Qatar Charity distributes fast breaking meals and

Qatar Charity distributes fast breaking meals and Ramadan food baskets in Gaza

6/8/2017 | Ramadan Meals

Starting in the beginning of Ramadan, Qatar Charity (QC) continues to implement ramadan fast breaking and food basket projects. The beneficiaries of the two projects during the holy month are 98,700 people, including orphans, disabled people, poor families and other needy groups.

In this regard, QC’s Office has distributed 8030, out of 12,258, family breakfast meals till the sixth of Ramadan as part of its fast breaking project (one family meal is enough for four people).

Orphans Iftar

More than 56,000 people, including orphans, poor families and the handicapped, are expected to benefit from Iftar meals by distributing these meals to the marginalized areas in the Gaza Strip, as well as group Iftar for orphans in partnership with Wajd program launched by Welfare Association and funded by Qatar Development Fund.

The project was implemented with the participation of 37 local institutions distributed throughout the five governorates of the Gaza Strip. Besides, it included the delivery of these meals to about 5273 families sponsored by QC’s Office in Gaza, in addition to 1800 families who are not sponsored.

During a group fast breaking dinner, including recreational activities and the distribution of gifts, the sponsored children’s mothers expressed their delight for the great activities that strengthen the social ties between the families of orphans.

Fresh meals

The poor families who are not sponsored expressed their deep gratitude for the efforts exerted by QC in supporting the Palestinian people and providing fresh meals to poor families as well as to other needy groups.

The beneficiaries confirmed the need to continue these efforts to improve the Palestinians’ living circumstances as they have been under siege for eleven consecutive years.

Moreover, QC’s  Office in the Gaza Strip continues to implement the food basket project in support of Gaza during the Holy Month of Ramadan for the year 2017-1438H. It is expected to benefit 6,100 families, equivalent to 42,700 people from all over the Gaza Strip.

The project, which is valued at 880,000 QR, includes providing Food Baskets for Poor Families in various areas of Gaza according to the appropriate distribution of the needs of the sector and population distribution.

The project revolves around the provision of food baskets according to specific criteria of the basic ration items and different cleaning materials according to the needs of the house, thus enabling the beneficiary to take advantage of the things necessary to achieve the desired benefit and enhance human dignity.


The poor suffering alleviating


Mohammed Abu Haloub, Office Director of Qatar Charity in Gaza, assured that the fast breaking project and food basket project are of the seasonal projects that QC is keen to implement on an annual basis in its mission to help poor families and meet their needs.

He pointed out that the goals of these two projects are to economically and socially support families, and to alleviate the pressures and burdens accumulated on the poor, as well as improving the health and food situation, especially with regard to the provision of household needs of cleaning materials and others.


Furthermore, he stressed that QC’s projects are ongoing based on taking care of the poor and needy families, pointing at the same time to development projects that serve the Palestinian public interest, such as educational, construction, social and other projects.

QC, in its seasonal projects, pays attention to the countries that suffer from crises and exceptional situations and Palestine is one of the countries that suffer from the siege and the high rates of poverty and unemployment.