قطر الخيرية تختتم النسخة الرابعة من سنافي وهبة ريح
عرض صندوق التبرع الخاص بك
12/10/2015 | غيث
878 حاجا و16,856 وجبة بتكلفة 3,760,000 ريال هي حصيلة حملة قطر الخيرية لحج البدل وإطعام الحجيج لهذا الموسم 1436 هـ.
وفرت قطر الخيرية للموسم الثالث على التوالي من خلال حملتها "حج البدل" 878 فرصة للحج عن الأشخاص الذين تعذر عليهم الحج لسبب ما؛ بتكلفة إجمالية بلغت 3,340,000 ريال؛ إضافة إلى تقديم 16,856وجبة لإطعام ضيوف الله من الحجيج، بتكلفة وصلت إلى 421,000 ريال.
المشاعر والمناسك
وعبّر الرئيس التنفيذي لقطر الخيرية السيد يوسف بن أحمد الكواري عن ارتياحه لنجاح تنفيذ مشروع حج البدل وإطعام الحجيج، وتمكّنه من مساعدة الراغبين في الحج عن ذويهم من العاجزين والمتوفين؛ إضافة إلى إكرام ضيوف بيت الله.
وأكد أنّ هذا المشروع تم بأكمل وجه؛ حيث استفاد الآلاف من ضيوف الله من الإطعام، كما تمكن 878 شخصا من تأدية فريضة الحج عن ذويهم، واستلموا شهادات من الجهات المعنية تثبت القيام بكافة مشاعر ومناسك الحج.
وتوجّه الكواري بخالص الشكر والامتنان لكل الذين ساهموا في هذا المشروع في دولة قطر داعيا المولى أن يتقبّل منهم ما بذلوه، خصوصا أن تبرعاتهم أسهمت في تأدية فريضة وركن من أركان الإسلام، وفي إكرام ضيوف الله.
شهادات موثقة
ووفرت قطر الخيرية من خلال مشروع "حج البدل" فرصة لذوي الأشخاص الذين تعذر عليهم الحج بسبب وفاة أو مرض أو غيره من أجل الحج بدلا عنهم، بطريقة متقنة.
وقد تم تنفيذ هذا المشروع عبر إشراف شركاء قطر الخيرية في "حملة الأقصى للحج والعمرة" وتنفيذ جامع بن عثيمين في مكة المكرمة، ومن خلال طلاب علم ثقات، حجوا عن ذوي المتوفين أو العاجزين ومن في حكمهم، إذ حصل كل متبرع على شهادة مختومة ومصدقة من كافة الأطراف والجهات المعنية تثبت قيام الشخص البديل بكافة مشاعر ومناسك الحج، حيث أصبح الحج عنهم حجة لهم يوم القيامة.
كما نفذت قطر الخيرية للعام الثالث مشروعها المتميز إطعام الحجيج، والذي وفرت من خلاله هو الآخر فرصة لكافة المحسنين وأهل الخير لخدمة حجاج بيت الله الحرام ضيوف الرحمن، وذلك عبر توفير وجبات الإطعام المختلفة لهم أثناء موسم الحج لهذا العام، وبلغت كلفة الإطعام 421,000 ريال وفَّرت 16,856 وجبة بـ 25 ريالا للوجبة الواحدة.
تفويج الحجاج
وإضافة إلى المشروعين السابقين نفذت قطر الخيرية كذلك في هذا الموسم ولأول مرة مشروع تفويج الحجاج والذي هو مبادرة لتحقيق رغبة غير القادرين على أداء فريضة الحج؛ وذلك بتحمل تكاليف حجهم وفق شروط وضوابط محددة.
وقد استفاد من هذا المشروع الذي ينفذ للمرة الأولى لهذا الموسم 16 حاجا، من فلسطين وألبانيا وجزر القمر، وبلغت التكلفة الإجمالية له 152.000 ريال.
"أضاحيكم عيدهم"
وبموازاة تنفيذ المشاريع المتعلقة بالحج والإطعام نفذت قطر الخيرية حملة الأضاحي "أضاحيكم عيدهم" لهذا الموسم وتمكنت من خلالها من توفير الأضاحي لمليون شخص عبر العالم وبتكلفة وصلت إلى حوالي 14 مليون ريال.
