Qatar Charity & UNHCR to provide aid in Myanmar

Qatar Charity & UNHCR to provide aid in Myanmar

9/11/2017 | Our Partner

Qatar Charity and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) have signed a cooperation agreement to set up emergency shelter for displaced Rohingya Refugees in Myanmar, worth half a million dollars. The shelters are expected to accommodate 2,100 displaced people for six months.

This agreement was signed at Qatar Charity headquarters by Mr. Khalid Khalifa, UNHCR's regional representative at the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), and Mr. Yousuf bin Ahmed Al-Kuwari, Qatar Charity's Chief Executive Officer.

Intensifying Suffering

Under the agreement, the UNHCR will set up 420 temporary shelters for the Rohingya refugees in three areas in the Rakhine and Kajine states, with funds up to half a million dollars (equivalent to 1,825,000 Riyals) from Qatar Charity. Mr. Yousuf bin Ahmed Al-Kuwari stated that this cooperation occurs as Rohingya Muslims are experiencing more and more suffering due to the recent escalation of the persecution campaign against them, which led to the flight of hundreds of thousands of them towards the borders with Bangladesh. This agreement shows Qatar Charity’s prompt implementation of emergency relief projects and care to provide humanitarian assistance in cooperation with international organizations, especially in countries where these organizations can take action easily as in Myanmar. Furthermore, the agreement enhances Qatar Charity’s cooperation and partnership with United Nations organizations, especially the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

Qatar’s Humanitarian Efforts

On his part, Mr. Khalid Khalifa, UNHCR’s regional representative in the GCC region, thanked the State of Qatar for its humanitarian efforts and expressed his appreciation of the effective cooperation between Qatar Charity and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), which aims to meet the humanitarian needs of displaced people and refugees around the world. He also pointed out that these efforts clearly demonstrate the continued humanitarian commitment that Qatar Charity has vowed to remain faithful for and represent a prime example of international solidarity.

A Consultative Meeting

The humanitarian aids dedicated by the charity to the Rohingya IDPs from 2012 to 2017 amount to about 13.5 million riyals covering health care, food, shelter, water and sanitation. They were offered to approximately 370,000 displaced persons in coordination with international organizations including the UNHCR.

One of Qatar Charity’s relief efforts concerning the Rohingya refugees in Myanmar is the construction of 41 houses for displaced families, the setting up of five wooden shelters for 40 families and distributing tens of thousands of food baskets among them. The Charity has also distributed meat from the slaughtered animals that were dedicated in the Islamic Sacrifice Feast this year.

Qatar Charity had previously hosted the second consultative meeting on the humanitarian situation of Myanmar Muslims, which was organized in cooperation with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and was attended by representatives of 30 local, regional and international organizations in Doha in 2012. The Charity had delivered 6 million riyals in aids for the Rohingya refugees on the Bangladeshi borders at the time.


Help Burmese Muslims Campaign

Qatar Charity also mobilizes efforts and support for the Rohingya refugees through the continuation of its Burmese Muslims Calling for Help Campaign which is meant to carry on with its assistance to the Rohingya refugees and displaced persons living in extremely difficult conditions after being forced to leave their burned towns and villages. This made them in dire need for relief aids, food, shelter, clothing, and health care, especially after the tragic developments in the past few days.

Food Baskets and Shelter

Qatar Charity has urgently launched a 156,000 Qatari Riyals food basket initiative to distribute the basic food items including rice, lentils, cooking oil, sugar, milk, noodles, and fish canisters among approximately 4,700 people as a first phase. The Charity will also establish 5 wooden shelters in Rakhine, each one has the capacity to accommodate 8 families at the cost of 20,000 riyals, each. The five shelters’ total cost is 100,000 riyals and they will accommodate 40 families (about 240 persons).

How to Donate

Because of the recent escalation of events in Myanmar and the persecution of Rohingya IDPs, Qatar Charity calls on generous donors in the State of Qatar to support its “Help Burmese Muslims” Campaign, especially in these blessed days (the first 10 days of the Islamic Month of Dhul-Hijjah) by choosing one of the following methods:

1- SMS: You can send this code “MMA” to the following numbers: 92632 to donate 50 riyals; to 92642 to donate 100 riyals; to 92428 to donate 500 riyals, or to 92429 to donate 1000 riyals.

2- You can also donate to provide any of the following products: a food basket (200 riyals); a clothes bag for one person (100 riyals); medical care and first aid services (100 to 500 riyals); building a shelter inside a camp (100-500 riyals).

3- You can also donate to the “Help Burmese Muslims” Campaign  through the Charity’s website:; by calling 44667711; through Qatar Charity's offices or at its collection points in markets and malls.