Integrated Management Policy

Qatar Charity is an international non-governmental development and humanitarian organization established in 1992 in accordance with the laws governing the non-profit sector in the State of Qatar. Qatar Charity was initially established to assist war- and disaster-affected children before expanding its scope of activities to encompass various humanitarian and development sectors such as education, health, water and sanitation (WASH), food and nutrition, economic empowerment, child protection, social welfare and social cohesion. Qatar Charity derives its mission from the values, the principles and the cultural heritage of the Qatari community and its moral commitment to partake in the global efforts to address humanitarian and development challenges.

Qatar Charity, as part of its strategic direction and vision, adopts an Integrated Management System (IMS) that aligns its systems and processes with international standards and specifications, ensures good governance and compliance with local and international legislation, laws, and regulatory and technical requirements. The Integrated Management System (IMS) also allows the organization to enhance its social responsibility in the State of Qatar or in the countries in which it is located or those in which it works through field offices or partners, and ensures that the organization fulfills its responsibility towards the international community as a non-governmental organization that works in accordance with international principles, standards and best practices in the field of humanitarian and development work in partnership and cooperation with relevant international organizations, and that aims to assist local governments’ in achieving their strategic direction and development plans.

Qatar Charity deems the Integrated Management System, which includes the quality management system, the risk management system the information security management, the customer contact centers, and compliance management systems to be an essential factor in providing a quality and distinguished management system to partners, beneficiaries, customers and donors. At the same time, it fulfills its strategic objectives to achieve its vision and mission, meet the needs and expectations of customers and related parties and the stakeholders and the public, and achieve their satisfaction in the field of humanitarian and development work. The IMS also effectively underpins Qatar Charity’s approach that places the beneficiaries at the center of its interests.

Qatar Charity's integrated management system also ensures strengthening adherence to compliance governance principles, the protection of information, systems, programs and websites from cyber threats, hacking and cybercrime, and the protection of the organization's property and assets from risks that could hinder the continuation of its business and activities and the achievement of its objectives, and also safeguards the organization from the risks of financial crimes such as money laundering, terrorist financing, fraud and corruption, as well as fulfilling customer expectations effectives, efficiently and continuously, all the while fulfilling the requirements of international specifications:
(ISO 31000:2018) (ISO 27001:2013) (ISO 9001:2015) (ISO 18295:2017) (ISO 37301:2021)

In line with Qatar Charity’s commitment to fully adopt the Integrated Management System and its requirements, the organization is committed at all levels to the following:

- Implementing the Integrated Management System policy by achieving the objectives of quality management, risk management, information security management, customer contact centers and compliance management systems and following the procedures and instructions of work systems and processes.
- Ensuring compliance of the organization’s programs, projects and activities with the legislation and applicable laws in the State of Qatar and the countries in which it operates, responding to the needs of beneficiaries and maintaining operational practices that comply with legal and other technical requirements.
- Supporting and providing qualified and trained human resources, devices, programs, operational processes, safe work systems, and all resources and requirements for an integrated management system that covers all activities of the organization and supports it in achieving its goals.
- Establishing constructive relationships with beneficiaries, suppliers and partners inside and outside the State of Qatar, enhancing communication and consultation with them, and developing their performance to achieve the objectives of the organization's Integrated Management System.
- Managing strategic and operational risks to ensure that the organization fulfills its goals and tasks, identifying, analyzing and evaluating potential risks that can affect the quality and information security of the services provided by the organization, the continuity of its activities and the compliance of its work with the requirements and applicable laws and the available resources, and implementing all necessary measures to control and mitigate these risks.
- Strengthening adherence to compliance government principles to protect Qatar Charity from consequences related to non-compliance to legal and regulatory obligations, QC’s policies and procedures as well as encouraging effective and safe reporting and whistleblowing.
- Committing to governance, policies, manuals and charters that govern the organization’s activities with relevant parties to prevent conflicts of interest, pursuing integrity, transparency and accountability, and defining organizational roles, responsibilities and powers in accordance with the approved organizational structure.
- Regularly monitoring and reviewing the progress and effectiveness of the quality management systems, risk management systems, information security management systems customer contact centers and compliance management systems to ensure that the Integrated Management System is fully integrated in an effective manner, and frequently evaluating their performance and making necessary updates and evaluations when applicable.
- Integrating the Integrated Management System into the organization’s strategy, plans, processes, activities, systems and policies to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of the system and ensure it fulfills its objectives.
- Implementing effective security measures in order to protect the activities, operations and physical and informational assets of the organization from all types of risks, whether internal or external, intentional or accidental, and mitigating risks that may threaten information security.
- Ensuring effective protection of information in terms of unauthorized access, confidentiality, integrity and availability by meeting information security requirements, and managing information security risks effectively and efficiently.
- Ensuring the continuous improvement of the Integrated Management System and its effectiveness through continuous review and evaluation of performance, results, and employee training and performance development.

The Integrated Management Policy has been adopted, published and shared with all employees. All Qatar Charity employees are responsible for implementing and adhering to the present policy which is reviewed and updated annually to ensure its efficiency, suitability, effectiveness and compatibility with all Qatar Charity activities, operations and services. This is a public policy and shall be made available to any party on request.

Yousuf bin Ahmad Al-Kuwari
Chief Executive Officer