وتم خلال هذا الموسم توزيع أكثر من 28,300 أضحية، أي ما يعادل 500 طن من اللحوم، في 52 دولة، ففي الداخل السوري استفاد من مشروع الأضاحي أكثر 43,200 عائلة، وفي قطاع غزة استفاد منها أسر 4200 يتيم، فيما استفاد منها في الصومال 120,000 شخص.
ووُزِّعت داخل دولة قطر 2500 أضحية، استفاد منها 12,000 شخص بمن فيهم 668 أسرة مكفولة لدى قطر الخيرية من ذوي الدخل المحدود.
يمكنكم المساهمة في دعم مشاريع قطر الخيرية من خلال الرابط : اضغط هنا
12/10/2015 | غيث
878 حاجا و16,856 وجبة بتكلفة 3,760,000 ريال هي حصيلة حملة قطر الخيرية لحج البدل وإطعام الحجيج لهذا الموسم 1436 هـ.
وفرت قطر الخيرية للموسم الثالث على التوالي من خلال حملتها "حج البدل" 878 فرصة للحج عن الأشخاص الذين تعذر عليهم الحج لسبب ما؛ بتكلفة إجمالية بلغت 3,340,000 ريال؛ إضافة إلى تقديم 16,856وجبة لإطعام ضيوف الله من الحجيج، بتكلفة وصلت إلى 421,000 ريال.
المشاعر والمناسك
وعبّر الرئيس التنفيذي لقطر الخيرية السيد يوسف بن أحمد الكواري عن ارتياحه لنجاح تنفيذ مشروع حج البدل وإطعام الحجيج، وتمكّنه من مساعدة الراغبين في الحج عن ذويهم من العاجزين والمتوفين؛ إضافة إلى إكرام ضيوف بيت الله.
وأكد أنّ هذا المشروع تم بأكمل وجه؛ حيث استفاد الآلاف من ضيوف الله من الإطعام، كما تمكن 878 شخصا من تأدية فريضة الحج عن ذويهم، واستلموا شهادات من الجهات المعنية تثبت القيام بكافة مشاعر ومناسك الحج.
وتوجّه الكواري بخالص الشكر والامتنان لكل الذين ساهموا في هذا المشروع في دولة قطر داعيا المولى أن يتقبّل منهم ما بذلوه، خصوصا أن تبرعاتهم أسهمت في تأدية فريضة وركن من أركان الإسلام، وفي إكرام ضيوف الله.
شهادات موثقة
ووفرت قطر الخيرية من خلال مشروع "حج البدل" فرصة لذوي الأشخاص الذين تعذر عليهم الحج بسبب وفاة أو مرض أو غيره من أجل الحج بدلا عنهم، بطريقة متقنة.
وقد تم تنفيذ هذا المشروع عبر إشراف شركاء قطر الخيرية في "حملة الأقصى للحج والعمرة" وتنفيذ جامع بن عثيمين في مكة المكرمة، ومن خلال طلاب علم ثقات، حجوا عن ذوي المتوفين أو العاجزين ومن في حكمهم، إذ حصل كل متبرع على شهادة مختومة ومصدقة من كافة الأطراف والجهات المعنية تثبت قيام الشخص البديل بكافة مشاعر ومناسك الحج، حيث أصبح الحج عنهم حجة لهم يوم القيامة.
كما نفذت قطر الخيرية للعام الثالث مشروعها المتميز إطعام الحجيج، والذي وفرت من خلاله هو الآخر فرصة لكافة المحسنين وأهل الخير لخدمة حجاج بيت الله الحرام ضيوف الرحمن، وذلك عبر توفير وجبات الإطعام المختلفة لهم أثناء موسم الحج لهذا العام، وبلغت كلفة الإطعام 421,000 ريال وفَّرت 16,856 وجبة بـ 25 ريالا للوجبة الواحدة.
تفويج الحجاج
وإضافة إلى المشروعين السابقين نفذت قطر الخيرية كذلك في هذا الموسم ولأول مرة مشروع تفويج الحجاج والذي هو مبادرة لتحقيق رغبة غير القادرين على أداء فريضة الحج؛ وذلك بتحمل تكاليف حجهم وفق شروط وضوابط محددة.
وقد استفاد من هذا المشروع الذي ينفذ للمرة الأولى لهذا الموسم 16 حاجا، من فلسطين وألبانيا وجزر القمر، وبلغت التكلفة الإجمالية له 152.000 ريال.
