Assistance Case

Thousands of needy people
in the waiting

Assistance Case

In alignment with the four pillars of Qatar National Vision 2030, Qatar Charity continuously supports the empowerment and development of the Qatari society by promoting the autonomous voice of those disadvantaged and less privileged. In social Care field, we tirelessly work to promote preventive and protective programs that advocate the rights of vulnerable people such as those with low-income, debtors, widows, divorcées, and people with chronic diseases, and strive to help improve the quality of their community life. Qatar Charity hosts several projects, activities and events to bring communities together in Qatar and help them grow stronger. As a good development action, Qatar charity reaches to needy families and individuals to recognize their ability and potential. We work to help them educate and organize themselves in order to sufficiently respond to the issues they face and to create strongly established communities that share and promote the values of social justice.

Qatar Charity reaches out to vulnerable people and offers them financial and in-kind support on a long-term basis. We assist the humanitarian requests we receive through specialized social researchers and submit them to high committees to decide the type of support that each cause requires.

Assistance Case