was rewarded first rank universally for its aid for the Syrian people in the last three years. The total cost of QC’s implemented projects for the conflict-affected Syrians until last March reached 240,000,000 QR from which 4,500,000 QR people benefited. 60% of these projects were implemented inside Syria. They included food, shelter, health, sponsorship and others. The rest of the projects were implemented for  the Syrian refugees in the neighboring countries.   You can donate to support such projects through the link:  Click here


1,000,000 People Benefit from

43,200 conflict-affected in Syria, 4,200 orphans’ families in Gaza, 120,000 people from different countries benefited from ‘Your Sacrifice, their Eid’ campaign El Kuwairi: “We thank the Qatari people for donating to our sacrifices project which made the needy of 52 countries the world over happy Around 1,000,000 people benefited from the sacrifices campaign for the year 1436 AH which QC implemented and called ‘Your Sacrifices, their Eid’ at a cost of around 14,000,000 QR. Mr. Youssef Bin Ahmed El Kuwairi, QC’s CEO, expressed the relief he felt because the sacrifices project was successful. QC implemented this campaign with the help of its partners in 52 countries from around the world, including Qatar. It was able to make so many needy and low-income families, who could not provide their children with meat, happy. The affected who suffered from exceptional circumstances were prioritized such as the Syrians inside Syria, the Syrian refugees in the neighboring countries, the Gaza Strip, Yemen, Somalia, etc. El Kuwairi said, “I am mostly thankful to those who donated for this project in Qatar, and I pray Allah that He accept their good work and reward them. Most certainly, their donations were the reason behind making the needy happy and achieving social teamwork in Qatar.” QC had already distributed more than 28,300 sacrifices during the season, which meant 500 tons of meat in 52 countries. More than 43,200 families inside Syria benefited from the project. It was implemented in Damascus and its countryside, Idlib and its countryside, Al Rastan, Al Houla and Talbiseh in the countryside of Aleppo, in the countrysides of Hama, of Lattakia, of Daraa, and Quneitra. In addition, 4,200 orphans’ families from the Gaza Strip and 120,000 Somalis benefited from the project. Other countries in which the project was implemented: Palestine, the Palestinian camps abroad, Iraq, Jordan, Qatar, Tunisia, Morocco, Lebanon, Sudan, Rwanda, Uganda, Malawi, Burundi, Kenya, Ivory Coast, Djibouti, Tanzania, Mali, Togo, Nepal, India, Chad, Central Africa, Angola, Guinea Bissau, Mauritania, Yemen, Bangladesh, Benin , The Gambia, Namibia, Lesotho, Sri Lanka, Niger, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Congo, South Africa, Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan , Indonesia, Kosovo, Comoros Islands, Albania, the Philippines, Ghana, Bosnia, Ethiopia, and Georgia. QC inaugurated a special campaign for pilgrimage and Eid Al Adha for this year (1436 AH). It included distributing the sacrifices inside and outside Qatar, giving people the chance to perform substitute Hajj, and distributing Eid clothing. Tens of thousands of people will benefit from this project. The project was also implemented inside Qatar on the third and fourth days of Eid Al Adha. 2,500 sacrifices were distributed from which 12,000 people benefited, including 668 sponsored families with limited income. Some of the Qatari volunteers helped in the distribution. In addition, QC, for the first time, offered delivery service using refrigerated cars. The sacrifices were given to the beneficiaries at their homes in Khor, Al-Shahaniya, Industrial Area (Sanaiya), and other areas inside Qatar. This project also targeted the orphans’ and the low-income families, the indebted, the laborers, the divorced, Ramila Hospital’s inpatients, the laborers, courts, the bank, the mail, Al Qahira School, Al Cilia territory, and Abu Hamur territory and the Indian, Egyptian, Yemeni and Philippine communities.   You can donate to support such projects through the link:  Click here


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