Kyrgyzstan awards Medal of Honour to Qatar Charity

Kyrgyzstan awards Medal of Honour to Qatar Charity

6/6/2021 | Media Center

Kyrgyzstan awards Medal of Honour to Qatar Charity

President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov and the Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan Ulukbek Maripov received the CEO of Qatar Charity Youssef bin Ahmed al-Kuwari during his visit to Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan where Qatar Charity was awarded the Medal of Honour and a Certificate of Honour for supporting the people and strengthening development efforts in Kyrgyzstan.

The CEO of Qatar Charity, Yousef bin Ahmed al-Kuwari, met with President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov in the presence of the Ambassador of Qatar to Kyrgyzstan Abdulla Ahmed Al-Sulaiti and the Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan to Qatar Chyngyz Eshimbekov. The meeting discussed strengthening relations and increasing cooperation between the two countries in the humanitarian and development aspects.

During the visit, the CEO of Qatar Charity Youssef bin Ahmed al-Kuwari also met with the Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan Ulukbek Maripov in the presence of the First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan Nuran Niyazaliev and the Qatari ambassador to Kyrgyzstan Abdulla Ahmed Al-Sulaiti and Kyrgyz ambassador to Qatar Chyngyz Eshimbekov.

During the meeting, the Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan thanked Qatar Charity for continuously supporting the Kyrgyz people and the Kyrgyz Republic, and then awarded the CEO of Qatar Charity a certificate of honour and the Medal of Honour of the Kyrgyz Republic in appreciation of Qatar Charity’s great contribution to promoting social development and implementing charitable and development projects in the fields of health, education, and cultural and humanitarian cooperation.

During the visit, the foundation stone was laid for several qualitative projects in the presence of Kyrgyz government officials. Among these projects is the new building of the Bishkek City Hospital. The Minister of Health and Social Development of the Kyrgyz RepublicAlymkadyr Beishenaliev and acting mayor of Bishkek Baktybek Kudaibergenov took part in the ground-breaking ceremony of the building. The two sides agreed to complete the construction of the hospital building by the end of 2022, and to implement several other health projects.  

The foundation stone was also laid for a multi-service center, and a visit was paid to a village in the Chui region, where a primary school building project is currently underway.

The CEO of Qatar Charity and his delegation attended the mass wedding ceremony of 36 orphan grooms and brides sponsored by Qatar Charity. Mr. Yousef bin Ahmed Al- congratulated the newlyweds, expressing his willingness to continue supporting those sponsored by Qatar Charity. At the end of the ceremony, the newlyweds received gifts, which included furniture, appliances and household needs.

The CEO of Qatar Charity, Youssef bin Ahmed al-Kuwari, thanked the Kyrgyz people and officials for the warm welcome, generous hospitality, and honouring Qatar charity, terming this honour as a tribute to all the philanthropists in Qatar who donate and support humanitarian and development work around the world.

Al-Kuwari noted that this will prompt Qatar Charity to intensify its efforts to benefit the Kyrgyz people and other communities, and to implement more qualitative development projects in the coming period. He also thanked HE Abdulla Ahmed Al-Sulaiti, Ambassador of Qatar to Kyrgyzstan, for supporting the humanitarian work carried out by Qatar Charity in the country.                                           

The CEO of Qatar Charity praised the efforts made by the employees of Qatar Charity’s Kyrgyzstan office and all Qatar Charity’s offices around the world, indicating that they are the unknown soldiers who closely follow the implementation of projects on the ground and deliver support to the deserving people.