Qatar Charity provides health services to IDPs

Qatar Charity provides health services to IDPs and the stranded in Port Sudan

5/21/2023 | Media Center

Qatar Charity (QC) continues to provide health services in Sudan through the mobile clinic project launched in mid-May. This comes as part of its continued efforts to help those affected by the fighting in the country.

The mobile clinic provides medical services and medicines free of charge to the stranded and displaced patients in Port Sudan, where several trained medical personnel (a doctor, a pharmacist, a medical assistant, and a nurse) were provided to run the clinic.

Nearly 50 patients visit the mobile clinic daily. It will continue to provide health care to the displaced and the standard for a month, moving between various camps.

Qatar Charity will evaluate the clinic's work a month after its launch. It might be extended when needed. Qatar Charity is considering launching another mobile clinic to operate in other conflict-affected areas.

In addition to implementing the mobile clinics and food aid project for those affected, Qatar Charity intends to provide personal hygiene kits to the displaced and the stranded in Port Sudan.

Official bodies and the families of the stranded have expressed their praise for the successive humanitarian aid provided by Qatar Charity to those affected by the fighting. The Humanitarian Aid Commissioner in the Red Sea State, Ali Mahmoud Al-Amin, praised the quick response of Qatar Charity by providing various food and medical aid to the stranded, the displaced, and the host families in Port Sudan since the beginning of the crisis. He said that Qatar Charity was at the forefront of organizations that took the initiative to extend a helping hand to the needy in various fields.

For his part, Abu Jihad al-Shaer, one of the stranded Syrians, said that they have been stranded in Port Sudan for 14 days, during which Qatar Charity's field teams provided aid to many women, children, and youth, and worked to secure the necessary assistance to those in need.