"أضاحيكم عيدهم"
وبموازاة تنفيذ المشاريع المتعلقة بالحج والإطعام نفذت قطر الخيرية حملة الأضاحي "أضاحيكم عيدهم" لهذا الموسم وتمكنت من خلالها من توفير الأضاحي لمليون شخص عبر العالم وبتكلفة وصلت إلى حوالي 14 مليون ريال.
وتم خلال هذا الموسم توزيع أكثر من 28,300 أضحية، أي ما يعادل 500 طن من اللحوم، في 52 دولة، ففي الداخل السوري استفاد من مشروع الأضاحي أكثر 43,200 عائلة، وفي قطاع غزة استفاد منها أسر 4200 يتيم، فيما استفاد منها في الصومال 120,000 شخص.
ووُزِّعت داخل دولة قطر 2500 أضحية، استفاد منها 12,000 شخص بمن فيهم 668 أسرة مكفولة لدى قطر الخيرية من ذوي الدخل المحدود.
يمكنكم المساهمة في دعم مشاريع قطر الخيرية من خلال الرابط : اضغط هنا
قطر الخيرية تختتم النسخة الرابعة من سنافي وهبة ريح
Targeting access to 885 thousand people in 40 countries, Qatar Charity Launches its Annual Iftar Project across the World
Qatar Charity has launched its annual Iftar project for the upcoming holy month of Ramadan in 40 countries across the world.
Focusing on reaching as many beneficiaries as they can, Qatar Charity is exerting all its efforts in order to reach countries witnessing crises, special circumstances, or natural disasters. This requires increasing the allocated sums of money for the project’s budget, in addition to increasing efforts to reach beneficiaries in their current sanctuaries following displacement.
Qatar Charity urges benevolent people and donors to offer their Zakat, charities, and donations for this project, which will alleviate much of the suffering of hundreds of thousands of fasting Muslims in the targeted countries.
This project will provide meals to approximately 98,000 Syrian people in their transitional shelters in Turkey, Jordan, and Iraq, as well as Syrians who have been internally displaced.
Additionally, Qatar Charity will target around 13,000 people in different governorates in Yemen. Qatar Charity will also provide Iftar meals to approximately 8000 Iraqi people who have been internally displaced from conflict areas such as the Anbar and Mosul provinces.
In the current project, Qatar Charity seeks to provide Iftar meals to Palestinians in Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip, and the West Bank. The estimated target group in Palestine is around 43,000 Palestinians.
Moreover, Qatar Charity will target more than 53,000 Somalis, and will reach them in different towns and villages in Somalia as well as in refugee camps, where a large number of Somalis currently reside due to continuous armed conflict in their original areas of residence.
In this project, Qatar Charity will also offer Iftar meals to approximately 28,000 people in Nepal, which was recently hit by a destructive earthquake that led to the displacement of thousands from their places of residence.
Donation Methods
With the Holy month of Ramadan approaching, Qatar Charity has allocated different ways to make donations for this huge project in order to make it easier for donors to offer their charities and donations. Anyone can donate by sending an SMS that includes the intended recipient’s country code, followed by the number of people the benefactor would like to provide Iftar to. The number for both Ooredoo and Vodafone is 92652.
Donations also can be made by calling 44667711, through Qatar Charity collection outlets spread out in organizations and malls all over the country, or through Qatar Charity’s, www.qcharity.org.
Qatar Charity has also designed a number of Iftar packages. Donors are able to provide meals to benficiaries for 30 days at 600 QAR (sms code if30), 15 days at 300 QAR (sms code if15), or 10 days at 200 QAR (sms code if10). All sms codes should be sent to 92652.
QC implements agricultural rehabilitation project in the Gaza Strip
Qatar Charity has implemented a QAR 11 million agricultural rehabilitation project in the Gaza Strip.
The project came within the framework of a project for the development of agricultural areas which were destroyed during the last Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip in the summer of 2014.
The project is funded by the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) program and managed by the Islamic Development Bank.
The rehabilitation began by filling the large pits left by Israeli aircraft attacks on agricultural land and was carried out in cooperation with the Palestinian Ministry of Agriculture.
