Qatar Charity receives in-kind donations from

Qatar Charity receives in-kind donations from ‘Qatar Cool’

12/31/2018 |

Qatar Charity’s (QC) In-Kind Donations Project “Tayf” has received charitable contributions from Qatar District Cooling Company (Qatar Cool), which will be channeled to support charity works benefiting low-income families and workers.

The benefactions were delivered at the Qatar Cool’s building in the presence of Mr. Nahar Al Mutawa, head of the Operations and Maintenance Sector at the company.

Fareed Khaleel Al-Siddieqy, director of Projects and Centers Department at Qatar Charity, expressed his pride in this initiative, which instills the values of love of humanitarian and voluntary work in the company's employees, contributes to serving the local community, and supports the charity's humanitarian projects for the low-income persons and the workers.

Al-Siddieqy underlined the readiness of the charity to cooperate with all, either institutions or individuals, within the country to serve the noble humanitarian goals. He also thanked Qatar Cool and its staff who contributed to this great humanitarian work.

For his part, Nahar Al Mutawah, head of Operations and Maintenance Sector at Qatar Cool, said, "We are keen to participate in activities that benefit the local community”, pointing out that our company organizes many other service activities.

He noted, "We always seek to participate in such initiatives, through which we aim to contribute to community service, proceeding from our responsibility towards the State of Qatar and its people."

 "Our contribution came in the form of unused clothes, as we believe that the investment of surplus resources is necessary and positive. Through this contribution, we aim to ease the burdens on low-income families and workers, and encourage other institutions and companies to participate in such charitable and humanitarian campaigns", Mutawah added.

He also applauded QC’s humanitarian efforts to support the low-income people, pointing out that Qatar Cool will participate in such initiatives organized by Qatar Charity in the future.

It is worth mentioning that Qatar Charity receives in-kind donations, including clothes, shoes, children toys, furniture, electrical and electronic appliances … etc.  for its ‘Tayf” projects to benefit workers and families with low-income.