- 7,000 low-income workers benefited from the first market; the second market will be inaugurated on Friday
As QC’s charity markets greatly developed, ‘Taif’ project is preparing for its second charity market on Friday in Barwa AlBaraha, in the Industrial Area.
This market is an application of the agreement already signed between QC’s ‘Taif’ and Barwa Company ‘Waseef’. 13,000 workers at Barwa Company benefited from the project. The first market received all the company’s workers who wished to buy their needs at nominal and suitable prices. It was held last year from the 25th of September until the 1st of October.
A Periodic Market
In this market, Taif, in-kind donation management, displays the in-kind donations it had already collected which include cloths, domestic appliances, machines, toys, electronic devices, cell phones and other basic needs. It helps the workers get everything they need at good prices.
This market is held periodically at Baraha in the Industrial Area. This market is considered to be the fruit of the already-signed agreement between QC and Waseef.
The Best Deed
Mr. Amer Al Besiri, Director of In-Kind Donations Management at ‘QC’s Taif’, said, “This charity market, which QC launched through its project ‘Taif’, is essential to what QC believes in. Low-income people are always on the top of our priority list. We always seek to change their lives to the better, and to make things easier for them. I stand here calling for all the workers at Barwa Company, come to the market. Buy whatever you need; we offer products at nominal prices. You should also know that by coming to the market and buying, you yourselves do charity work because all the revenues will be invested in other charity projects. We also highlight the fact that today it’s Barwa Company, but, God willing, in the future our markets will include a number of other institutions and companies. What we aspire for is that the largest number of workers, in general, and low-income ones, in particular, will benefit from our projects.”
He ended his speech stating that this market was a great development in ‘Taif’ project which normally holds charity markets for the public.
The exhibitions and markets QC’s Taif holds are a great opportunity to help low-income people and to get funding for other charity projects. It’s a lot like catching two birds with one stone: more buyers means more charity work and more beneficiaries.
Through its different exhibitions across the country, Taif offers different services; during Ramadan, for example, it’s always open to serve the low-income people and to address their needs.
‘Taif’ project offers 7 exhibitions and a charity market in which it displays clothes, mattresses, domestic appliances. In the Industrial Area only, there are 3 exhibitions: the Industrial exhibitions on street 48, on street 5, and on street 47.
There are also other markets in different areas across the country such as Sunbula Charity Exhibition in Thursday and Friday Market, Barwa Village exhibition in Barwa village, Mesaieed exhibition in Mesaieed city, Al Khor Exhibition in Al Khor city, and Weekly Charity Market in Aziziya (Aspire Zone). All of these markets are always held except for the weekly market which is only held on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.