The rehabilitation comes at a time when the population of the Gaza Strip is suffering from deteriorating economic and social conditions, particularly those whose homes were bombed and farms bulldozed.
The Palestinian Ministry of Agriculture praised the project, which it said is an active contributor in real development for the advancement of the agricultural sector.
Other projects
Director of QC’s Gaza office, Mohammed Halloub, explained in a press statement that the project includes planting, rehabilitation and paving of a group of agricultural roads, as well the provision of wells to irrigate agriculture, rehabilitation of the electricity networks of agricultural areas, re-use of treated wastewater in the vicinity of Gaza City and the development and rehabilitation of Ministry of Agriculture nurseries in Gaza.
According to estimates, the cost of the recent Israeli war on the Gaza Strip amounted to US $ 350 million directly and US $ 150 million indirectly.
Fishing sector
The development of agricultural areas project covers all agricultural sub-sectors, including open field cultivation, greenhouses, the rehabilitation of agricultural irrigation water services - including the rehabilitation of water wells and pipe distribution. It also includes support for fishing and the fisheries sector, support and rehabilitation of the livestock sector and the reconstruction of farms that were destroyed.
Commenting on the project, Director General for Planning and Policy in the Ministry of Agriculture, Dr. Nabil Abu Shammala, confirmed that QC is one of the largest international and regional institutions working in support of the rehabilitation of the agricultural sector, pointing out that they contribute to real development for the advancement of the agricultural sector, as opposed to merely providing relief aid.
Abu Shammala noted the importance of the efforts made by QC for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the agricultural sector, which is vital for the Palestinian national gross product and has witnessed a significant decline as a result of the Israeli occupation.
QC has also offered support for the fishing sector in the Gaza Strip since the beginning of 2011 at a total cost of over QAR 30 million to date, benefitting thousands of poor fishermen in the Gaza Strip. The project will reach completion in the next few months, and came as part of a financing agreement between QC and the Islamic Development Bank in Jeddah valued at QAR 18.25 million.
Shifaa Medical Complex
QC also signed detailed plans for the Internal Medicine Building at Shifaa Hospital in Gaza City, in cooperation with a group of local and international consultants at a cost of QAR 582,000.
The building will be the largest medical building in the Gaza Strip and has a capacity of 432 beds, on a space of 20,000 square meters, and comes as part of QC’s relief and development plans for the Gaza Strip, as part of its interest in the development of infrastructure for the health sector.
The agreement was signed by the Deputy Director of the Gaza Strip Office on behalf of Mohamed Abu Halloub, and by Eng Rifaat Diab on behalf of the Coalition for consulting firms, including the Management & Engineering Consultations Office, Ray Consult Company and the Greek DEKTIS CONSULTANT ENGINEERS LTD. (DEKTIS).
The signing ceremony was attended by representatives from the Palestinian Ministry of Health, including the Director General of International Cooperation of the Palestinian Ministry of Health, Dr. Mohammed All-Kashif and Director of the Ministry’s Engineering Office Mr. Mohamed Abu Hamda.
Third International Forum for Humanitarian Action draws to an end
The Third International Forum for Humanitarian Action has drawn to an end.
The forum, hosted by Qatar Charity, brought together humanitarian and risk management organizations in the region and was held under the slogan ‘Together for more effective and safer humanitarian action’.
Among a number of important recommendations in favor of humanitarian action to help tackle the high numbers of crises and other challenges for humanitarian work around the world, it was agreed that the fourth meeting will be held in Kuwait in March 2016.
In the closing session of the forum, during which the recommendations were made, a number of certificates and shields were distributed to all of the organizers, participants and lecturers; thanking them for their role in the support and success of the forum.
These recommendations included all aspects of the main two themes: the code conduct of humanitarian work and issues of safe access to the victims of armed conflict.
The forum involved a series of lectures, sessions and workshops, and QC, within the framework of the recommendations, showed its willingness to finance a comprehensive scientific study on the humanitarian principles and codes of conduct, ways in which humanitarian organizations can apply them and how Arab and Islamic values can be integrated with the code.
These recommendations included an emphasis on the importance of holding the forum on an annual basis, in view of the encouraging results achieved so far, welcoming the efforts of humanitarian organizations in the region in the field of compliance with humanitarian principles and urging them to exert more efforts to strengthen their capabilities in this area via cooperation with each other and other international bodies such as the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, as well as urging humanitarian organizations in the region to engage effectively in the initiatives and make efforts to upgrade and deploy humanitarian principles and develop codes of conduct.
