Tens of thousands have Iftar on Qatar Charity’s

Tens of thousands have Iftar on Qatar Charity’s tables in three countries

6/8/2017 |

As part of its "Give and Shine Through" campaign in 1438H, Qatar Charity continues to organize breakfast and distribute Ramadan food baskets in Mauritania, Kyrgyzstan and Somalia, benefiting tens of thousands of fasting people in these countries.

Those who are sponsored by QC and their families received special attention in the fasting program, where an important part of the program was dedicated to orphans and their families.

Khalid Abdullah Al Yafei, Director of Operations Department, stated, "QC has been keen to focus on disaster-affected groups such as in Somalia due to drought, remote rural areas as in Mauritania and the poorest groups in Kyrgyzstan.” He thanked the donors in Qatar who have been credited for supporting the people of those countries.


In Mauritania, QC has provided more than 31,000 ready-to-eat meals and food baskets that will benefit more than 20,000 fasting people at a cost of around 500,000 QR.

In the Mauritanian capital Nouakchott and various areas of Mauritanian interior, Iftar meals and food baskets were distributed. Moreover, QC’s office benefited from the experience of organizing a Ramadan tent in the past two years and increased the number to 3 tents, erected in the most densely populated areas of the capital, allowing hundreds of fasting people to take advantage of the tents of QC.

Specific increase

The Director of QC’s office in Mauritania, Mr. Idris Al-Sahel, assured the importance of reaching many remote areas that benefited from the fasting program this year, such as Hodh Ech Chargui, the Far East of Mauritania and Tiris Zemmour in the north-most, in addition to the south and center areas in Trarza and Brakna Regions. Besides, partners have been expanded to reach as many needy people as possible, drawing on the expertise of local partners.


Starting with the capital and other areas in Kyrgyzstan, QC, as part of the fasting program, distributed food baskets in different regions of Kyrgyzstan to 1307 families from the sponsored families of orphans. Thus, the total number of beneficiaries of the fasting program will be 6,500 people.

The Iftar dining tables were accompanied with generous local donations. That is, in the central mosque, 2,000 Iftar hot meals are offered daily by a donation from the Qatari benefactors.

After receiving the Ramadan baskets, the mothers of the beneficiary families sent a thank-you message to the benefactors in Qatar for their support to their Muslim brothers in Kyrgyzstan and for their sponsorship of the orphans who found in QC a substitute for the parents.


QC’s office in Somalia has also organized group Iftar Dining Tables for thousands of Somalis in different parts of Somalia, particularly Hargeisa, Bosaso, and Mogadishu, where the number of people displaced by drought in villages and towns is increasing.

The fasting breakfast program in Somalia included distributing ready meals to 500 needy families in Mogadishu, as well as organizing a group breakfast event for 200 students sponsored by QC in Somalia. In addition, Mr. Abdulhakim Hassan Ashkir, State Minister for Awqaf and Religious Affairs, and the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Higher Education, Mr. Ismail Yusuf Hassan, participated in the event.

The Minister of Awqaf and Religious Affairs of Somalia praised the efforts of the benefactors in Qatar, their generosity and their lasting sympathy with Somalia, stressing the importance of the group Iftar especially for students.