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Sadaqah is the best gratitude. Seize its blessings with a reward that lasts.

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What does periodic donation mean?

Giving contribute to our wellness & every single good deed adds up to the creation of a world full of justice and dignity to each & every person. However, due to life's circumstances and our various obligations, donation might become a shifted task & most of the time forgotten about. And here comes the role of the periodic donation! Periodic donation contributes to solving this problem through automatic deduction from the donor's bank account to be used in supporting charitable projects and helping those in need. Activate the periodic donation service now and be a partner in making a good impact!

How do those in need benefit from the periodic donation?

Your periodic donation goes through three main stages, starting from the moment of deduction until the amount is received and distributed over groups in need. The goal is to increase transparency and ensure that the donation reaches the neediest people.

Activate the periodic donation

Add your bank card data on (Qatar Charity website or application) to start the periodic donation.

Your donations going into the right hands

Experts from Qatar Charity rely on accurate criteria in classifying and selecting categories of needy people to ensure that your assistance reaches the groups in most need.

Your donation in the needy's hands

We seek to deliver your donations in the shortest possible time to those who deserve them through our offices located in many regions around the world.

Khair Messages

Khair messages is a creative tool to make every donation safe, secure and personalised. Our donors now can contribute with any amount through SMS, which will be added later to their phone bill.


For those who are seeking an unremitting reward there are innovative new ways to do such righteous deeds.

Charity is any good deed that the owner is rewarded for in his life and extends beyond the death. Many texts of the Noble Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (SAAW) indicate their legitimacy to do so. Qatar Charity includes many charitable projects within the Charity such as well-drilling projects, building schools, building mosques, educating children and income-generating projects for needy families.