It was also recommended that maximum efforts are made to develop the capabilities of humanitarian organizations in the region in the field of risk management to ensure safe access to beneficiaries during armed conflicts in cooperation with relevant international and regional organizations, and encouraging humanitarian organizations in the region to integrate the relevant risk management within its functions, allocate the necessary resources to this function and enhance cooperation between humanitarian organizations in order to prepare an action guide for humanitarian organizations in the field of risk management during humanitarian interventions in the event of armed conflict. The International Centre for Research and Studies expressed its readiness to submit a proposal in this regard.
Recommendations also called for enhanced coordination and cooperation between humanitarian organizations to participate in private humanitarian principles training programs and secure access to victims of armed conflict. Organizations were encouraged to exchange information and experiences and coordinate humanitarian efforts during armed conflict on the basis of diversity and integration, particularly with the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs of the United Nations (OCHA) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in order to promote safe access for beneficiaries.
These recommendations concluded with the need to seek to expand the participation of humanitarian organizations from other Gulf countries not currently involved, and the activation of the follow-up to the recommendations of the forum to make the best use of the efforts made in organizing it, and invest in its outcomes.
The closing session included speeches from the Islamic Cooperation Organization Ambassador Hesham Youssef, who thanked those who had contributed to the success of the forum.
Hesham explained that the forum has contributed effectively through its lectures, workshops and discussions on both the code of conduct of humanitarian work and the access to the victims of armed conflict, to enriching the experiences of the participants who are interested and active in the field of humanitarian action.
Ronald Oovieringr, representative of the International Red Cross office in Kuwait, said that he considered that the forum raised two issues that represent the largest and most important obstacles to humanitarian action.
He noted the efforts of local and regional organizations in the Middle East; pointing out that the International Red Cross opens its doors to these great organizations for effective and safe humanitarian work.
Dr. Atta al-Mannan Bakheet, Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Islamic Dawa Organization gave a speech discussing how the forum had evolved and grown which has steadily increased, noting that this expansion confirms the success of the event.
He noted that the forum has moved from public debate to deep specialist debate; through the two pillars of the forum; the code of the principles of humanitarian action and conduct, and issues of safe access to the victims of armed conflicts, expressing his hope that humanitarian action improved as a result of the recommendations made.
The forum was held on May 19 and 20, and participants included regional and international organizations such as QC, Islamic Cooperation Organisation, the International Islamic Relief Organization, Saudi Arabia, the International Committee of the Red Cross (Kuwait Mission), the International Islamic Charitable Organization (Kuwait), Humanitarian Relief Foundation(IHH) (Turkey), the International Centre for Studies and Research, MEDAD (Saudi Arabia), the Organization of the Islamic Dawa (Doha office), Mercy International Foundation (Kuwait) and Al Jazeera Center for Studies (Doha).
In addition to those actively participating in the forum, a number of humanitarian organizations active in the Gulf Cooperation Council attended, including the Red Crescent Societies, the Gulf Cooperation Council, and the organizations of the United Nations specialized in the Gulf region, the competent government bodies concerned with humanitarian affairs in the Gulf Cooperation Council, research and study centers interested in humanitarian work within GCC and the most important humanitarian actors in countries where major humanitarian operations are managed.
Both mornings of the forum were devoted to seminars; at a rate of two seminars a day, prepared by academics, researchers and senior experts, alongside four workshops a day, of an hour and a half each, with the workshops on the first day focusing on issues relevant to the Code of Conduct, and the second day on practical issues related to safe access to the victims of armed conflicts.
The following workshops were held: Controversial issues on the humanitarian principles; the code of conduct and the challenges of its application, training of workers on the code of conduct; methodology for developing a code of conduct; humanitarian action risks during armed conflicts; the importance of information in the protection of victims during armed conflicts; networking and enhanced protection, and institutional measures to protect personnel during armed conflicts.
QC opens first Islamic center in Luxembourg
Qatar Charity has established the first Islamic center in Luxembourg.
The center was opened by His Excellency Sheikh Hamad bin Nasser bin Jassim Al Thani, Chairman of QC, is valued at two million, two hundred thousand euros, and will directly benefit more than three thousand Muslims living in Luxembourg, where there are around 10 thousand Muslims.
The center consists of a mosque, a school, a legal center and an educational center for young people.
Speaking at the opening ceremony of the center, which was attended by the Ambassador of the State of Qatar for the Kingdom of Belgium and Luxembourg, Mayor of Luxembourg City, Lydie Polfer, the Archbishop of State and other religious leaders.
Al-Thani expressed his delight at the opening of the center, saying: “Qatar Charity, by opening this cultural shrine, is providing a great service for Muslims in Luxembourg; this center will be a beacon of peace, goodness and coexistence for the followers of all religions, as per the teachings of our religion; which is the same message that Qatar Charity strives to spread in the world” Al-Thani said.
Al-Thani expressed QC’s gratitude to the Government of Luxembourg, for its assistance in completing the project.
His Excellency explained that QC pays particular attention to cultural projects in the West such as Islamic schools and centers, in a bid to spread the culture of Islam throughout the world, to communicate its timeless message to everyone, Muslim and non-Muslim, create a dialogue between civilizations and serve Muslim communities, linking new generations with their Islamic civilization.
QC Chief Executive Officer Yusuf Bin Ahmed Al Kuwari said: “Qatar Charity is keen to set up such projects in the European continent, in light of its social responsibility and in a bid to contribute to the integration of young Muslims into European society.”
“The center will help cultivate a spirit of cooperation, and strongly support humanitarian and charitable projects in Europe,” he added.
“The hand of Qatar Charity stretched out to create this project whose ambitious goal is to serve the community and act as a platform for good and a shining beacon to guide us all,” Al Kuwari concluded.
Polfer also made a speech expressing her happiness at the opening of the center which she says will serve the kingdom in general and our city in particular.
She pointed out that the center represents a model of religious coexistence and community, and thanked QC and all those who contributed to it, for their great efforts in cultural service.
In his speech, Archbishop Jean-Claude thanked those in charge and those who had supported the opening of the center, noting that he seeks to serve all religions and protect the religious rights of all citizens.
Chairman of the Islamic Society, Mohsen Maqni, welcomed all those present, thanking them for their contribution to the Muslim community, and asking that God add their efforts in the balance of good deeds.
Following the opening ceremony, Al-Thani, his accompanying delegation, and officials from the State of Luxembourg took a tour of the center.
The center was built on 650 square meters and QC contributed 75% and was implemented by the Islamic Society, Luxembourg.
The center consists of a mosque that can accommodate Friday prayers, a school that teaches Arabic and memorization of the Quran, a da’wa center for the introduction of Islam and promotion of its noble values, providing a true image of our religion, and an educational center for young people. The center was admired by all the visitors, both for its design and its mission.
The center aims to achieve a number of important goals, including the introduction of Islam and its principles, highlighting the characteristics and values of civilization, operationalizing the concept of good citizenship and encouraging the positive integration of Muslims in Luxembourg, while allowing them to preserve their religion and cultural identity, and paying attention to the continuous training and development of Muslim minority children, expanding cultural dialogue between Muslims and believers of other religions and ideas, encouraging positive interaction, strengthening the social peace and the family unit. The center will also serve the Muslim communities living in neighboring countries due to its strategic location between France, Germany and Belgium.
Qatar Charity's Initial Emergency Relief for Nepal
Qatar Charity's initial emergency relief team has returned from Nepal. Following visits and needs assessments in Greater Kathmandu and Gurga they made Qatar Charity's initiation distribution to 18,000 people affected by the earthquake who had not yet received assistance. The value of this distribution was USD 100,000. Items distributed included food, blankets, mattresses and other non-food items including hygiene kits. Food items provided included rice, flour cooking oil, sugar and lentils.
Additional relief response and further distributions are being organized and will take place in the coming weeks following further assessments based on real-time gaps identified in coordination with the local authorities. Recovery programming ranging from temporary, transitional and permanent shelter construction to water, health and education are being explored.
14 May 2015
رقم الحالة : 208442
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منـذ 2019
منظمة خيرية مسجلة باسم جمعية قطر الخيرية برقم قيد (6) في وزارة العمل والشؤون الاجتماعية والإسكان لعام 1992، رقم المنشأة: 01006100
جميع الحقوق محفوظة @لقطر الخيرية 2025
الاصدارة :